Did my skin graft take? I know this isn't science related but I am so worried and I know there's some smart people here.
Did my skin graft take? I know this isn't science related but I am so worried and I know there's some smart people here
I've no idea, I'm not a doctor. But when I first saw it I thought that the white colouration was a bad sign, but then I noticed the skin just above that is a similar colour. Just go to a doctor.
What happened?
I have a doctor's appointment in a couple of weeks so I might as well just wait.
As for what happened, OK it started off as a little bug bite on the back of my neck, you know nothing to crazy but then I guess I kept fucking with it and it got bigger and bigger puss was coming off it and it was painful as fuck, like the worst pain you can imagine. After about a couple of weeks I went to a doctor and found out I was diabetic. The diabetes weakened my immune system and my blood sugar was high asf so it made it more infected than it should have been. Pic related.
Here it was a week after the surgery.
I had to have a wound vac on for a couple of months. It was painful taking that tape off.
Doctors aren't free where you are?
Theres some open wounds there man, I would get that covered up or something, especially since its near your hair which is a germ trap
Also please go to the doc, then ask for what to do in any scenerio, i.e if the wounds open up again, what to do, what to treat it with etc. I'm surprised the doctor's instruction to come back if its not looking better.
lol thats pretty fuckin gross
Looks alright to me doesn't look infected
> i know there's some smart people here
i'd have gone to the doctor the day it started hurting and I would've paid exactly zero dollars
Start picking at it and post results back here.
take it to the fucking vet.
Science is precious
jesus you're a fucking jackass
how the fuck are you still alive?
Africans are not evolved for high carb diets due to low levels of grain agriculture. You are adapted for hunting/gathering. Eat meat and vegetables to keep your diabetes in check.
>Having universal health care would've lowered the overall societal cost of this cast to about 1-2% of the current cost
Why are Americans so dumb?
t. Tim Noakes
Diabetics take much longer for their wounds to heal due to the fluctuating blood sugar levels. Feet are usually the most vulnerable, but the strain on the diabetic circulatory system is enough for any wound to be affected.
I'm a type 1 diabetic myself
High car diets are fine if you're evolved for it like East Asians who have the highest carb diets in the world, and the lowest levels of diabetes.
Fuck, that looks so fucking shitty
Agh, a little bug did that? what kind of bug was that? anyone has an idea?
That's rough OP, hope you get better soon.
lol free
hahahahahahahaha what a joke, how is pajeet? did he wash his hands before he treated you?
>universal health care would require this patient to wait in line for some government agent to schedule an appoint and then maybe he could see some third world doctor with very low skill
yeah you're right taking away incentive and having shitty physicians and surgeons and government bureaucrats rationing health care is great
now tell me where do the greatest physicians and surgeons and hospitals exist in the world
ill wait
fucking faggot
also are you enjoying the NHS's doctor shortage?
let me know how pajeet does when he treats you
hopefully hussain knows how to sanitize his hands
literally importing third world doctors