Chainlinks new dev

check github

Georgia Tech Computer Science MS (in progress) • Harvey Mudd Physics BS '16

He also works w/ request network...we going to make it senpai

inside his repository


A python implementation of the Request Network API"

if only you knew what was coming

Tell me lad

Looks like he may have just forked, found improvements, and got those improvements implemented. Either way that github is updated few times a day. I am sure Sergey is working hard in the private repo.

mudders definitely know their shit - happy to see one finally get involved with crypto projects


some say the cucumber tastes better pickled

The guy is wearing a Slint shirt. Just bought 100k more.

Great music taste. Will buy 100k

Looks like a faggot but at least he’s white

and just like that, it gets closer and closer...


looks like hes proficient in Golang. could be another attribute that landed him the job. wew lad.

u guys know u can just request to have your code added to any open source project right? look at Jonny Huxtable, hes not paid by the team or anything. some people just code on side projects for fun and exprinc

ok thanks lennart

Literally never heard of it. Its a shit school isn't it

Well he has an know, linkpool maybe?

It's a private tech/engineering school that is over 75% male and almost everyone there knows how to ride a unicycle. I'm a diagnosed aspy and that place was too autistic for me when I scouted it out. It's top tier.

senpai pls

>Georgia Tech Computer Science MS (in progress)

This program takes 18 hours a day, wonder when he's got the time to work on link

Yikes. Physics majors are the only STEM group with more unwarranted confidence in their non-major knowledge and abilities than CompSci majors. They also can’t write solid code worth a damn, in an industrial context. Prepare your anus for token-leaking bugs. I’m a four-year CompSci degree holder who’s seen this kind of shirt firsthand.

hes not even employed by them, he just added a few minor adjustments kek

Kek, this