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kek indeed

>Lack of math skills for elementary teachers is seen as a "huge problem" for North American education faculties

>North American

topkek, I mean. What were you expecting? Have these subhumans ever been not below average?

Why would anyone who's good at math want to become an inner city school teacher? No shit there's a shortage of inner city school teachers who are good at math.

Love for teaching, the future 'return on investment' of possibly inspiring +1 students enjoy math

I know of someone with multiple (supposedly great) research papers who just wants to teach high school math

>mfw be me
>mfw way back
>be undergraduate
>4th year education major sitting beside me asked me for help solving quadratic equation




> asked me for help solving quadratic equation
To be fair most of the ones you see in school you can guess so maybe he encountered something with complex roots.

it wasnt

it's not funny, it's really fucking sad actually

>inner city kids

Don't make me laugh.

Did you kindly tell him that you practice completing the square and to fuck off?

Are non inner city schools supposed to be any better?

I went to what I think was a half decent public school in Ontario (OP pic related) and permanently hated math until I got to see some higher level material in university.

It would have been nice to have a single teacher who wasn't just coasting by

Then he must be simple. I am sure most education majors aren't double digit IQ barely literate monkeys.

>Are non inner city schools supposed to be any better?
Washington DC outspends rural schools per pupil by like 4:1 and still gets lower scores than them.

> Why would anyone who's good at math want to become an inner city school teacher? No shit there's a shortage of inner city school teachers who are good at math.

Honestly the bigger question is why would anyone "good" at any subject (outside education itself) want to be a teacher for k-12 schools? And when I mean "good" I mean capable of inventing, business starting, academic research, college professor/ company trainer, +70k starting, professional partnerships, stardom etc.

Unless you genuinely love kids or teaching, teaching k-12 is kinda of the last "safe" resort of sorts for professionals. Mind you it still looks nice on the resume (I know this because I taught for a few years and hiring employers seem to like said skill because it means I can teach fellow employees software they do not know about) but unless you're in it for the long haul it's usually not worth the trouble if you can help it.

It also doesn't help that k-12 education infrastructure is a mess. The articles below sums up the problem for the most part.



Both highlight the fact that the education and teaching techniques that made Japanese education effective and great came from mathematicians and professionals in U.S. but never reached the U.S. public system.

>you will never have a hapa milf girlfriend that tries to actually improve education

why even live??

I taught for like 6 months during my 20s cuz I thought it was fun

thats basically it. I would rather kill myself than teach as an actual job.

Also I agree with you

That bitch looks grouse.

They are actually, that's why they are education majors

Are you implying intelligence is genetic, shitlord ?

i would totally be fine with her teaching me harshly.


Teaching pays like shit compared to literally any other job a degree-holding mathematician could have, and it's a waste for anybody ambitious enough to become innovative in their field of study.

But since it's tax-funded, people don't want to give muh taxes to schools, which in turn results in shitty pay for those jobs, which dissuades more capable people from ever wanting such a shitty-paying job where you have to put up with everyone complaining about their snotnosed kid being precious and misunderstood and whatever.

>shit the bed at co-op interviews, get into some manufacturing certificate program at local CC to have credentials
>part of course is "math for manufacturing"
>it's literally 2nd grade shit like improper fractions and basic arithmetic
>immediately suspect the credentials are basically worthless

American here.

All the teachers were dumb as bricks about their subjects except 1 science teacher who loved the job and won awards for teaching so well. all the rest literally taught directly from the book/workbook did only the bare minimum to prepare the students for the seasonal state tests so the school could get more money for sports.

I didn't really realize what was going on, at that time, I just thought they disliked the students. Though, most did.


>Honestly the bigger question is why would anyone "good" at any subject (outside education itself) want to be a teacher for k-12 schools? And when I mean "good" I mean capable of inventing, business starting, academic research, college professor/ company trainer, +70k starting, professional partnerships, stardom etc.
We solved this problem in the past by letting women do it, which worked out well because they love kids and didn't have much chance of a successful academic or professional career elsewhere. Now that all that's changed, of course, we no longer have the option of filling the schools with top-notch (female) teachers.

Education majors are pretty much retarded.

whoever made this visualization is retarded

too information dense for you?

My mother used to work as a math consultant for elementary teachers, and at least once per week she would have to explain to a teacher what the equals sign meant.
There were also teachers that insisted that statements like 2 + a =7 were incorrect, because it wasn't written as a=7-2

desu I think the meme that "math is useless" is due to there being very little people who actually know how to use it

wtf why block math with cs, of course you're gonna get shit results. fuck man fuck that study
so triggered right now reee etc

Will Smith's kid posted about this on his twitter feed a billion times, and everyone just laughed at him.
>"Questioning and criticising authority is stupid, lol!"
>"Thinking is bad! Just repeat what other people say and act really self important and criticize criticizers!"
^ 99.9% of the worldwide human groupthink phenomena

The disparity isn't that stark, and it ignores cost of living and the fact that things like subsidized lunches are lumped into education spending. Giving hungry kids food is great, but it doesn't make sense to hold it against a school's ROI.

