Which boards did you browse before Veeky Forums?
If you are from reddit or some other site then you are a normie
Which boards did you browse before Veeky Forums?
If you are from reddit or some other site then you are a normie
Only /b/
/int/ /pol/ /tv/ Veeky Forums but arrived at Veeky Forums through /b/
The Trump meme got boring. It's funnier to piss off conservatives than liberals nowadays
Veeky Forums & /pol/
/b/ -> /pol/ -> Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums
>when you have been browsing the chans since you were 15
Started in /b/ (stopped after the edgy sentiments grew old) then /mu/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums then i became /pol/, abit of /adv/ and now Veeky Forums. No shame.
Political cartoons are so fucking lame.
Let me draw a rat and label it a politician I dont like!Im intellectual and insightful!
/b/ when i was in highschool. Veeky Forums in college and post college. now im mostly Veeky Forums. I find entertainment in sifting through trolls to find good advice. I think Veeky Forums has some of the best-less obvious trolls.
/b/ /v/ Veeky Forums
/pol/, /sp/ & /g/; /new/ and /b/ back when they were good
There are no good boards anymore. The entire site has been shit since at least 2007. Veeky Forums stopped being good January 2017 when the shills arrived
I've been here for a long time. Also fit.
Me too, let's hang out and play videogames.
/p/ im only here so i can buy more camera gear as it isn't cheap.
The comic was made by Ben Garrison. He's known for making ironically shitty comics that are so shitty than transcend the irony part and just wind up being unpalatable cartoons by a insufferable cartoonist.
Ben Garrison's drawings are intellectually insulting. They are the opposite of subtle. I also think he is in love with Trump.
/mu/, then /pol/, had my /x/ phase then finally here.
/v/ /a/ Veeky Forums and /pol/ every now and again
I bet you're one of ((((them)))) eh
>Implying we aren't all from /pol/
I'm not.
Not all of us are le ebin donald reddit refugees.
But you'll find most of /pol/ is.
when I first saw this, I wondered if blockchain would help turn the tables around with more decentralization.
/b/ around 2008, then /x/ pre 2012. Took a break, found /pol/ around 2013 and have been there until Trump got elected & the normies shat it up. I've been here for over a year now consistently and I hate it.
We're not, only the edgy election newfags are.
/b/ (2009-2011?)
/pol/ (2013-2017)
Veeky Forums (2015-2017)
Veeky Forums (2017-????)
Hope you fags left 4/pol/ after moot became a cuck, though. I'm only on Veeky Forums for Veeky Forums now
/g/ Veeky Forums /d/ /b/
mainly Veeky Forums and /pol/
nowadays It's 90% Veeky Forums, then /v/, /tv/ and /pol/
moot isnt even around, he works at google
first /b/ and /mu/
then mostly just /mu/
now its Veeky Forums, /mu/, with a bit of /pol/ every now and then
After growing out of /b/ around 2010 Veeky Forums to /a/ to Veeky Forums to Veeky Forums
In order since 07:
>/b/ /g/ /tv/ /r9k/ Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
Been lurking /pol/ lately also.
I know, but 4/pol/'s quality took a nosedive before he left. Is it back to normal? I thought they would never recover.
Do people believe this shit? Why am I even asking, of course they do...
Crown council? World monarch? Sounds like a shitty fantasy movie.
Holy Fuck not only the ride never ends but it has a roadmap as well.
I know I will probably die browsing /b/
/b/ 2008
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums 2009-2013
/pol/ 2014- 2017
Veeky Forums 2017- present
pic unrealtered , its just all the girls i fucked in 2014 after getting fit and.fa.
i dont even know how to navigate reddit
>2016 /pol/tards calling others normies
/pol/ before it went full retard
>thinks he's not a normie
>posts the normie version of Bens cartoon
2009 /b/ 2015 /pol/ 2017 Veeky Forums
Go back to /pol/
and bring me with you
post the real one
started by /b/ when i was a kid
then I left and then came back for /tv/ and then /an/
Veeky Forums since last december
And I know about /gif/, /x/, /pol/ and the wallpaper ones, I can go if I need but that's pretty rare
only /pol/
>blacked poster
I’m from /r/funny. Heard I could make a lot of money “hodling” bitcoins!
