We're on our way senpai

All in Enigma, sitting comfy on my 800 eng (poorfag).

All of you fucking retards not gonna make it, if you haven't at least 500 eng. Screencap my words and look at them in the late 2019. One of the comfiest holds in the whole cyrpto market, if not the most.

don't have*
Fuck my english, I'm from Western Europe.

DYOR ofc, I don't want to spoonfed you with money. And if you can't understand a scale of this project, then you literally not deserve to be with us onboard.

I'm with you braj. My only problem is that I don't have enough.

We have to accumulate more asap before Q2/Q3, while normies don't give a fuck and Veeky Forums retards are posting memes about LINK and other chink-reddit-shilled shit.

How much eng you have, btw?

1000 nigmas reporting in
It's not much at all and I'm going to accumulate more in the coming weeks, looking to put around $10k totally

I'll possibly cash out half, if we'll hit $500 in coming 1-2 years.

>looking to put around $10k totally
You'll be multimillionaire, bro.

I have around 100, am poorfag also and unfortunatley I fomo'd in when it was around $5.40

Yeah, I've fomo'd in at this price too, but fortunately I had to cashout all of my portfolio literally few hours before the first signs of January huge crash appeared.

Damn that's lucky. I assume you've bought back in?

Oh snap sorry, I saw your trip code and didn't realize you were the same guy.


Of course!

I like the name and logo
Unironically bought 150
I have too many different coins with futures
Can't invest too much in 1

Where did you get pic of me?

Actually, "haven't" is commonly used that way in British and southern U.S. dialects. The only problem spots in your post are "not gonna make it", and "in the late 2019", in which you should have used "aren't" or "ain't", and simply left out "the".

You've got pretty good English

Sitting comfy with my 5k

1k and feeling optimistic, there can only be one chad-cube and it will be ENG!

Well, thx bro. I know that I have to fairly improve my grammar, cause now I may sound pretty pajeet-like.

You all in 1 coin?
If so, good coin
But risky m8

My English teacher taught us British English and always got pissed when I used "haven't".

I live dangerously