Are my genes worth passing off, Veeky Forums?

Are my genes worth passing off, Veeky Forums?

>=Black hair, black eyes, pale-light brown skin
>=15cm qoq

>+Excellent metabolism
>+Learned to read and speak very early, so probably don't have stupid genes (grew up to be a dumbass though)

>-Ancestors may or may not have inbred intensively (one of my cousins is cross eyed, the other was born with three fingers in his right hand, and I can do weird shit with my fingers)
>-Family history of kidney disease, probably due to inbreeding
>-Lactose intolerant
>-Probably low testosterone; not aggressive at all and kind of autistic

Should I get a vasectomy and/or kill myself?
Bonus: Guess where I'm from

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't worry, you won't get a chance to pass on your jeans.

Should probably just donate sperm, good metabolism barely outweighs the inbreeding

Reproduce. Evolution does not care if you are stupid, just as long as you reproduce.

>Guess where I'm from


we should revoke right to reproduce from stupid people and the autistic like Veeky Forums will have a decent chance to pass on their genes.


Also, having great genes doesn't mean that your offspring will be just as good as you, genetically speaking. Your gametes undergo recombination before zygote formation, and that's not even considering that the offspring gets the other half of its genome from the mother.

Even then, you could move to China in a few decades and engineer your child there for things other than intelligence if the science progresses fast.

just that I don't want an innocent human to bear the weight of my potential mistake

Not a bad idea

VERY close


>brown skin



>+Excellent metabolism
This generally has more to do with your gut microbiome than your genetics.
And your microbiome is only hereditary if you're female.

>Are my genes worth passing off, Veeky Forums?
All genes that are successfully passed off are worth passing off. Period.
see >just that I don't want an innocent human to bear the weight of my potential mistake
This line of discussion steps into tricky philosophical bullshit, but you've essentially said:
>nonexistence is better than dealing with setbacks
Explain why you shouldn't kill yourself.


pick one


Unless you have crippling genetic problems with a high rate of heritability, pondering on whether or not it's a good idea to pass on your genetics is a fruitless endeavor now more than ever.

A couple thousand years ago, thoughts like that may have been more relevant. Bringing a new person into the world with any kind of significant disadvantage wasn't that great of an idea because surviving was a much more demanding task.

Today however, we can deal with most minor to moderate issues and allow people carrying them to have relatively normal or even extremely fruitful lives. So by not having kids on the grounds of genetics, you may be depriving the world of an individual capable of making a great impact despite whatever problems they may have.

If you're that worried about it just make sure your spouse has genetics as unrelated to yours as possible.


>brown skin
>genes worth passing on

pick one

How about me Veeky Forums
>174 cm
>medium metabolism
>learned to read and write as early as other children
>came to the United States when I was 10 years old and was able to pick up English quickly

>going to college to major in political science
>fluent in Spanish and English

it's not because you found the ultimate cause for your behavior that you have to follow it by heart. Don't be an idiot.

>Are my genes worth passing off, Veeky Forums?

If you have to ask the question then the answer is, "No".

>Bonus: Guess where I'm from


>brown skin
>Low test
>Lactose intolerant

You don't need to worry about a vasectomy because you will probably never have to worry about having a chance to reproduce.

breh dumb people be fuckin each other everywhere, don't be so irresponsible for the effect of insult

>>going to college to major in political science
Ignoring all other aspects, this guarantees you're fucked.

>>fluent in Spanish and English
Surprisingly, that's not as good as it sounds. Almost any other language would be worth more than Spanish to learn.

Bilingual points though, enjoy your slower cognitive decline and reduced dementia risk

And even though it's not genetic, you can pass that onto your kids be raising them that way.

Someone should invent a name for ideas and behaviours that are passed on like genes...

>Guess where I'm from

Can it be argued that a lot of people should reproduce? So the gene pool stays vast/diverse?
Wouldn't it be bad if only select few bred?

I'm not sure, though, I'm just a lowly math man.

>Someone should invent a name for ideas and behaviours that are passed on like genes...

>Someone should invent a name for ideas and behaviours that are passed on like genes...

what character is this? (she's qt)

>spend so much time with the memes you don't even know what meme means

Hikage, from Senran Kagura.

Holy shit

Just take your pedophile cartoons back to you fucking weeaboo degenerates.
This is a board for science & math discussion, and I'm sick of you shitting it up with unrelated threads every time.

Each time you're posting an anime you make people accept child abuse. Don't do that.

I hope you get in prison.

>be me
>see bait
>respond anyway

>Black(Very dark brown to be exact) hair, blue eyes, white
>123 IQ
>good metabolism, was never fat before exorcising, am staying lean despite eating 3000kcals while lifting
>half maltese/half british (never get acne, tan well and 18cm penis)
Should I even bother?

He's from egypt, he'll be marrying his 12 years old cousin soon.

>Lactose intolerant

Palestine or Jordan

i would have guessed Pakistan at first

Considering the fact that you made this post I honestly believe you would do everyone a favor by sterilizing yourself.

Before you off yourself, can I have the sauce on that animu pic?

which ones have you decided to pass?

get back to me when you have decided.

Considering you don't know what your genes really contain, and what your offspring could achieve in one or several generations (who knows how your genes could combine with someone elses), I say a few physical and psychological details are not enough to answer your question.

This isn't /pol/ retard. Fuck off.


Are my jeans worth passing on?

>Dark Black
>5 Pocket
>99% Cotton, 1% Spandex

Crease yourself, degenerate fiber

>going to college to major in political science
We have enough of you, kys

>muh dick

every tiem.

>tfw one qt3.14 from my uni asked me if I would like to impregnate her if she does not get married before finishing university
[spoiler]she got married[/spoiler]

>tfw god like genetics
>probably my line will end with me though xD

Jesus Christ, the amount of masturbation in this thread is horrifying.

I think mine are not

>black hair
>blue eyes
>small ugly dick
>can't grow beard
>always wants to eat
>even too dumb for computer science
>sweat way too much
>face gets red all the time
>I hate everyone and don't care about anything


Source in the character/artist?

What does this post have to do with science and math, weeaboo degenerate?

You do realize that by watching these shows you support child abuse, right?

Actually by watching it, you're preventing child abuse.
Read the thread

1. i cant support something that i have no knowledge of

2. the shows are superior entertainment much better than american shows

3. the animation quality is superb

try again shill

What does this post have to do with science or math, the themes of this board?

If you are smart enough to consider the fact that your genes might not be worth passing on, then your genes are worth passing on.

Cartoon girls getting fucked is about as on topic as /soc/ social Darwinism general: no pictures edition
Considering this is the math and science board

The moderation on Veeky Forums really has gone to shit since moot left.

Some mod or janitor actually took the time to remove a simple question and answer about the source of OP's image, but left up the off-topic, zero-value shitpost thread it was in.

I think I'm just about done with Veeky Forums at this point.

You won't be missed, but I'm sure the question will get asked a third time.

stopped reading at black, get the fuck out.

Your second statement. Depends on how you define 'worth'. Also many genes were successfully passed of. And then later disappeared because they were not worthy.

> Black hair

... did I stutter?
>Also many genes were successfully passed of.
At the time, those genes were worth passing off.
>And then later disappeared because they were not worthy.
Those genes were no longer worth passing off.

>muh semantics
It was clear enough for you to figure out what I meant.