How did Blacks manage to get food right when they fuck up everything else?

How did Blacks manage to get food right when they fuck up everything else?

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Gotta learn to feed all dem 12 chilluns

I eat ribs wit dis dude

Because if tthere's anything blacks know how to do it's party and stuff their faces.

They didn't, though. Their owners gave them the ingredients. They just had to figure out how to put them together.

"We don't want these pig legs. We're giving you the least edible part of the animal, because we won't feed them to our own families. Enjoy!" Pickled pigs feet and smoked ham hocks were born.

"Here's some greens. We tried eating them, but it takes forever to boil and make them edible. The animals didn't want them either. Maybe you'll find a use for them." Collard greens and smoked meat unite.

"I guess you guys need food or something to live. Here's some stupid birds that can't even fly. You better get them to breed, because we're not giving you anymore." Chicken becomes the nigger's favorite animal.

And so on and so forth.

Is it true blacks make the best BBQ because all they have to do is put the meat in a pit and sit on their big black asses for 8-12 hours

>how did blacks manage to get food right when they fuck up everything else?

It goes against 4chans hivemind but I believe that people are the product of their environment/systematic racism definitely exists in America
>inb4 libcuck

that said I fucking love nigger food. It's so wholesome and rich. OPs pic makes my dick grow, I love collard greens, despite hating kale.

Barbecuing is a lot of work. It's considered a hobby these days. You know, something you do if you have the spare time to learn and practice.

They invented jazz, blues, RnB, hip hop also.
White americans had a long time to make something good but the best thing they could come up with was grilled chicken and mashed potatoes

>humans didn't get anything right, the earth just handed them all the ingredients for a successful civilization

So their good at it because they aren't employed?

Assuming you're talking about American Southern blacks but Jamaican Jerk spices in dried meats fucking kick ass as well as that south African sausage (obviously derived from the dutch) is top tier stuff.

Self-destructive niggers can't cook hence the #wifeymaterial screencaps you all post in food cringe threads.

The secret is that it's southern food.

My snow-white Mississippi grandmother would feed us black eyed peas, corn bread, and turnip greens every Christmas.

t. Northerner

>Scots invented fried chicken

See: White folks used to make plenty of good food in the home every single day, but then everyone became basic bitches and just microwaved hot pockets for every meal. These days making macaroni and cheese is a feat for anyone of whatever cultural background. See the #wifeymaterial shit this guy's talking about:

because the foods that were considered scraps turned out to be the best part if you cooked them the right way

>How did Blacks manage to get food right

Holy shit you white faggots are ignorant as shit.

You know what kills more blacks than guns, knives, n weapons?

A: Soul Food & fucking McDonalds literally every day

>get food right

It's not difficult to get salt and fat right.

Lol libcuck

Well that's not very fair. Turning meagre ingredients into edible cuisine is the story of most of the world's food origins. How can you say blacks don't get credit for the foods they developed?

> Soul food
> Main ingredient is butter

Amazing there are any blacks at all that live past 40.

Niggers do make the best BBQ, there I a shack I visit a lot its in like a old house dim lit and what not but damn its the best

dude we act racist because they act like fucking gangbangers and go around shooting and destroying everything. You act like everyone else you get treated like everyone else.

This. Southern food is a mix of white, African and Indian cuisine. Blacks have a strong claim to it, but they are only a piece of the puzzle.

Lol they didn't get food right either. That's a stereotype.

So basically you are welcome for slavery, no need to thank us tho just eating what you made with our present is enough

so by your logic ill treat you like the racist piece of shit you are, and complete the cycle, you sister fucking faggot

>indian cuisine
how/why? do you mean native american or indian as in hindustani?

Kill yourself

Fuck is that yellow shit at the top of the plate.

>Implying white people do anything right

looks like scalloped potatoes


whites do them all better

>i post the moon landing because i have no ability to argue whatsoever

White man made The McDonalds McRib Sandwich. Amen. It was as if god himself came down from heaven and blessed the McRib sandwich with excellent flavor. I give The McRib Sandwich five stars and two thumbs up.

>They just had to figure out how to put them together.

that's literally the definition of being good at cooking, you complete and utter retard

i know this is a meme but I lol everytime considering the asians, indians, blacks, pretty much all races working on the moon landing

/pol/tards somehow confused the white, jarhead astronauts with the scientists who sent them there

the trick is to not give a fuck.

its why they all type 22 diabetes

you forgot rock and country

>whites do hip hop better
>whites do jazz better

what kind of hip hop/jazz do you fucking listen to, whitebread?

i've gotten a mcrib twice and twice i didn't seem to have sauce or toppings on it

literally a dry horrid piece of meat on a bun

is that what it is or have they made it wrong twice?

Wa-wa Feather, not dothead.

Because we the fuckin greatest human race on Earth and when the white business man up on his green dolla perch let us be woke we goyn show the world we some of the best actors, best cooks, best rapper -- oh wait, hold on a second, we already show everyone that, it's just fuckin racists tryna pretend it aint true.

pleblord detected


"Thank you for noticing our accomplishments; But that's not all a are good at. We plan on showing you even more in the near future. Ciao."

because it's super unhealthy

it's not like white people don't eat that, just not often

What do you mean?

