Post your IQ, University and Profession/What you are a student of.
I'll start;
143 IQ
Cambridge Uni
Graduate student; Pure Maths
Post your IQ, University and Profession/What you are a student of.
I'll start;
143 IQ
Cambridge Uni
Graduate student; Pure Maths
Shithole state
Grad school reject
High school, GED
Beat that
are you doing part 3 or a phd?
what college?
IQ of 106 (pls no make fun),
Doing and M.Sc in Organic Chem
Warwick Uni
None/Disability for "PTSD/Depression"
Philosophy, Physics
I'm doing a part III, doing a MMath. Been offered a position on the PhD course, obviously on condition of success in Part III (I don't know anyone who got an unconditional PhD offer).
where did you do undergrad?
142 / Student of Columbia
Cambridge (hence the MMath).
user how do i get better yields? Also, will NMR become,second nature at one point down the road?
Pls halp
131 IQ
Physical chemistry
Goethe University
Between 110 and 120
Mechanical "and aerospace" engineering, minor in math
217 in my last online IQ test
Professional shitposter
cool, what college?
Applied Math/CS or EE, maybe both if I spend an extra semester or overload on classes
Brown Univeristy
Could you get into an Ivy grad program with a 3.5? What of a 3.7?
85 and a half
152 (WISC-III)
Claremont McKenna College
Dropped out after three semesters; stopped going to class after 1.5 semesters and started selling weed and writing thesis papers for cash full-time
Currently bullshitting my way through a data analysis job that they think I'm qualified for, as well as some freelance writing
Finished my Physics PHD, Post grad at good uni, research/TA
Dunno IQ
St Andrews
PhD student; (Small department so won't say)
IQ tests are for losers
131 IQ
University of [PLACE]
Software Developer
879 IQ
Gender studies
Why would I have my IQ tested?
Pure math PhD student. Would prefer not to say where for the sake of anonymity.
>all these math grad and phd students
This explains why there is so much brainless shitposting on Veeky Forums.
3.14 IQ
Veeky Forumsniversity at Your Dad's House
Cum Laudes BhD, Pure Intellectual Diskorse
Undergrad: Engineering Physics with a focus on EE
GPA: 1.7
What year?
160 IQ
Harvard University
Graduate student, Bioengineering and Theoretical Mathematics
4.0 GPA
shittona state
computer programming
The Architect of THE MATRIX
going into junior
Woooo. Do you know a black kid named Kenny. I think he's doing ChemE. From Rhode Island. What about a weird girl named Amelia from Rhode Island?
PhD student, STEM field
Male, 28 years old, white
6'7", 280 lbs, 6% bodyfat
Benchpress: 500
Squat: 750
Deadlift: 800
Dick: 9x7
IQ: Between 290-300
University: graduted undergrad at Stanford when I was 15, triple majored in physics, pure mathematics and petroleum engineering, graduated when I was 20 from Princeton University, Phd in pure mathematics and theoretical physics
SAT Score: 2400 first try without studying
Salary: 50 million a year
I have an blonde, big-titted, 5'7" girlfriend who gives mad head and was a virgin before I met her
I have an incredibly strong and defined jawline
I'm better than you
Lab Rat; Mathematics
Don't know my IQ.
Studying Mathematics at University of Pennsylvania.
internet meme database
Phd student on Dank Memeology and Applied Meme Enginnering and Maths
beat this
I bet you guys practice on QI tests everyday just so you can brag about your QI score on the science board of an korean cartoon forum on the internet everyday
UK top 20 University (not going to specify which one)
Could you post a link to a reasonable IQ test? I would expect it to either show a score >200 or at least approximate the true value.
Would appreciate a link as well.
No Idea
Brigham Young University
Geology undergraduate
Mathematics, Biochemistry, History
I actually know amelia, she's in lots of my classes haha, haven't met kenny though
This is , I am technically starting in the fall (glad to have gotten a funded assistantship).
How do you like UConn? What should an incoming student know?
I grew up in Connecticut, so I do know the campus and (former) party reputation somewhat, but it seems to have been cleaning up?
Undergraduate Math+Physics double major 2st year
Drama kek
Ya blew it
>theoretical mathematics
just fucking die
What is the best way to figure out your IQ?
Are their any tests online that are remotely close to computing your actual IQ?
If by cleaning up you mean that the partying has died down, then yeah you're right. Not a terrible thing for me since I have close friends that have apartments.
I really enjoy the campus, it's very nice walking to class when it isn't freezing or really windy. Depending on what STEM field you're in the department will be either really nice or a bit outdated, for example the physics and math departments are quite old but if you're doing some sort of EE or comp sci the ITE building is very nice.
I know a few of the physics department graduate students and they're all pretty cool people in case you end up meeting them.
I'm not sure what else I can let you know besides pack a few different very large and warm coats
internet tests tell me 120-155, so i'll take a guess that it's 100
undergrad in Math/Phys. it's been fun and very hard.
