Can someone explain to me this American "marshmallows on hot cocoa" meme...

Can someone explain to me this American "marshmallows on hot cocoa" meme? I've tried it and I don't get what is supposed to be different. Is the marshmallow supposed to melt or am I supposed to eat it before it melts? It tastes pretty weird desu.

I prefer getting a candy cane to swirl the cocoa. Eventually the cane melts and you have delicious peppermint cocoa.

Forget the Mememallows unless you're going for the works (whip cream, chocolate shavings)

>mint with chocolate

Anyway... you can eat the mallows or just let them melt. It's a preference, not a law.

You're supposed to use tiny marshmallows like this.
Then you can slurp them up while you drink it.

>advocating m*rshmallows
>calling someone else reddit

end whatever fabricated shred of life you still cling on to

>those tiny fruit flavored marshmallows
>hersheys chocolate candy cane stirrer
>hersheys kisses

fuck i miss being a kid
such simple things

Where do you even buy those? or do you stock up at christmas?

I only ever have hot cocoa at Christmastime, but I think they sell peppermint sticks (canes without the hook) year round

or minis

>"marshmallows IN hot cocoa" meme
You can let it melt, you can let is absorb the cocoa and the spoon it out, you can just eat ti straight away. We're the land of the FREE don't forget it.

Despite all the other autists on this board, I prefer the big mallows

>>those tiny fruit flavored marshmallows
>fruit flavored marshmallows

I literally want everyone that says this to die. I remember when I watched the sandlot movie on vhs and one of the kids called them mallows. My sister started calling marshmallows mallows and I was forced to start hitting her

goddamn did a guy who said mallow rape your mom or something?

mom and dad and made me watch

>he doesn't use the superior spelling

>gigantic, dense as fuck marshmallows

Jesus Christ, would you like some cocoa with your puffed sugar? Fucking Europeans, man. I swear.

I prefer to let them melt half way, then consume whats left with the hot cocoa. A lot of hot cocoas are made with water, so adding marshmallows gives it a creamier consistency.

>i was forced to start hitting her
You're doing gods work, user.

marshmallow is a root, not a froot!!

yes. Mint with chocolate. Whats the problem?

it's like reverse bubble tea

They melt somewhat and create a kind of foam on top. You can slurp em up or leave em til you're done with the cup then you have a melty marshmallow that absorbed hot cocoa and they're delicious

>Mint Chocolate is reddit

What fucking world do we live in now? Jesus H fucking christ.

Imagine the world in which SA and 2Ch started going on a Veeky Forums witch hunt...


>Explain to me why something that tastes good tastes good, I'm not American and I only eat potatoes and dirt so I don't get it

fucking this

Protip you need the tiny marshmallows and the Swiss cocoa
They get in your mouth and are harder and more chewey than regular marshmallows plus they get just a tiny bit melted by the cocoa

yeah, nothing is worse than poverty marshmallows.
They're one of the few things where it's literally not worth buying the poor person version.
If you give poverty marshmallows to a kid on Halloween, they're going to cry.

SA have been impotent for years

Marshmallows are usually rose or musk flavor so it gels nicely with the cocoa

Those crunchy freeze dried marshmallows that come in the cocoa packages are so goddamn good I just want to piss in my own mouth and take a big dump

You can get these flavored giant marshmallows, they're delicious. Pic related.

>Did your pappy ravage you with his candy cane or were you just born a faggot?

I thought it was gelatin and sugar

Sounds like you need to mallow out dude.

>not understanding the concept of complimentary flavors

I always preferred the mixes with freeze dried marshmallows. They melt almost instantly and create a nice layer of foam on top.

The big ones end up turning into sludgy cream shit. Wouldn't recommend.