Post your calcs, and why you like them.
/calc/ - Calculator General
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OP here - I'll go first. I just bought an HP 50g.
The first calculator I ever owned was a TI 83 I accidentally borrowed and never returned from high school. It broke my freshman year of college, so I just picked up a little pocket TI for use on exams and what not. I loved the 83 though. It was compact, did what I needed, and honestly couldn't be mad at it.
I didn't own a calculator for another few years like that because I assumed that you couldn't really get a solid calculator for a good price, and I didn't see myself benefitting from a physical calculator.
Just bought an hp 50g because I'm sick of having to use my phone or pull out a laptop for more difficult calculations and I'm in love. If you would have told me I can get all this functionality for 50 bucks, I would think you were fucking crazy. I'm done with all my baby math courses, so it seemed like a good time. I'm pretty stoked, RPN seems a whole lot frustrating than algebraic input.
I just don't see what a TI 89 would offer me that this doesn't, since that seems to be the competitor.
Also came with a dank carrying case.
>Needing a calculator.
You people make me sick.
can someone say me why my camera is so bad samsung SM-A300FU
are there any good calculator apps?
Yeah I need a good calculator I'm tired of using my phone.
I don't need a calculator - I just wanted one. What's wrong with that? It feels good to use.
Casio makes some of my favorite pocket calculators.
I don't know what you need out of yours, but I use Algeo calculator. It's just standard scientific shit, but it's really polished and I like it. I've used it since I was in high school. There's probably better.
Perhaps a TI calculator emulator.
If you're not too accustomed to TI calculators, HP 50g is only 50 bucks and I don't see myself needing anything other than that.
Otherwise, lurk Craigslist and you can usually find a cheap TI - 83+/TI-84. You can probably even get a used Ti-89 from ebay or some shit.
>It feels good to use.
Pen and paper is more satisfying.
I use a TI84 that I inherited in 1999 from my older sister after she graduated high school.
What I like most about it is that it was free.
Don't you use both?
>using anything but this
feel a bit sick thinking of how plebeian you worthless fucks are
>slow to start
>requires me to open up my computer
>not even all that useful as a calculator
>only strength is matrices
I have a lot more but these were the only ones I could find quickly.
However, despite having several calculators I only use the one in the middle (TI-36X Pro) on a regular basis. I highly recommend it.
(forgot the image lololol)
Casio for the natural display
>bought into the proprietary closed-source expensive shitware meme
>using anything but R / numPy
> using anything but a Leibniz stepped reckoner
t. Absolutely disgusting
Not all that good now. Most of the functions that 95% of people use exist on Python.
Pain in the ass to use in a lab/company that only has a limited number of open sessions at the same time.
+ Pretty stable but still crashes from time to time (when it really shouldn't), which really pisses me off since it's so expensive.
ues yu nare
This thing is the shit, it can do everything a graphing calculator can except graph. It's also allowed on almost every test I've every taken.
Had this baby for 3 years now. Has lasted me well into year 2 physics...
Ti-84, with the updated firmware and all that pretty print bullshit turned off.
Math major here.
>using a calculator
Really guys?
>using anything other than Assembly as a calculator
You fucking faggot
It's like having the powers of God.
keep this consumerist crap on /g/
keep this negativity crap off of Veeky Forums
I just use pic related because my uni requires either this or some other sharp model for exams. I like it. It works just fine
Here's your (You)
Use octave or maxima on a $20 android.
I just got that smoking hot babe a week ago, and I already want to marry her.
it's pretty great if you're doing stuff involving controllers/filters/stability analysis/signal processing/anything involving matrices etc.
Also not bad for statistics (probably comparable to R or S). The symbolic toolbox is pretty shit but I reckon it's still better than the free alternatives.
It gets a bad rep because the language is ugly and people just want a java/python clone or some shit.
>The symbolic toolbox is pretty shit but I reckon it's still better than the free alternatives.
Sympy is better. Fuck mupad fucking up my 500 character equations
Going into engineering courses and I have an Nspire, could I switch to 50g and not miss any functionality like the graphing or matrices?
Casio fx-115es - Great calculator that my professors always let me use.
HP 50g - Great calculator but some professors think it's too powerful.
Matrices are good for solving linear equations, which you'll use for circuit analysis for EE and probably something in ME. Graphing is sometimes helpful but never really necessary.
And the 50g can do it well?
I may just do that sort of thing in matlab anyways.
