
Why is no talking about the moon mission thats about to go down?

Tron is shit but money is money.

Damn, /bizbros don't like the green.

1$ coming

bought 9k today at 462 sats. what can we expect?

I'm anticipating it to get north of 600.

Yeah...I doubt that.

lol you bought tron at 462 sats?

expect to get dumped on brainlet

Lol enjoy going back sub 400

>Tron is shit but money is money
Most honest thread by OP

I bought at .15 in dec. this shit better finally hit a buck


Good luck buddy.

It already mooned stop trying to drop your bags

For this shit to hit 1.00 it has to unironically get to a 65 billion dollar market cap. There are way too many bag holders to pump this shitcoin there. Way too many. You will get dumped on if you buy this. If you can take profits, take profits but stay the fuck away from it long term. Me Justin me love you long time.

Shit. It’s not going back over .15 ??

it will, main net =0.50$

Early main net this is goingg to 1 dollar easy after coin burn

what the fuck

Yup. I bought LINK, TRX, and XRP in Dec. JUST been HODL since then.

Thanks. I want to believe you.

its not a loss till you sell, user

Agreed. After mid Jan, I resigned myself to being a HODL till this December.

1000603 TRX proud owner. waiting for .50cents. I'll be half way to my 1 million USD

Nice. When’s this mainnet thingy?