How hard is it to get tickets to basketball games, as a student? How much are they?
What about football and hockey games? Aren't those played in Hartford or something?
Why did you go to UConn?
124; administered by a psychologist. One portion of it was unmeasurable by standard means which I believe was pattern recognition.
Failed out of everything past the seventh grade and wasted about $5,000 of my parents money trying to do college.
Check my primes.
Tickets aren't hard to come across. I'm unsure if graduate students are allowed but you can enter a lottery to obtain a season pass, otherwise there is a uconn buy and sell facebook page where they are always being sold for
Are you me? 108 here
147 (SD=15)
Electrical Engineering
IQ 126
State school
African American studies
Grad students have to live off campus (and so have a car), so not worried about that, more worried about parking in general, I've heard horror stories.
My mother works at UConn and she says it's "no problem" if you get in "before 8am"
God damn it, mom
Uni is for cucks
Not that user but 1) be really careful at all points of synthesis (i know you scrubs don't clean your glassware properly), 2) yes. You get used to it.
> Brigham Young
> Geology
>"Cambridge Pure Maths"
>posts IQ
sage and reported
>879 IQ
>Gender studies
Try harder, 876 you be world renowned and you can't get a PhD in GS
Which universities people choose to go to doesn't matter at all.
You shouldn't make fun of people doing important degrees. Gender studies and other liberal arts contribute much more to society than most others.
Never took an official IQ test and don't really care
Did undergrad at UC Santa Cruz
Postdoc, astrophysics
University of Groningen (NL)
European Languages and Cultures
given that gender studies produce trigger sensitive feminists and islam apologists, I would say that these are highly overrated programs.
Liberal arts like Gender Studies contribute to our understanding of society, which is to say far more important than any technology or engineering study.
Although I wouldn't expect much of Veeky Forums to understand this, most of you STEM students are just drones for your disciple, incapable of higher order or emotional thinking.
Well that may be true, but you can't put me into that bracket, I actually study the links between language, politics and society in my program, which is within the liberal arts field. Obviously gender studies is a useful program, but there isn't as much need for it as there is for STEM students or other liberal arts students.
72 nuclear physics
146 IQ
No University yet, but in High School at Carnegie Vanguard
No job yet
Yes parking is definitely quite difficult, I had to park cars all throughout my fall semester for my brother, if you don't get there early you may have to drive circles until someone leaves. Not fun!
Graduated HS in 2011
Went to U. of Arizona for 1 year
Left, mental illness
Trying to find a job and go back to school in 2017
>mfw my county has 20% unemployment
why would you make a post where 90% of these Veeky Forums niggers are going to lie to compensate for how stupid they really are. My iq is 178
IQ: 139
Dick: 7in long, 2in thick
Still in high school (killmenow.jpg) top of my class. Hopefully I'll get into Caltech, Stanford, or Berkeley. Not going out of state.
Planning on being an engineering student. I want to make argon lasers built into gloves to be used as weapons and so I can feel like I'm iron man.
but do they really?
If we didn't have such a deep understanding of gender, then how would you have a computer to post this from? Fuckin' STEM drones.
>emotional intelligence
IQ is a meme.
Southern California UC
Graduate student, Inorganic/materials chemistry
I am a student in mathematics. Recently, UTD added a new specialization for math and statistics grad students, the Data Science specialization, so I am going to pursue that.
When did all you faggots get IQ tested?
I've never known anybody who has been tested IRL other than friends of this girl I was dating who were doing Psych masters.
Are you counting online tests?
5000 Magicka
College of Winterhold
I did whatever the W Children's test is when I was diagnosed with ADHD. Apparently it's not considered a great diagnostic tool but I was 7 at the time so it's not like I knew better.
>150 (but thats probably changed since I took it when i was 12)
>High School
>Don't know what i'll study when I graduate
The average IQ on this board is apparently 150, don't take anything you read here seriously.
rolled dubs 82934 times
Veeky Forums university
> idk
> Estacio University (hueland)
> System Information (graduating this year)
I failed calculus 2 once.
Am I a brainlet Veeky Forums! r8 me
Political Science
125 IQ
Idaho State University
Undergraduate Going into Pharmacy
300 IQ starting
Any university I want
Math major
ur like me u just dont like doing things desu i have to be emotionally involved in order for something to work out
Take a writing course before you graduate, for fuck's sake.
IQ 126
RWTH Aachen
undergrad mechEng
>You shouldn't make fun of people doing important degrees. Gender studies and other liberal arts contribute much more to society than most others.
148 IQ
Imperial College
Maths Msci with year in europe.
I have been thinking of doing a PhD afterwards. Would getting a first, with good final year project be sufficient to get onto a decent program?
What about to do it at Oxbridge?
Pros/Cons American PhD?
I am mainly interested in stats/computing shit atm. Is it reasonable to expect ~£30k~$45k?
Basically someone red pill me
not unless you got a lot of other shit going for you