50g can graph and matrix just fine. It's also got a better programming language than anything TI has ever put out so there's that.
it just werks
This was the best I found back when I tried a bunch of the free calculator apps for android. I haven't used it in over a year so it may have gotten worse, but it was pretty much perfect for my needs
Casio is easy to use
Ti is good for visualizing
>using anything but standard casio calculators
>using expensive TI bloated equipment
>paying 100 bucks for a TI84
>paying 100 bucks for something you can't use in exams
>can't use in exams
>sitting on train
>'what if... damn, wolfram sucks''
>'wait a min' *grabs Ti*
your uni is pleb tier if they allow to use graphical calculators in exams. in physics we aren't even allowed to use any calculator at all. trivial stuff should be done in your head.
You could download an emulator and play with it. There's a mild learning curve, but it does pretty much everything you would expect out of a scientific calcualtor
daily driver is an fx-991ES Plus
It's pretty good, but I don't like that i lost recurring decimals after upgrading from the previous one.
Wish someone would make a Desmos calculator.
Is the TI-36 pro huge compared to the Ti30? I somehow lost my 30 and I was going to just get another one but there's barely a price difference between the 30 and 36.
And hows the casio f991-ex? That's also an option.
I use my IT-30XA daily
I have a TI-83 plus that collects dust
get an iphone. problem solved
still in my A2 year my man
HP Prime - Buggy POS
TI 84 - da best - quick and easy
TI Nspire - Only use for graphing
Casio FX85gt - What I end up usin cos cheap and easy
Engineers are fucking autistic don't mind them
fuck math lol
>not just using a basic casio and MATLAB/Maple/Mathematica
sure is highschool in here
Have you guys had any luck using an HP 50g as a data recorder? I have a lightmeter that I want to record data off of. I think it wants me to connect it to a chart recorder but I don't have one. Is it easy to use the calculator to record data at like 1 reading per second? Even if the meter reads faster than that, 1 reading/sec is good enough for me.
Marchant calculator. The original beast used to calculate equations for the atomic bomb. Also doubles as a door stop.
my college literally requires a graphing calculator, it's lame
A lot of people talk shit on full blown programmable graphing calculators but I like have a Turing complete computer in my backpack that can run for weeks on the same batteries.
what do they do if you don't buy any calculators?
kick you out of the course?
My uni has required textbooks, But I haven't always bought them and there are no consequences. Do you guys have calculator and textbook inspections?
> 2016
> using a physical calculator
been thinking about getting a ti84 plus ce-t. what do you use it for? any downsides? Im an engineering student, would this be a good calc? I have a ti-84 plus C and a Ti89
It helps me on my 1+1 math
my calculator
Math majors don't really need a calculator
Pic related is the best reply I've got to calculator threads. I've used my TI-Nspire for more Final Fantasy than I have for anything related to my degree (maths).
Personally, I hate using math software for calculations that are messy enough to warrant using a device, but not large enough that using software is really efficient.
And also it's usually quicker to use a calculator than to pull out your laptop which has a pretty short battery life comparatively.
I have this and a TI nspire cx.
>tfw I use the Casio roughly 99% of the time
A lot of microcontrollers can run off of solar panals. One thing I want to do is put a lisp interpreter on one and hook it up to an eink display all powered by a solar panel.
Inifinit battery computer :D
>TI-36X Pro
Mah negroids
Built in constants are so handy.
It's aesthetic as fuck, too.
> lisp interpreter
> on a microcontroller
Is that a thing?
My understanding of microcontrollers is that they aren't full on computers, just ones that run some machine code you upload to them.
Are raspberry pi's considered microcontrollers?
I have the one in the middle as well
They're Harvard architecture usually so they couldn't run a compiler and the ram is usually small (2-3k)
Newer ones are often just arm cortex 0s which really are full computers (they usually lack an MMU but whatever) with 100s of k of ram. The only arm MCU I have doesn't seem to run well with my crappy solar panels though heh.
Are graphing calculators necessary for a calculus class? I need a reliable calc for the exams.
No and a lot of calculus classes won't let you use graphing calculators at all. Get an fx-115es.
Oy vey, no wonder they call those Jewish Pianos.
In mid-level physics calculators are useful after solving a problem symbolically to see if the magnitude of your answer is reasonable
Matlab is nice for actual work, but it's easier to whip out a TI when you are working on the spot as to be able to know immediately instead of having to remember syntactical nuances/ look up error messages