>Veeky Forums claims to be smart and red pilled
>doesn't have a nerdy girlfriend
What's your excuse Veeky Forums ?
>Veeky Forums claims to be smart and red pilled
>doesn't have a nerdy girlfriend
What's your excuse Veeky Forums ?
I understand what this shirt means when talking about stats, but I don't get the joke. Is there some slang meaning?
I'm not good at females
Not really. It rhymes, and has the "hurr durr, I know da science ting" vibe to it. That's pretty much all there is
What does the attenuation constant being = 0.05 have to do with bitches?
>dating a negress
"P" as in urine and "Ho" as in prostitute (the one wearing the shirt). If her colostomy bag is low then you should reject her because you want a prostitute with capable urine on deck, the hidden premise here being that you are into water sports. This is a shirt you would see typically at water sport conventions, and mathematicians tend to have mental unbalances that result in unconventional desires such as fetishes (Stewart 1).
Think "bros before hos"
As for "nerdy gf," most people that fit the modern "nerdy" stereotype are god awful at science and only look for the "I'm so nerdy" factoids to throw around.
>being a virgin
>Calling the null hypothesis "Hoe/ho"
Who the fuck does this
Who knew statistics could be this funny?
It is just playing off of the notation, not the way people actually say it (I have only heard "null hypothesis" or "h-zero" personally).
I'm fine being alone and intimacy is uncomfortable to me. I don't connect with people well. I've been in a relationship and I didn't enjoy it. So I'm going to live my life without a significant other, just some friends and coworkers. More money for me and less hassle.
I get it but it kind of ruins the joke
I thought it was that if your p (penis) is low (not erect) then reject the Ho (bitch), and it was making a pun with when the probability of the null hypothesis is below the alpha level, then you reject the null hypothesis.
>Veeky Forums claims to be redpilled.
I think you've missed the mark completely about Veeky Forums.
she thicc
I'm an antisocial sociopath.
Redundant, no?
>Trust doesn't exist
>Therefore love doesn't exist
>Why pair up? I can just jerk it
You must be an excellent party guest
i transitioned and became my own nerdy girlfriend
>OP claims to be smart and red pilled
>wants to have a girlfriend
yeah you're not red pilled at all, you're most likely a virgin or just had your first kiss.
I do, she's doing a PhD in biomed engineering
oh that's supposed to be an alpha! We use that symbol to say "proportional to" sometimes, so I thought it was something else
>good news
have nerdy gf
>bad news
she's going into social work, which is not just a soft science but an APPLIED soft science
I don't even know why people have to study Social Work in a university. Isn't it like some sort of counsellor?
Children are harder to control that particle accelerators
Fair enough
But my girlfriend studys a science.
Just a social one ;_;
>got attractive funny gf who loves me lots
>understands that she isn't as smart as me so just defers to me and doesn't distract me from my work
>supports my hard work
lifes pretty good desu
>dating a nerd girl
It's like you're asking to be cucked. "Nerd girls" are the worst sluts.
So you are saying that engineers are brainlets?
I wish it were like that but it ain't cuzz
>confusing "nerd girls" with nerd girls
What a sad existence you endure.
I would, but there are no females in graduate level computational chemistry, so I'm not likely to meet any.
>have girlfriend
>supports me by working while I do my PhD
>great cook, very sweet
>degree in biology
What do I do Veeky Forums?
Marry her, fool.
yeah, don't date "nerd girls"
You're not supposed to be reasonable here user.
because my libido is naturally almost nonexistent
I have a statistics exam on Thursday...wonder if that t-shirt would have counted as cheating
>gfs are for the sheep and not the wolf
>real men don't need support
>the taste don't matter only the nutrients
>say it one more time and I swear I will kill you
based Grisha
I do, she has a phd in biochemistry
she is thicc, wife material
What are the positives of having a female?
>Having a meaningless relationship that sucks your soul and your wallet?
>Love is meaningless pleasure when you realize that you will die eventually
>Reproduction? adding more people to this dying planet to make the world shit for other people? That would be selfish.
Enjoy your girlfriend then she will leave you and you will live the rest of your life in lust accomplishing nothing.
According to Rebecca Watson, women are never into sex or relationships, and that's just a fantasy that men have because they wish they could with Rebecca Watson the Feminazi Express.
In reality, nerd girls are few and far between, are narcissistic, practice bad hygiene, and sadly attempt to be funny but fail so hard you just kind of hate them.
Because I like having an artsy girlfriend? I spend every fucking day with nerdy people. Who wants to go home to that shit?
underrated post
>being on Tinder makes you a slut
Also, is that Ted Cruz on the pic behind her?
nah, it's the police sketch of the Zodiac Killer
common mistake
I never understood this meme. The Zodiac killer must have a been a smart guy, or at least a schizophrenic, but El Rato doesn't seem to be one.
>That one asshole going around parties telling jokes that don't make sense
>People throwing a pity laugh while they silently wait for you leave
This is you
smart & cute nerdy grills are god tier wife material OP. It's hard to get there
I really see no need to spend my life with others. I chose the path of the loner and am actually enjoying it
I'm trying but she is playing fucking hard to get.