What the fuck is wrong with this coin?
What the fuck is wrong with this coin?
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26 billion supply. Pumped from 250 sats to 8500. That's all you need to know
Nothing. Just no major news
I'm suspecting some wash trading or bots.
It's been doing ~2610 - ~2660 for hours now.
This could also quite possibly be it's bottom tho, it might pump over the weekend.
Overpriced POS coin
Buy now
Founder is a fraud who flys around the world posting selfies and food pictures while gloating about how rich he is
To be honest, I don't know anymore. That entire project is clearly the microsoft of this space but it keep taking a huge shit each week. My only guess is that the Japanese whales who own a major supply are coordinating to bring the prices even lower so they can get more and more ADA for the cheap.
But honestly, I'm not worried. This whole project can go down to a value of 0, because eventually it's going to have a value of $10,000 per coin when the entire cryptospace is dominated by this coin. It is a small price to pay in short term gains for long term stability and total domination.
Huge sell walls (100btc) have been bringing the price down in the last few days. This all smells like manipulation with the PoS release just around the corner.
I don't hold any for now, as the whales could crash the entire market any time they want. Wait for things to stabilize before buying in
Long term it's a legit project.
it was always vaporwave. it pumped only when every coin pumped in dec/jan. there is nothing here that justifies it. you werent suppose to hold unironically.
It has no customers and has a massively inflated MC?
that applies to 99% of crypto.
if its vaporware then everything is vaporware. you know it has a deployed main net that was written from scratch in haskell?
it isn't full featured and is still in development but so is bitcoin and ethereum. the whitepaper meme makes no sense, its just people parroting bullshit who haven't done any research on the coin.
Nothing is wrong. Price movement is completely decouple from reality and the underlying project. If we were trading fundamentals, this would be mooning now, but fundamentals are created by bots trading on charts not the other way around. I recommend to wait for the bottom to be confirmed and buy this one.
Nano also lost a lot of its value before doubling.
Anyone have an ETA on the Ledger Nano support?
5 Cardano FUD threads a day eh? Who the fuck is shitting their pants this hard that they've gotta FUD this 5x per day... Cashies have that kind of focus... EOS & NEO holders?? This FUD is good for business in my estimation - shit is getting real.
this month or next - it's being developed by an outside company. Step 1 is Ledger Nano support, step 2 is updating Ledger Nano support to allow cold-staking of your coins through a proxy key.
lmao you seriously think japs didnt unload on the pump to 8k sats? you're deluded. They are fucking whores in yatchs now while you watch the coin bleed
Haven't they said that for the last couple months?
not really. they gave this approximate timeline back in january.
It’s not done yet, a lot of people bought speculatively and were too impatient for Q2, it became oversold, investors are getting nervous, Hoskinson knows what he’s doing but doesn’t give investors confidence because he, for lack of a better term, is very cryptic sometimes...I think that’s most of it
Thanks listening to 100 vapor wave songs on YouTube now
those song are legit fun to listen to. Macintosh plus is of course the GOAT but also check out synthwave and fashwave. good stuff there.
this guy is right.
i've been watching the books on 3 exchanges and seeing those walls pop up, push the coin down 100 satoshis and vanish until the panic stops, then they reappear. Whenever those walls fall more than 5%, they vanish.
It reeks of manipulation. Someone with alot of this shitcoin wants it cheaper, but isn't willing to sell their supply to do it.
This guy was right kek it’s pumping hard now
4% is not pumping hard, as much as i wish it was.
Ada has been trying to pump for weeks. Every time it tries it gets knocked down within the hour. They're manipulating it trying to keep the price low.
I remember, once upon a time, several exchanges updated their Terms of Service to say that they would insta-ban any accounts they suspected of manipulating the markets.
I guess that was just some bullshit.
Why the fuck would they? That’s how they make their profits
And yes pump almost completely eaten. We’re back at 2650 sats