They actually are, there are multiple studies that show IQ by major and education always comes out last.

Math education in America is ruined because we refuse to reward excellence. Teachers do NOT get bonuses for producing excellent students but instead receive bonuses for NOT producing poor students. Teachers are taught to ignore the best and average students and concentrate on the worst performing students (NO child left behind). It is considered far better to produce a class of 40% B and 60%C students than a class of 30% A, 30%B, 20%C and 15% D and 5%F. They fire teachers for poor students and give NOTHING for producing excellent students.

You must be an "Arts" guy.

Nice try, maplefucker. That article is about Canada.

Is Americas system that shitty?

Here they stream the classes which is a fuck load better don't have retards holding a kid back. Some teachers are better at helping those struggling and others are better at helping those excelling. Everyone progress at the pace best for them. Etc... The list of benefits goes on.


No shit, there fucking Education system is a joke. I know people who went through schools to become teachers and 90% of their courses are just "show up to the exam and pass."

Meanwhile the private and offshore schools are a joke and cash grab credit mills.

>Eastern Canada

Not even once. Just look at this shit.


>hs teacher marka you down for writing multiple = signs on a row
>hs teacher marks you down for completing the square instead of using formula


>Is Americas system that shitty?
Yes..., yes it is. The liberals want EVERYONE to do well and if a teacher produces 100% C students that is MUCH better than 50% A and 50% F students. In fact if the teacher has a small group of exceptionally brilliant students then the testing will show a large difference, and according to liberal philosophy the ONLY reason for this is some BIAS on the teachers part (since all students are equally gifted).

So it's a vicious circle of mediocre talent teaching our kids due to bad pay?

> the librulssssssss
> no child left behind was passed by Bush

Reminder that Obama pushed for the Common Core, which manages to be even shittier than No Child Left behind

They're both awful, so why can't we unite and say both parties are completely fucked?

> Death to first past the post voting

It's worse than mediocre talent, but yes, combined with education standards being lowered so that blacks and hispanics can keep up.

>which manages to be even shittier than No Child Left behind

It's actually not though.

>be math undergrad
>education major flatmate wonders out loud how long she's been watching a TV series for
>13 episodes
>50 minutes
>mfw she types in 13 * 0.5
because apparently 0.5=50 minutes. Education people should all be made to do a basic entry level uni math paper

qt loli

I don't get it, what's wrong with that?

i think people underestimate the importance of the home life, especially in the first few years, in the development of a kid

you can spend as much $ as you want but if the kid was not in a good home environment at a young age you can't do much

50 minutes * (1 hour / 60 minutes) = 0.83 hours... not 0.5 hours.

chemists probably pulling down physicists

What? 50m * 60m is 300m or 300/60 = 5 hours

0.83 hours is 49min and 8secs.

You're a moron. 0.83 was shorthand for 5/6. 50 minutes to hours -> 50 minutes / 60 minutes = 5/6 hours (exactly 50min). 13 * 5/6 hours = 65/6 hours or ~~10.83 hours. You dunce. How the fuck do you spend 50 minutes watching one episode, watch 13 of them, and only do it for 5 hours. 5 hours = 300 minutes, so if they're 50 minutes a piece, then 300 / 50 = 6 episodes. She watched 13

It's astonishing how you're failing kindergarten math here.

0.83 isn't a "shorthand" for 5/6 since 5/6 is equal to 0.8333... not 0.83. 0.83 is an APPROXIMATION of 5/6.

Also, you must be extremely retarded to go on converting 50 minutes into hours. (13 x 50)/(60) suffices just fine. This was actually my source of confusion in your notation: I thought by "50 minutes * (1 hour / 60 minutes)" you simply meant "50 * 60".

Please be b8

The 'm' isn't supposed to be a variable. I suggest working on your reading compression.

this, we have the lowest of the low teaching our children.

I for one think education should be automated with programs constructed by elite researchers and contributors in their field.

[math]50 \times 60 = 3000[/math]
[math]50 \mathrm{m} \times 60 \mathrm{m}= 3000\mathrm{m}^2[/math]
Dimensional analysis is a thing. Do not misuse your units.

He used dimensional analysis like a good scientist, you nigger.

Problem with charts?

My elementary school math teacher was terrible. She didn't get the concepts herself and would mark things right or wrong based on exact matches to the answer guide.

3/5 was wrong if the answer guide said 6/10.
2 was wrong if the guide said 2.0
A*B was wrong if the guide said B*A

That's a horrendous chart.

>implying it's a man and not one of those bleeding heart education major girls who are actually really stupid and shouldn't be teaching but everyone encourages them.

Women should only teach up to 2nd grade, after that they're useless.

My calc1 teacher was a black woman. I still consider her one of the best.

what the fuck's up with the axes?
Wouldn't you have time on horizontal and VGP on vertical?