You laughed at me, you insulted me, you hated me

And then I was proved right


>"Mysterious bursts of energy coming from space align in a mathematical pattern, and so could be emanating from alien technology, according to scientists."
>"All of the ten bursts that have been detected so far have dispersion measures that line up as multiples of a single number: 187.5. The chances of them doing so are 5 in 10,000"
>While scientists have long considered that the bursts could be messages from aliens, the new finding could lend extra credence to that theory.

Other urls found in this thread:


What's going on with the weird star with the structure?

Let the memes rain


Oh yeah, because it's not like nature has ever produced mathematical patterns before. Yup, it's definitely gotta be aliens alright.

I remember a few weeks ago you said you were going to stop making these threads. Also if this turns out to be legit you'd still be wrong, since you were basing your beliefs on shitty evidence, speaking of which:

>The chances of them doing so are 5 in 10,000

Nigga, that's fucking nothing.

> doesn't say which satellite dishes recieved the signal
> doesn't say where it's heard from
> doesn't say which star system or cluster the signal came from

seems legit...

Spy sattelites confirmed!

>It could also be that the signals are not coming from space at all, but form much closer. The messages could be coming from a secret satellite that is hiding its messages so that they appear to come from much deeper in space.

>not clickbait
pick one

That said, this thread isn't even the article's fault as they even explained that "it could be" (as in a remote possibility) produced by ayys, it's you who said that it definitively is ayy lmaos. Kys.

Seriously trying to convert Veeky Forums to the cause, yes I've given up on that. This is just a bait thread because I'm bored.
They said it came from another galaxy
From another galaxy? Uh huh.
How could it not be aliens? It's aliens.

Also you spend wayyy too much time here.

It's true, but I've got nothing to do until September.


>no source in sight
>author appears to be a professional cock-slobbing clickbait whore

Well nigga, that explains it. OP sources tabloids as proof.

>5 in 10,000

You can only do so much revision mah nigga. Also I've been more interested in teaching myself some new shit, just this past couple of months I seem to have to "the wall".

You can always tell when gorilla is posting because he says the dumbest things possible.

Hey, gorrilla, "not confirmed" doesn't mean "proven" you fat retarded fuck.

Go back to /x/

>published April 1st 2015

OP I found the source!

It's good to take a break, waste time on Veeky Forums now then maybe August start to prepare yourself for September's material. Your brain will be nice and fresh.
What has that one dish in Australia have to do with a decade long investigation on the other side of the world?
Why do you dismiss this but believe in KIC?

They have put crystals into certain peoples eyes, somehow to harvest energy. There are parts of the EM spectrum off limits to some people also. Those CCTV cameras you see are also some form of projector/display, as is common glass.

We are being farmed for power.

Help is coming.

> Researchers have been attempting to work out whether a message is encoded in the bursts — and it seems they might now have found one.

wait what

Everthing is a mathematical pattern

this guy is the source

idk why so many of you find it hard to read

see name.
Let's simplify that fraction
do you know how many fucking stars are in the milky way alone?
We even have a testable hypothesis surrounding the wow signal now.
Don't get your fucking panties shoved up your asshole until the data, which the article has yet to provide, has actually been peer reviewed and we can start hypothesizing.


Wow, it's fucking nothing!

Do you know how many alien civilizations are in the Milky Way alone?

Currently all evidence points to there being none. This may need to be revised at a later date.

Unless they are sending plans for a warp drive they might aswell be sending a reptilian TDKR scene.
"You're a big reptile"

Lol what evidence? There is absolutely no evidence that we are alone in the galaxy. Every serious scientist believes that there are aliens out there, only 20 year olds who passed calc III and thus think they know everything say that we are alone

>Currently all evidence points to there being none.
We've only seriously studied one solar system, and we know of exactly one intelligent species.

The latest ones aren't multiples of 187.5

Also, this is a load of horseshit because any amount of random numbers have a common multiple. But these aren't even exact multiples. It's arbitrary nonsense.

>Lol what evidence?
The complete lack of evidence is pretty compelling evidence. Unless you're one of those that unironically thinks that until you've conducted a thorough survey of every planet, in every solar system in the galaxy. The lack of evidence is sufficient evidence for us to say that at present there is no evidence of life outside of earth. It's so obvious it's practically a tautology.

Mostly true, but see above. With a lack of evidence pointing towards your hypothesis, you can only conclude that your hypothesis is false. Certainly if more evidence becomes available then we update our views and revise our conclusions of the hypothesis. This is how science works.

>"taking a scoop of water out of the ocean and observing no fish is proof that there are no fish in the sea"

That's partly fallacious, you already know the sea has fish in it. Better would be to say

>"you're on an alien planet, much like earth, you take a scoop of water out of its sea. There are no fish in this scoop. Can you conclude that there are no fish in this alien sea?"

The only sensible answer is to say that at present there no evidence to support the hypothesis that there are fish in the sea, but current surveys suffer from a poor sample size. To blindly assert that there are fish in our alien sea, and then to suggest that you can only be sure there is no fish if you survey every last millimeter of the sea, is pretty much the definition of pseudoscience.

What I'm trying to say is, you can only conclude what your evidence suggests, at present evidence suggests there is no life beyond earth (and maybe Mars).

No thays a retarded conclusion from a retarded experiment. The only correct answer is "we dont know" there is no way to know that there are no aliens therefore aliens are a possibility just like fish in the sea is a possibility because FISH HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO LIVE IN SEAS JUST LIKE LIFE HAS BEEN KNOWN TO LIVE ON PLANETS
>Maybe mars
So you admit aliens exist?

Sorry I didn't realise I was arguing with a literal retard.

>there is no way to know that there are no aliens therefore aliens are a possibility just like fish in the sea is a possibility.

Fucking kek, can we please get captcha to have logic puzzles or something to root out the morons?

>there is no way to know that there are no pink unicorns therefore pink unicorns are a possibility just like fish in the sea is a possibility

>there is no way to know that there are no giant flying dick suckling faggots therefore giant flying dick suckling faggots are a possibility just like fish in the sea is a possibility

Holy fuck, best laugh I've had today.

>So you admit aliens exist?
Nope, I admit there's indirect evidence that might suggest that Mars either had life at one point in it's past or still has life today.

>The chances of them doing so are 5 in 10,000

What you mean is 1 in 2000

That might as well be 100% even on Earth, let alone a universe scale

who is the fucking retard here?
>Argues that there are no aliens in the galaxy
>Admits that there may be aliens on mars

>Admits that there may be aliens on mars

Are you illiterate? I've literally said the opposite, but accepted the possibility that I might have to update my ideas on the hypothesis at some point in the future, but right now it requires further research before any definite updating can take place. Like I've said a couple of times now, this is literally how science works. Everything I've said is completely consistent.

This isn't a hard concept.

>all evidence points to there being none
Is what you said then U turned on Mars implying that youre aware that NASA has evidence yhat there could be life there (water, methane, unexplored caves)
And dont get me started on Enceladus and Europa. If it turns out that even barren rocks and frozen ponds can sustain life then its pretty guaranteed that Earth 2.0 Kepler or however many light years away is virtually guaranteedbto have life.

Aliens are real and they are 48 million miles away. Wake up sheeple.

wow, it's a statistic no one would ever reasonably transmit information in

>are in the milky way alone
that's the fucking point