So people here actually believe in "whales" controlling the markets? I mean, people with a lot of bitcoin exist...

So people here actually believe in "whales" controlling the markets? I mean, people with a lot of bitcoin exist, but they don't pull the strings like some sort of boogie man. The markets have natural movements and sometimes fomo even but no rich person is going to risk all their money buying high and making walls. You people need to grow up and stop blaming everything else but you for your problems.

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You OP

> He never heard of Richard Wyckoff


Just what I would expect from you biz kiddos, zero arguments.

christ you are fucking retarded

The worst is the noobs on Reddit who always say muh whales are accumulating

>doesn't know how you can profit from manipulating the market when you're a whale

Did you know that the top100 wallets made money on the crash from 19k to 6k?
They did not lose shit, only got richer.

I gave you a name. DYOR.

Like this one?

Bizlets are mostly unintelligent (low IQ). For example, they don't know what market makers are, so when they see a buy or sell wall, they think it's a "whale"

What's the point of arguing with someone who doesn't have basic common sense? You wouldn't be able to follow the argument.
>inb4 who is Stanislav Datskovsky
>inb4 who is Adi Shamir
newfags like op who believe that "their" opinions, superstitions and impressions carry any weight in a conversation on an actual topic WILL perish. it's not a threat, but a fact of nature.

Sure there's people with a lot of money, but they didn't cause the crash, they simply capitalized on it.

>but they didn't cause the crash
user, i...

fake walls are definately a thing OP, not sure where you're going with this.

yes whales can and do get burned all the time.

just in case you aren't kidding OP


op, you are a brainlet
the market is way smaller than your retarded cmc suggests
google the hunt brothers for an example of superb market manipulation
many whales know each other and have frequent meetings
protipp: most of them don't have round eyes


1, Go on CMC
2. Look at MC versus Volume
3. Obverse the *vast* discrepency in ratios. of MC/VOLUME.