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It's still plural when you shorten it, you dumb fuck.

>mathematics is plural

What's your favorite mathematic?

Honestly, I just think it sounds stupid to say "maths". I understand why, but ultimately you sound illiterate and you have a lisp.

Honestly, I just think it sounds stupid to say "math". I understand why, but ultimately you sound illiterate and you have a lisp.

thanks for telling us 2 times user.
Also seems like you're a bit self-conscious user.

Mathematics comes from the latin mathematica, which is plural. Before it was used it was called mathematic (singular)

If you notice they are different, and that we clearly are not the same user.


Why is mathematics and physics plural but biology and chemistry are you? I'm not making an argument I'm actually curious.

*are not?
My phone is seriously retarded

ITT people that don't do math or physics

>British vs. American English

>etymology is the be all and end all of semantics
Please go.

>British english vs Incorrect english

wew lad

Look, if you're still going to troll or act retarded, that's fine.
- Swear
- Ad hominem; Call people names
- Don't provide counter-arguments
- Reject realism and the scientific consensus
That's ok.
Just don't loop.
Looping is cancer.

Personal incredulity and the argument from ignorance are fallacies. You're ignorant.
You imply you have no knowledge of the other kinds, therefore they don't exist.
That is wrong irrational.


Etymology can be related to semantics.
Etymology and semantics are different things.
Words gain and lose meanings over time.
A word having a meaning in the past is no indication that it has it now.
My argument didn't do this.
>Ad hominem
My argument didn't do this, but yours did.
>Don't provide counter-arguments
I was halfway past being contrary, but I'll secede this.
Though your argument doesn't do this either.
>Reject realism
My argument didn't do this, but yours did.
>Reject the scientific consensus
My argument didn't do this.

>Just don't loop.
>don't point out that my argument doesn't defeat yours

all these words come from ancient greek
mathematica, physica, biologica, chemica (im not sure about chemistry but cba to check, i think ultimately it comes from arabic [al-chem or something] which became alchemy which became chemistry)
along with any -ic or -ics word (e.g. politics, economics ect)

however in ancient greek words are pluralised with -a. hence latins thought many of these words were plural (roughly speaking). hence they became """"""""""plural""""""".

as a brit, if anyone tells you mathematics is plural shit on his face. but "maths" is a fine abbreviation of "mathematics". i dont know why people even talk about this so much

>I'm American, born and raised, but I prefer the sound of "maths" over "math"
>I say/type "maths" whenever I think I can get away with it (mainly online and with close friends/family)

I don't even like Europeans, and I've never been to the UK. I don't know why, it just sounds nicer with the [math]s[/math].