Same. b, v, adv, fit, mu, biz, out, lit, pol, p, tv, the list goes on.
And reddit, no shame
Went to mu years ago and quit because I had nothing more to learn
Close to doing the same here
>pic unrealtered , its just all the girls i fucked in 2014 after getting fit and.fa.
Absolute autism posting this here.
ages ago, /b/ during the times of pedobear and hansen memes. They were on topic as posting CP was extremely common.
Then I left for years, went back to /pol/ as refugees were storming Europe in 2015.
I'm LMAOing at your life
>in other words: let's fuck
I'm the Russian hacker known as Veeky Forums. Left in 2008 when the FBI put out press releases about catching me. Came back to hack the election.
I am from /pol/ my white brother
Sieg heil
/b/,/rk9/,,Veeky Forums,/x/,/a/,Veeky Forums,Veeky Forums,Veeky Forums
does chatting about growing ganja in my garage on ICMag count?
dude you must be really ugly.
be on this shitpit for over 10 years now, started on /b/, then /pol/ and /int/ now Veeky Forums /tv/ and Veeky Forums now mostly.
La Creatura
Started with /b/ in 2010 when I was 13 then migrated to /g/ and now mostly just /g/ and Veeky Forums occasionally Veeky Forums and /k/
/r9k/ and Veeky Forums
/int/. I wanted to like Veeky Forums, /tv/ and Veeky Forums, but they were really just cancerous.
Only /b/ from 2005 until 2008.
Let me tell you Veeky Forums is a website for normies since at least 2012. It's basically the same thing as reddit but with more edgy teenagers.
Veeky Forums and sometimes /int/
/r9k/, /pol/, /x/. And that's how you get someone gullible enough to take advice from Veeky Forums.
Only Veeky Forums now, but I used to browse /int/ regularly before it became reddit-lite.
2008 /b/ -> /new/ and /r9k/ 2011 -> /int/ and Veeky Forums 2013 -> Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums 2014 -> /int/ 2015 -> /int/ and /fit 2016 -> Veeky Forums 2017
Got here in early December. I remember reading about the silk road, tor browsers and bitcoin on /r9k/ in 2011, and I never thought it would turnout like this.
/new/ 2011 was fun. It was on a different site, so that faggot moot couldn't regulate it. /new/ is where the old Ben Garrison edits first got popular.
Fuck wrong pic
Anyone here remember
started on Veeky Forums about 10 years ago. never bothered with any other image board
Damn nigga I remember posting on /new/ on that underground chan
Real OG shit, I wonder what happened to all us oldfags sometimes
Lol wow do some people really believe this shit?
/b/, Veeky Forums, /k/ and /mu/
/pol/,Veeky Forums,Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
I'm a refugee from pol
/b/ /soc/ /g/ /r/ /s/
Reddit is a better website for discussing crypto than Veeky Forums
I have been here 12 years and reddit is more quality.
I have been curious, too. The chon has been shut down for a while now. The personalities of the place were great, STI, Jim Profit, Phantasm, especially the creep ChemFag.
I can't go on /pol/ having spent so much time on /new/. /new/ really fucked with me. Seeing the autism of poltards having been a /new/fag sickens me.
Hold on /mat was on another chan we cant mention. Or maybe you can now? Who knows.
>everyone started on /b/
Well I did too but it’s been so long I don’t even include it. It’s the lobby of Veeky Forums and kind of a given.
Kek /pol/ hates t_d newfags more than you can imagine
Said the guy whose political knowledge goes as far as the front page of Reddit.
/mlp/, dubchan /v/, then Veeky Forums, some /out/
sporadically went to /pol/ about same time as Veeky Forums when I realized that assets are the only thing that will keep you safe and make you free
should have gone to /g/ in retrospect for those cheap buttcoins
also, Twilight Sparkle is best pony
>I browse an edgy board with edgy deep pics therefore I'm deep and wise xD