will reading books really help you become rich?
Will reading books really help you become rich?
No, I know a lot of communist stinky hippy motherfuckers way better read than I who are broke as shit
depends on what you read. fairytales wont make you rich. valuable ideas and skills will.
i have not read a single book in my life
What about reading book summaries? That's what he recommends.
It helps you gain knowledge that you can apply in ways that make money. Especially when those things are complicated and require lots of prerequisite knowledge. There is no reason not to collect information. You probably hoard data right? Images and text and other files, which have no immediate purpose, but may be useful someday. Why not do the same for your brain?
"Read 'A People's History of the United States' by Howard Zinn. Stay woke."
No: reading won't necessarily help you become rich; however: learning how to speed read, learning how to teach others to speed read, building some Ikea bookcases in your garage, filling said bookcases with hundreds random books picked up cheaply or freely while also filling the rest of the garage with rented lambos and unwarranted smugness, wearing dorky glasses in order to appear both hip & accessible, not shaving so you look like the scrubs you're selling to, wearing a plain t-shirt because the mouthbreathers you're scamming don't deserve the respect which would be implied by you dressing better, and telling the world in a smarmy voice that *you* have the *secret* for *them* to get *rich* -- and then selling your "services" in the form of expensive memberships which open the door to a bunch of extra pay-gates to some comparative pearls of wisdom buried in heaps of pointless prose (info which someone could acquire without ever dealing with you if they already happened to have the intelligence & gumption *actually* required to become rich)...
...well, then, user, *that* would help you get rich.
>tai lopez should spend his last days dogpaddling in a sceptic tank with no chance of escape
>tai lopez' "victims" deserve to remain poor for the rest of their lives because they are stupid & greedy
Just nurse your absolute hatred for all other people properly, user, and you will eventually become wealthy enough to exterminate all of them.
That beaner didn’t read one of those books
dropping truth bombs over here
dubs of truth
I think this expression is oft-misinterpreted, with people thinking that reading some book series will magically make you intelligent.
The reality is that very few people pursue information, and those who put forth the effort are rewarded in kind. For instance, reading up on crypto in its infancy would yield significant gains.
Reading isn't a literal activity, it's a mindset of growth and self-improvement. Also Tai Lopez is a fucking idiot.
Yes, because knowledge is power.
Yeah that's because they're reading commie drivel
Evaluation and Optimization of Trading Strategies by Robert Pardo
Fairytales hold some thrusts and wisdoms though
Read Fordlandia.
well...hows that working out for you?
Yeah, but with all due respect, Tai Lopez is a con man who should probably be in prison.
Yea, that was awesome. Someone basically mathematically proved a book a day was impossible while actually eating and living a life so he was like "well maybe not like, the whole book"
read Proust faggot
No. Books are overrated. You could spend your entire life reading classic literature and it would not increase your earning potential. I've read pretty widely. Books are just fancy films.
Too swarthy
What is your favourite work of classical literature?
Same here, hardly studied too, now Linux engineer team lead. Paid 3k all up for education.
System is broken, just learn shit on the internet and work your way up.
Nobody will ever teach you a "secret" to gain wealth or get rich, out side of a very few circumstances. The entire world is a zero sum game.
Those outside circumstances? Family (keeping wealth centralized, no brainer), genuine mentors who for whatever reason have the need to be altruistic at one point in their life (maybe they are dying, have no kids, whatever), successful people who NEED to bring other people into their circle they can trust in order to further magnify their progress and gains.
Its simple really, if you are successful in one field why would you potentially destablize your market power and share by teaching the masses your strategies?
Billionaires don't read user.
yes. reading books will allow you to become so wealthy that you will be able to own multiple million dollar properties and own several half a million dollar automobiles but it's not all about the money.
Marxist propaganda.
Only textbooks and nextbooks
Yes you fucking idiot, a resounding yes. Do you think a "self-made" single billionaire got there without acquiring from the wealth of Human knowledge that exists in books? God damnit read more you illiterate cunts.
Zinn was a marxist, ok. Was there anything historically inaccurate about the book? Other than it not fitting your parochial worldview? No. Fucking kill yourself
absolutely yes if you read the right books