Do you make more money with a clean room?

Basically, I've become money hungry, and I'm working hard to secure my income and trying to come up with new sources constantly.

The thing is, everything else in my life has gone to the backburner, I'm having a hard time seeing the reason to clean my room, take a daily shower, even eat on a schedule or healthy... everything goes into my work.

Help me see a reason to sort myself?

You're doing everything right

just leave your piss bottles outside the room you sleep in.

Messy room, messy mind.
You should clean. It won’t make you any money but it’s generally unhealthy to allow your surroundings to go to shit. Broken window theory.

Keep this idiot off my board, thanks.

Environment is like a permanent aura effect on your performance.


i havent showered in weeks OP. you should see my gainz. its fucking incredible.

Smells like +15% and onions

>this fucking jew loving leaf.

15% aint good enough for ya? dont get greedy. stay stink

I just tried it and it seems pretty legit to me

>Messy room, messy mind.
This is a cuck saying.

>Broken window theory.
This doesn't apply, you don't know what "broken window theory" is you fucking pseudo intellectual.

Why do cucks and 95 IQ retards gravitate to pseudo-intellectuals like Jordan Peterson?

It would be to qualify as incredible gains worth getting stinky over. Unless you’re a linkie in which case, I understand

It’s just comparative. Allow your room to go to shit and it won’t bother you when other things go to shit. Relax and clean your room.

Peterson only says that that applies to people who want to change THE WORLD without being able to clean their own rooms. If you don't want to change the world, then it's fine to have a messy room.

Fuck, I just want to get some money and find a fuckable wife to nut in everyday, really.

>actually uses the word "cuck"

you already know the answer friend, it's like mental junk food
and I have invoking dunning kreuger but that's pretty much a given for retards who only get knowledge from the internet

Yes, you are a pseudo-intellectual cuckold. There is nothing pseud about calling someone a cuck, it's the least pseud thing you can do actually.

I get that you're part of a group that thinks Jordan Peterson is cultish. I've never personally listened to any of Peterson's lectures but how can you really believe that your environment doesn't affect your mood/perspective? And do you think creativity and work ethic/efficiency isn't linked at all to how you feel?

>he skipped all the other replies
Actual pseud moron confirmed.

trade stocks desu, so 15% aint bad
im just here for /smg/ and shitposting

This. Clean your fucking room, user. It takes 10 minutes a day.

This made my day.
Jordan Peterson is talking about conscientiousness, Eric Barker has some good blog posts summarizing the psychology behind it. Orderliness is great, as Jordan Peterson mentions, for jobs that require stability and consistency. If you were a trucker, soldier, blue collar worker, etc. they keep you keeping up the grind by promoting a mental framework of process to deal with chaotic situations, it's vital for neurotic types who often spend each day redefining what they are and what they are doing. However, neurotic types are great at original thinking and putting something where it isn't supposed to be. I could argue that a messy room actually makes you more creative because it creates an environment that reinforces your brains commitment to chaos. However, if it's stressing you out or that mold looks like it's going to become earth's next sentient life form, that chaos bonus probably isn't worth it.
Business in general is more about what you bring to the table. If you're planning to be the guy who shows up everyday and is the rock everyone leans on, a messy room is a demerit to that.

>trying to come up with new sources constantly

It's called adhd bro and its not a good thing. Learn how to do something that is valuable. 1 thing.

If you are in school you can start by doing good there. Once that is accomplished go from there.

I'll save you a bunch of hours you'd waste watching his videos or reading his book and tell you that if you want to get ahead in life (as a guy) you need to start acting like everyone's dad.
And it really works, because the worse your social status is the more likelihood that you're surrounded by friends and coworkers whom have or had shitty relationships with their dads.

Hello pseud cuckold!

>had a midterm this week
>incredibly filthy room
>decide to at least entertain the meme and clean it before studying
>got a near perfect score
Thanks, sort yourself out guy!

>your environment doesn't affect your mood/perspective?
>creativity and work ethic/efficiency isn't linked at all to how you feel?
>pay $49.99 to my self-authoriing system
nah eat shit

Yaknow bud I don’t watch or listen to this Peterson guy. The reason I posted about messy mind is because I keep my place clean to ward off depression.

>pay $49.99 to my self-authoring system
you can pretty much do it yourself for free, its basically about honestly stating your current position in life, your goals, and your worries, and what behaviors will help you and hurt you.

Wow, and I only get to pay $49.99 to some university jew! Nice! What a deal, it's practically free! $59.99 is cheap! I'm really glad Mr Peterson allows me to pay $69.99 for his book! 79.99 is practically a steal!

>still ignoring all the replies
>still confirming that I was right
>he lives in a pigsty and is too lazy to clean up so
I guarantee you also weigh 300lb and came here from pol.

Yeh this shit really works.

Plan your next day like this: set some tasks that will ensure you end next day better than today.

Can be cleaning your room, rebalancing portfolio, reading a book, taking care of a debt, washing your clothes, networking.

This shit will come easy. Your brain knows what is good for future you. Just gotta listen.

Stop posting questions on this shitty board and act to get your life on track. You know the answer.

cuck triggered

>another pigsty loser got triggered to say "triggered"

have the same problem but my job is shitty and don't get enough hours from it so can't really "focus" all my energy there. what one thing should be my focus? bearing in mind i have no clue what to do

go back to your reddit safe space soyboy

“Your future self is watching you right now through your memories”
Saw that in a train station

Sucking dicke

triggered beta cuck spotted

>can't form real arguments and speaks only meme words
Waste of oxygen

I am I < I am I + my environment

that is all.

I can confirm after cleaning my room (s) and now personal vehicle that the returns are greater than 100%

>guys having a messy room is just fine I don't mind the smell of shit and old doritos at all

Thinking about everything else being on the back burner is stopping you from securing income because its making you uneasy enough to waste your time posting on here. Cleaning your room isn't just literal. Remove your mind and surroundings of clutter and anything you don't need so you can pursue your goals. If something needs to be down get it down fast so you can do what you actually need to do. Being organized/clean/tidy is more efficient in the long run.

This. Not because it does anything for you but because dirty cars are trashy. Especially when the back is filled with literal garbage and it smells like mcdonalds and sweat.

but what if someone is so poor everything around him is shit

then you either have a great excuse to not do anything about your current situation and wallow in shit.

or you got a little bit more to do to become a contributing member of society and all you can be.

and nobody is total shit at their best.

>guy with no higher education in math than or engineering posturing about intellect

Haha, oh wow. Thank you for making my day buddy. College doesn't matter amirite? :D