My girlfriend will be doing psychology in September and I'd like to be able to talk to her about it to get good ideas flowing for any essays she'll have to do.
I'm a maths undergrad so I don't know much, if anything, about psychology.
What should I read to get knowledgeable on the subject?
My girlfriend will be doing psychology in September and I'd like to be able to talk to her about it to get good ideas...
Other urls found in this thread:
just watch a lot of animes
just go read a bunch of buzzfeed/huffington post articles while watching rom coms.
>come to Veeky Forums
>ask for education
>shitposts instead
Anyone with actual suggestions?
It depends on what kind of psychology she is looking into. I always suggest behavioral, social or physiology to start with since they have a lot of useful and repeatedly studied effects.
Why do you have to give her the ideas anyway? She should be able to do it herself. Anyway, you have to wait for psychologists on Veeky Forums to come since only few remain after the exodus caused by excessive shitposting.
There will be abnormal and developmental (if that's what it's called?) too, though book suggestions for what you've said would be very much appreciated too.
>Why do you have to give her the ideas anyway?
Oh, I don't. Rather, the intention was to be able to talk to her about her work. She's always been interested in discussing mathematics with me, and I'd like to return the favour.
a high school psychology textbook
God you are pathetic holy shit let her handle her own work.
>My poor little stupid girlfriend OBVIOUSLY will not be able to get her own ideas for essays. I mean, she is just a woman LOL.
>She obviously needs the help of a man, because she is just a helpless woman LOL. So how can I get some knowledge so that I can help her because obviously she could not EVER do any research on her own. I mean, do women even know about google yet? topkek. They are so pathetic.
Go back to /r9k/ you fucking sexist scum.
why are you shitting the thread with pointless sarcasm? There's plenty of other viable candidate threads for shitposting. jesus
why not show her that the trick of understanding the human mind comes from our will to power, in which case she'd have to understand mechanics around power and work, which relies on a lot of math. bam.
Because this is an /adv/ thread that is for some reason on my fucking board.
You realise that even for mathematics discussion is always fucking great right?
>science being posted on a science board
as a math major i'd start with Statistics of Behavioral Sciences. It gives you a more quantitative perspective on how psychologists reach conclusions. Then maybe a text on abnormal psychology or developmental psychology.
Great, I'd already been looking at some statistics on behavioural sciences, but wasn't sure if I should commit.
Any texts that you'd recommend on abnormal/developmental?
>Rather, the intention was to be able to talk to her about her work
good on you. my wife got her degrees in english literature and psychology, i got mine in mechanical engineering. our library became quite substantial when we were finished with our degrees, and we've both tried to read each others offerings. i rather enjoyed The Monk and her pharmacology text.
whatever text they give her.
Girls dont care about complex shit outside their work you dont know this yet?
You are just rationalizing literal
Back to your fucking containment board, subhuman scum.
I'm also a math major OP but I took a few psych classes. Honestly, just pick up a textbook on experimental psych and read/skim through it. It isn't rigorous in any way, there's no real computation or understanding of systems like in biology, except perhaps the layout of the brain.
It's 95% just remembering buzzwords that mean exactly what they sound like (like confirmation bias for example) and regurgitating them in any given situation. It's really, really easy. That's all you have to do.
>/adv/ thread
>asks for science textbooks
>/adv/ thread
off yourself
> psychology
> science
No u
This is precisely what I'm going for! I'd eventually like to write a paper with her on machine learning.
Will look it up in that case, hopefully I can actually read it.
Seems like the people (not just girls) around you don't really like you too much.
>except perhaps the layout of the brain
Good thing she's into neuro then so I can ease into these texts a bit better.
CTRL + F Psychology
Stop shitposting bad quality shit.
The board is called 'Science and math' not 'Science or math'.
That means that the topics should involve math and science, therefore science with no math goes into the FUCKING THRASH.
Why do you think people are hostile towards psychology, biology and usually even med and chem.
It is because they are science but not math.
Oh wait... you haven't even taken propositional logic?
Oh... that's shameful. Don't even look my way, you disgusting pig.
>memeing in a serious manner
No one is hostile against threads that are purely maths.
ITT - virgin neckbeard basement dwellers
Math in itself is a science.
>He thinks propositional logic is a meme
I think you are just buttmad you don't know how to even reason.
You are 100 years too early to argue against me.
Nobody does psychology because they like psychology
she doesn't actually want to talk about psychology
Psychology has maths in it too (statistics).
>Math in itself is a science.
>Formal """science"""
kek, at least you got me to answer
If your peasant mind needs help with the concept, math is doing physics except that instead of looking at the real world you come up with axioms and then explore the nature of the universe your axioms create.
start with behavioral and social psychology, read a little about freudian psychoanalitics theories, get to know all basic stuff you can read about on wikipedia, that should be enough
You have literally no idea what you're talking about do you?
statistics is only 50% math and 50% buzzwords
sorry I meant 30% math and 70% buzzwords
>this board specifies how much maths and science you need to have in your post
it already fulfills your made up criterion of requiring maths and science.
Also, you've clearly not done any proper statistics modules past highschool.
>he's not seen monte carlo methods
>he's not seen stochastic processes
>he's not seen bayesian statistics
Freud and Jung, almost the only relevant authors
OP here - is Freud still relevant? I've read that his theories have been superseded by someone else?
Jesus dude. Don't study her shit. Ask her about it and let her tell you. Learn from her. Use you brain to bring ideas to the conversation. I highly doubt she wants you to know as much as she does when she's the one going to school for it. I imagine it would just make her feel inadequate. I mean, does she study math in her spare time so she can talk to you? It sounds like she's just interested in what you're doing. Return the favor by being interested.
All girls want you to do is listen to them anyway.
> statistics isn't buzzwords
> rattles off buzzwords
No, these are actual topics of study which require analysis, measure theory and linear algebra.
>tfw psychologist
I didn't even know I was a rare commodity.
Your girlfriend is a dumb slut
To be fair with the second shitpost they arent that far from the truth. Psych is a bad field. Neuroscience is where its at.
>Oh wait... you haven't even taken propositional logic?
No one fucking does this.
Master of shitposting
>I want to talk with my gf about what she loves and choose for living
>You sexist scum!!!!!
Is this tumbler now?
Nice meme
It means there are science threads AND math threads, not math and science threads
I thought that only smart people can be so pretentious, I see I was wrong