This is Kimchi Whale. One last thing before I leave for the night

This is Kimchi Whale. One last thing before I leave for the night.

Impersonators will abound soon. A Blockchain Tx establishes the original account, on any appearance off of Veeky Forums. Beware of any fakes.

If later there are impersonators elsewhere, the true Kimchi Whale will be the one with the earliest record on Ethereum Blockchain.

This is my only tripcode.


Who is this faget and why should anyone care.

Check it out, he's legit.

all in, what coin?

looks tasty

I don't understand

waiting for your next thread!

What blockchain tx?



Just wanted to say thanks for helping us plebs and that i fucking love fermented cabbage

Prove your larp. State a very specific amount of coin and then move it.

this is kimchi. he knows the markets. he has the earliest blockchain record of Kimchi Whale that proves he is the real Kimchi Whale

how do you prove that

earliest record on the blockchain. nobody earlier than Kimchi Whale

This is an easy way. He tells us his wallet address, he says he'll move something weird like 0.00413 ETH, and then watch his wallet. Then I'd believe him.

whats his wallet address?

He never said. Looked back through the last thread too.

What are your thoughts on VRC/VRM Binary Chain?

> makes thread, no responses

VRC is going to explode soon

you're not all that y'know

Veeky Forums larpers have really been losing their edge lately.
You could at least try to keep your fake-Konglish diction consistent from post to post

Is OP from Best Korea? What’s Mr. Kim really like ?

then how the fuck does he prove anything?

"I have the earliest record blah blah blah..."

Makes no sense