Well I mean it's tasty, sure, but it's some of the most unhealthy food you can eat. It's not really even that hard to master much less cook. A chef that can make a wholesome meal that tastes great, that's 'good at food.' Black people food isn't really food, so the most that can be said of it is that they're 'good at occasional indulgences.'


nigga that's muh scalloped potatoes

>this is what america does. it uses unprecedented and unsustainable prosperity to import illegals to slaughter animals and fry their meat so that we can stuff it down niggers' throats until they're too fat to walk

>it literally trains people in the cutting edge of math, science, finance and management to erect offshore platforms to suck up the carbonized remains of extinct species in order to provide the necessary fuel for the spic-nig cycle

>i guess i never really grasped the goal of civilization before. why did newton discover calculus? what are maxwell's equations for? why did mendeleev deduce the periodic properties of elements? the answer to these and to all questions: to stuff nigs with fried meat until they become crippled from overeating, then to provide them with heroic medical care until they gracelessly expire.

I'm a hardcore racist.....and everything you said is fucking stupid

I've never met a black person who can't cook amazing....even the most ghetto piece of shit

>I'm a hardcore racist
... and you feel the need to say this? Are you proud? Go back to your containment board


Alot of people don't know this but L Ron Hubbard was a black man.
His real name was L Ron Hoyabembe.

The southern slave diet was little different than the diet of lower class southern whites.

The parts of the animals that can't be easily sold, and are too small to warrant preserving by some means, were always used first whenever the animal was butchered.

All the supposed "black" foods in the U.S. are simply southern foods, and the only idiots that call them "black" foods are the northerners that don't know any better.

>he doesn't realize how prevalent racism is because it's socially unacceptable right now to be openly racist

wow you must be in deniable about a whole lot of serious issues. Appearances aren't reality. I hope you don't take the news and politicians at face value as well.

They can have him.

we wuz aliens an shieeet

turn that poop into wine!

>i'm totally NOT racist!


>I'm a bigot and my dads a bigot so EVERYONE must be a bigot!
>not being a racist is equivalent to being naive

>"in deniable"

uneducated, low-income stormfag detected

how's checking out my groceries at albertsons treating ya? guess all that rage has to vent somewhere.

Retard of the week,

sorry kid, I make more than the median salary. You're the one who deludes himself into thinking people aren't racist literally all over the world. You have the awareness of a suburban housewife or teenager.

>implying anyone under the age of 40 reads stormfront
Literally the retirement home for racists. or is the place to be. Or vdare or countercurrents or radix.
Gas the kikes, race war now!

So many disgusting, pathetic manchild racists on this board. Oh well, guess that's Veeky Forums for ya.

You guys think the "soul food" and "black music" outweighs all the crime, burden on government and social institutions, etc. that blacks have caused in the first world? really makes you think.

We have the best manchildren. Racist anime neets are literally the new aristocrat class. Face it, liberals are the new establishment, we are the hip cool counter culture now.

>butter, salt, and spices taste good

really not that hard to get (unless you're white)

I have literally never met white people that don't season chicken. It is just a racist meme.

>I make more than the median salary
Oh shit a big shot!


Actually racism doesn't apply to whites. Racism is in fact having privilege in conjunction with power, and discriminating against people of colour.

> Racism is in fact having privilege in conjunction with power
Oh boy, this memerino again
When you say "in fact," it adds extra authority


Racism is just discrimination against people for their race/ethnicity


Hi. My name isn't important but you can call me John. I'm white and I don't season any of my meat, including chicken.
Pleased to meet you.
I believe you've met my wife?

isn't the median salary, what, 40k?

so you're a plumber or some sort of technician?

probably went to vocational school, I can read it in your post.

ha. Do you unironically believe things like this?

You're literally a sponge soaking up whatever social dogma has been pushed hard enough and makes you feel good. It's fascinating, but sad at the same time. You're like a religious zealot from centuries past, only a modern variant.

>eating at mcdonalds
>got food right
Maybe we live in different parts of the country

You're also soaking up social dogma, it's just a more subversive variant.

>Black people do food good.
The only thing black people did right in food was fry chicken and pork along with hot water cornbread. Everything else is literal shit.
>Literally poo in the loo tier food.

The post was obvious parody. God, you people are more easy to trigger than tumbltards.

whites season food just not as much as niggers. thats why whites are healthy and niggers get diabetes and limbs amputated.

Yeah because every white person is healthy.

>using the dictionary to define words
Look dictionarys are racist, my Afro american feminism studies teacher said so.

Yeah man. Tell your wife to do more kegals she is looser than the border with mexico.

The only way to completely eliminate racism is to interbreed and form a single common race.
Or eliminate all but one race.
Whichever's easiest.

>food right

just look at most of their women and half of the men, fucking kentucky sized

>food right
I read that as
>food fight
really makes you thin/ck/

theres statistics but you're probably a nigger and therefore cant read.

So you seriously do think that all white people are healthy, and all black people have diabetes and can't read?

>believes in systemic racism but still uses racial slurs

you're worse than racists, at least they stand by their principles

I am reminded of a sleep over I had with a black friend when I was little. His dad fed us some leafy thing with bread. I was a picky shit then so i ate the bread and threw out the greens.

Don't talk to him much anymore.

lmao @ this dumb ass board.
american "food" is regularly considered an absolute abomination, but now supposedly not if their niggers make it.

State controlled breeding to selectively breed traits wherever they may be found.

black women were hired as human computers in the 40's and 50's and 60's and computed a sizable portion of the math responsible for getting us on the moon

I don't think anyone here who's serious about food thinks much of "black American food." And like most of Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums isn't serious or knowledgeable about its "topic."