Difficult Linear Algebra Questions

Hey Veeky Forums

We're working on a script for a movie where, after a series of easy questions, the character is given a really difficult, long, and complicated question. What's a really complicated question from linear algebra that you think would fit?


Prove the existence or non existence of a magic square in dimension PxP where P is any prime number > 3 such all the numbers of the matrix are prime (and unique) and so that the sum of every row, column and diagonal is also a prime.

After that you get your PhD in linear algebra and number theory or something like that.

The main character is given some coordinates, he goes to that place but finds nothing. He gives up.
Plot twist: he finds some numbers.. turns out it is a matrix for changing the basis.. he does the fucking transformation, gets the new coordinates, goes to the actual location, finds XXXXX and wins.


It's basically an interrogation scene, where the main character is interrogating a spy. After asking him a few easy questions, he gives him this really difficult problem full of words and terms specific to linear algebra like null space and transformation and eigenvalue--something along those lines.

Is this script in python?

open H&K or axler, go to the chapter on jordan canonical form and grab an exercise that sounds cool

popsci is always shit though, I hope you fail

Does it have to be solvable? Also why does it have to be from linear algebra?

>open H&K or axler, go to the chapter on jordan canonical form and grab an exercise that sounds cool

The spy has a Ph.D. in Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization.

>Ph.D. in Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization

You serious though?

Well grasping the subject is at first quite hard if you don't know shit about blocks and null matrices

Procrustes Method.

Align a buncha points onto another buncha points with rigid body (mmm) transformations and rotations.

Name based on Greek myth Procrustes, a bandit that made travelers stay at his house and cut them to size for his (always ill fitting) beds. You can work the myth into the script for some interesting lore.

The method itself is an SVD factorization of a matrix with the middle thrown out. Really simple/complicated.

nice quints

You mean it's quite hard if you can't do first year linear algebra?

Not sure if this movie is actually real anymore...

something they cant solve:
-describe a basis of R seen as a vector space over Q

something they can solve but is pretty hard if you don't know how to do it:

if A is a matrix with real coefficients, such as [math]A.A^T.A[/math] is symmetrical, then [math]A[/math] is symmetrical as well.

You guys don't seem to know the meaning of difficult.

then show me your proof.

How do I find a way to align my vector in a qt grills subspace if least squares are not allowed?

Lol, that is your problem lad, not mine.

You mean copy LaTeXing out of linear algebra lecture notes?

I'm pretty sure that if you could solve it, you wouldn't say that because it's not that long.

As expected, you contribute nothing AND you're full of shit.

What's the [math].[/math]?

It's the elementwise product.

You can't build real numbers as linear combinations of fractions since the fractions are closed under addition and multiplication and irrational numbers are real numbers which are not fractions.

Are you fucking kidding me? Hello? Hamel basis? Or it you want, don't use the ZFC and use a Schauder basis?

Isn't that trivial then or am I missing something?
If [math]a^2 b = a b^2[/math] then [math]a = b[/math]

just the regular matrix product

Do transposes always commute, is every matrix invertible?

>Do transposes always commute
For square matrices they do.

What about a matrix with first row of ones and rest zeroes

>if A is a matrix with real coefficients, such as A.AT.A is symmetrical, then A is symmetrical as well.
why not generalise and talk about normal matrices?

Hey, here is a question. This might be obvious but how do I find sinus of an angle? (Without knowing the oposit or hypotenus)
Im trying to calculate a speciffic effect in an AC wave

Use a calculator or computer? I believe they use some series expansion to approximate it, which you could do by hand as well.

Yes, thanks for the tip, I havent tried a propper sin calculator yet. Only my iphone calculator which doesnt work.
Wondered if anyone knew how to find the sinus of an angle manualy (by only knowing the degree.)