The dorks on this board have no idea what's coming

With everybody backing Bitcoin's recent price increase, everyone is completely unaware of what is to come.

This coin is going to shock the entire crypto community. They have no idea what is about to hit the market.

If you missed the snapshot, I'm sorry, moron but you just missed one of the biggest opportunities this year.

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Veeky Forums only catches up later and FUD on actual projects that matter.

BTCP will moon.

yeah rip, sucks that I didn't buy a coin that depreciated -90% in value in a matter of days

i'm sure btcp will make up for it with its $20 opening price

What reason would anyone have to use this forked pajeetcoin over an established and respected privacy coin like Monero?

Iv got a decent amount and am expecting it to trade around the $50 mark

Some guy on an image board told me, it must be true. Damn.

Why is it called bitcoin private? Why didn’t they come up with an original name?

How is this any different than litecoin v litecoin cash?

Duuuuuuuur what is a fork, I've never participated in a fork before, duuuuuuuur

Monero is a shitcoin.

Congrats, you chased the pump and now you’re trying to shill your bags on Veeky Forums. Learn from your mistakes retard. Take the loss like a man and jump onto the next train

Monero is going to be Mazero coin soon, you filthy pajeet.

So they can cash into the brand name. Its a retard trap.

What bags, moron? This coin is going to hit at least 500 at which point I will shit on you as you buy at all time.

I will laugh if they can't even launch the fork, what is the hold up?

do something good for ONCE!!! do not sell your BTCP for less than $500
Lets push the price upwards people!! we have the power!!

Why are you on Reddit, shill? You think us Chad BTCP investors care about Reddit?

Lol literally everyone who is interested in this coin bought zcl. And goes what, tho es guys want to sell the bitcoin private the second they get it. No one will buy it. Looooooooooooool. Enjoy your moooooooon user.

>implying bitcoin dumped 90% when it forked to bch or any other btc fork

you're delusional. The only profits to be made with ZCL were as an early bird, if you bought in anywhere above $80 it's the equivalent of flushing money down the toilet.

This was all a scheme to get people to pump ZCL in anticipation for BTCP so the devs who bought stacks of it before the announcement could slowly drop their bags off as their shitcoin mooned, you fell for the meme.

>$20 opening price
>thinking it will not get pumped in matter of seconds to atleast 50$
the proof that more than half of Veeky Forums is retarded and only comes here to call fud and miss oportunities

yeap, another shit/scam coin

what else faggot?

This, 100%. The funny thing is they were so successful in the initial pump after floating the concept that they decided to go through with it. Exchanges are weary of Bitcoin forks because it's a fucking hassle for them and BTCP is extra complicated for the reasons Bittrex went in to.

Also anyone who thinks BTCP will moon when it eventually is listed on a shitecoin exchange is deluded. There will be 18 million worth of Bitcoin "free" BTCP that people aren't bagholding the 3 million ZCL ready to be instadumped.


Get the fuck out of here with your shticoin.

Bprivate isn't bitcoin, no one gives a shit.

lol zcl bagholders trying to hype their shitcoin. no one gives a shit about it

i actually think rhett is a good guy and is totally committed into btcp

sue me

people on here are just paranoid niggers

>stacked development team with degrees from prestigious universities and phds
>bitcoin name attracts normies and gives exposure
>supply will only be equal to the amount of btc/zcl that was in the right place during snapshot, driving price up while also having high marketcap, giving exposure from being on front page of cmc
>uses zcash tech without shitty founders fee
>better than btg and bcash in every way while also having less of a supply
>Doubled mining reward and they will add unclaimed coins to rewards pool, making this one of the most profitable coins on the market to mine
>decentralized exchange with btcp pairs on the way
>binance listing on the way
>fulfills satoshi's vision in every way, first dual fork of its kind and first fork to have a real whitepaper before launch

Stay poor faggots




Bitcoin is the index for all coins. Of course its not going to fucking dump. Instead, why don’t you look at something like NXT>IGNIS fucking brainlet

>fulfills satoshi's vision
4/10, too obvious


Literally the selling point of bcash, this does the same thing and takes it to greater heights. This coin has more value in terms of tech than BTG and Bcash, only less community support than bcash. Bcash is inferior in every way.

Wow you are clueless. ZCL was operating as a futures market for BTCP. BTC never was

Lol the fudshits that pump and dumped ZCL on this site will try to create any reason to fud BTCP. They need validation that their choice to sell was right. When BTCP hits 300 a coin, I will be laughing and they will be crying and posting pink wojaks

yeah its gonna be pretty good im expecting at least 30x-40x sometime by EOY