What will we come to see pass?

The gravitational waves discovery combined with Space-x's successes and the current trends in politics have made it abundantly clear that we're probably not as stagnant of a civilization as one might think. With that said, what technological and scientific progress will we likely see between now and 2030, and what effects will it have on society?


99% of everything useful is already discovered

If that's true, why haven't we found a cure for faggotry? Pic related.

Space mining and space colonization in the Earth Sphere. Then we might see some mining in the outer planets.

Singularity fag checking in!

I'm sorry, it doesn't exist.
You will never be cured.

Immortality. People will become immortal but not invulnerable.

Pic related.

>current trends in politics
the others are rgith but politics???

in social sciences and politics we are as backwards as ever

most people are so idiotic as to really believe that capitalism works

Human limitations are based on these concepts:
1.) Inductive availability
2.) Resource availability and management
3.) Time [wasted by irrational debate; untested presumptions]
4.) Cooperation

Hell, tomorrow we could DECIDE to do aware traffic and encourage the world wide development of free mult-powersourced maglev public trains, for all mega cities, etc...
But people don't have their priorities straight.
The "IFLSC" [I fucking love science crowd] are anti-intellectual pseudo-supporters of science because it's the hip thing to do now... to pretend to be pro-science, sjw, etc.

Humanity doesn't have any priorities as a species. Right now people are obsessed with their egos, social identity and personal identities. Even people on the Veeky Forums board flip out when you bring up the importance of testing in the scientific method.

Our capabilities are meaningless.
Domination, social climbing and psychotic narcissism are all people care about anymore.
Fuck, I've never once heard people ask for evidence or reason in my life, and I've lived in NYC, Chicago and LA.

The truth is that no one else cares... they just want to seem important, ahead of their time and intelligent.

>Domination, social climbing and psychotic narcissism are all people care
It always been and always will be like that, try to see the core of every project or motivation that someone could have and power will always be there, not even trying to be fedora, its just the way it is.

>white countries that built all of civilization on this earth are dying
pick 1
filthy globalists

>will always be
Presuppositional and inductive fallacy combined.
Don't do that please.

How do you think it can change?

I don't know the future, but I'm not going to play off a combination of presuppositional fallacy and inductive fallacy is a layup of a false dilemma or personal incredulity fallacy.
That's a house of cards.

I'm sticking to infallibility: Humility.
Aka "I don't know, that's a fact... but that doesn't mean dick."
It's fair, but it's anti-egotistical and anti-arrogance, so the younger people here won't "get it" and will jump to the conclusion that if someone isn't irrationally arrogant, then it means they're stupid.

Best guess: Someone charismatic will change pop-culture, and will challenge people to actually prioritise things and practice honesty.
That or a resource war will cause survivors to grow the fuck up.

*with a layup of


humilty only changes the way in which the things you mentioned earlier are canalized

No. Humility isn't meant to do anything.
It's purpose is simply to learn and acknowledge intellectual honesty.
That's it, nothing more.
It doesn't inherently "change" the world or relationships. If anything, it's stoic.
"I don't know" are the most intelligent and honest words a human can know, and they're also the hardest for people to learn and accept because society programs people to be competitive and egotistical.
Most people would rather die than admit they don't know something... than to admit presumptions and stereotypes aren't (always) rational.
May I remind you:
"Who is the wisest of all?"
"Socrates, for he knows that he doesn't know."

Being able to say "I don't know" its powerful too, it liberates you, like a child that doesn't have to worry about adult stuff, that's what I mean with canalize power, your ego too will be transfered to that humble state of mind, so, what I'm trying to say is that at the core nothing will change, its just a matter of reorganize said qualities or defects (depending on how you see them)

New tech:
>VR indistinguishable from reality, if only in the A/V range
>AR (Augmented Reality) replaces smartphones with lightweight goggles (possibly contact lenses) controlled by gesture/speech, superimposing a portable OS that overlays reality anywhere you go
>AI agents within VR and AR indistinguishable from humans...everyone will have a nanny/butler/sex slave at their disposal
>self-driving cars dominate, and car ownership starts to yield to automated, Uber-style cab use in metropolitan areas
>drone delivery of small items like packages and food
>cab delivery of larger items
>local fabrication starts to replace product imports
>manned space exploration will almost cease (except for some showy, political bullshit by China and India, who will have their own space stations by then) replaced by VR probe mapping of planets, asteroids, comets, etc.
>energy will be a non-issue: nanotech solar panels, actual working fusion reactors, advanced nuclear (including thorium) reactors and cheap petroleum will combine to plummet the price

Some Effects:
>people will increasingly choose to stay home and interact through a distance, via their agent servants, so what now seems autistic and creepy will be normal
>telecommuting and the paperless workplace will actually occur, and not be something faggot companies just talk about
>companies will form online, produce a product, and dissolve overnight...employment will be transitory and temporary
>huge boom in VR games and simulation development, as consumers demand weeks and months of immersion instead of just hours and days
>unemployment skyrockets amongst Gen-X and millennials, less so Gen-Z, prompting quasi-socialistic universal income schemes...Bernie Sanders will look like Ronald Reagan by 2030
>crime will plummet, due to ubiquitous police drones; chimp-outs will be controlled by "skeeters", miniature mosquito-sized drones that administer a nerve agent sting that renders the suspect unconscious

What SpaceX is doing is cool and all by why is nearly every "spacex fan" literally an insufferable reddit moron?

Fanboism. They perceive every criticism as an unjust attack upon their prophet, leading to threads filled with utter garbage. Typically they have a bogeyman who is all evasive and all encompassing, i.e. ULA in the case of SpaceX fanbois.

They buy into Musk's bullshit hot air about taking humans to Mars, and not just developing a cheap alternative to having grouchy-ass Russia and the USAF launch all our shit and people, which is what it's really about.

>>stagnant of a civilization as one might think

Who the fuck thought that? . you from the 10th century or something senpai ?

>gravitational waves discovery

Never happened. That is a false positive.

>false positive
possibly; weird circumstances
signal too close to simulation
let's wait what LISA will tell
3 concurrent signals are better
