The all seeing eye

*moons constantly*

>moons privately


Remember me biz?

I told you at 5k sats.
I told you at 20k sats.
It's now at 30k sats with alpha release april 1st

What are you going to do? Are you going to stay poor again? Is it that much fun being poor?

Don't miss your retirement ticket.

>people saw this at 5k sats and didn't buy
I'm as shocked as you are user

not buying your bags faggot

Not selling my money machine faggot

enjoy your bags when kike will dump his bags on you. you will never make it

Sitting on 52 I bought at 27 all I can afford. How many you sitting on op?

Not OP but im sitting with over 3k, feeling VERY comfy for this year.

52 will be five figures soon enough enon just wait

Jealous user. Sitting on 150 I bought at $2.50 and $12

Enjoy that early retirement! Yeah I've been trying to get my friends go to all in to this. Insanely undervalued and underrated right now

the best time is to buy this coin right before you give it to a manger. And sell ti right after a manager pays you profit in this coin.

If you hold this coin you are exposing yourself to the volatility of the market. lets say you buy it a day before you give ti to a manager and it tanks in price. now you 1000 usd is worth 600. now the manager has a 1 week period lockup and by the time hes done the price tanked even more. now your 1000 is worth 400 even if hes 30% profits at end of this trading period.

Thanks bros, I'm still in college so don't want to get to ahead of myself but its becoming harder and harder to focus on classes when I know I wont need to work in 2-3 years

someone prove me wrong.

Could be wrong but I believe you give/receive the usd value the investment like say you give a manager 1k usd in gvt and you make 20% the manager will give you back 1.2k usd in gvt no matter what the gvt price is

Yeah, the token will basically be the gas that runs the platform, no need to hold it. Should still be in high demand though

Stop posting about GVT. It’s fucking overbought in the RSI and been hyped to hell on here for the last week. Shit is going to correct. People need to take a step back and not FOMO. Be patient anons

yea but you need to sell it to usd right after he gives it to you. if you hold it then it can tank anytime the market gets bearish.

Any anons planning on investing in a manager when alpha is released?

This would be a good question for the telegram group or if GVT does an AMA. I’m genuinely curious too.

At least a portion of my stack yea

Went all in at 25$

it's a utility token. this is not a buy and hold coin. it needs to used on the platform. if not then there is no incentive or demand to hold.

It is getting pretty fucking ridiculous

Im not getting it...

basically the platform needs to flourish to increase demand of the coin. No demand=price drop. It is not a PoS coin like neo.

Say it doesn't correct and keeps its course, wouldn't that be better when I sell it to a manager?

>sold 100 when it was $20
>used the money to buy ICX at $9
I'm so fucked

I'll! Enough to get a monthly salary. The other bag will hold

It's easier than you think. Gvt is just a gateway. You buy 1000usd in gvt and give it to a manager, he receives ~1000 usd and trades with it. So the fluctuations that gvt makes while you're invested in a manager doesn't matter. Don't fall for the fud.

I went all in at 3 btw, happy as fuck.

Obviously, that's why smart people is buying now. Easiest compound interest ever.

Does anyone know how GVT compares to something like Veritaseum?

Btw anons, if you have read the white paper, you'd know that this will be used wether crypto people/anons/plebbit use it or nor, as it'll be integrated with already existing trading platforms like meta trader.

Oh and they already have brokers interested.

Don't. Be. Stupid.

this is my favorite coin, and it has treated me well. I can't wait for their platform to go live.