Pictures that trigger Veeky Forums.
Pictures that trigger Veeky Forums
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DNA arranged in a centered helix rather than an off-set one
That looks fucking delicious
I can't tell where the minor and major groove is fuck
as a biochemfag this [TRIGGERS] me
Let me help untrigger those who have been triggered.
what the hell is going on in there, what kind of abomination is that?
I know, right? I just want to munch on it. I would pull it apart down the middle like a fucking RNA and lick the creamy filling. And then I would get super powers.
New flavor goys.
thanks doc
Finally I can unclench my ass
Ultimate nerds rope.
This is a great comedic work. #BESTOFOURTIME
daily reminder that the notion of a disorder is a social construct.
All illnesses are social constructs.
You think there's a rock in God's garden with a description of perfect health engraved on it? We agree on what is and isn't healthy as a society, based on what we know of biology and how it impacts people.
I'm pretty sure not being able to reproduce without medical or societal help is a condition though.
>I'm pretty sure not being able to reproduce without medical or societal help is a condition though.
Why do you think that's a problem?
It's not like we're about to run out of babies.
If you can't see why it's a condition (I said condition), you're retarded.
This is not a debate btw, it's something that rustles my jimmies as OP asked.
>The vast majority of people think DNA is just two loops with bars between them
They are perfectly able to reproduce; they just don't want to.
This is only a problem in the abstract viewpoint of evolutionary success for that individual's genes, but last I checked we only actually cared about the impact of a condition on the person's life, not on the long-term propagation of their genes (unless they find its impact on their long-term gene pool bothersome).
Gender dysphoria, on the other hand, *is* certainly a mental condition in any consistent use of the term, but the way we deal with and think about mental conditions is also seriously fucked up, and in the world where we actually dealt with mental health and variation properly and were consistent with calling it a mental condition this would add up to basically the same result as the people claiming it's not a mental disorder are asking for. Since trying to fit being transgender into current notions of "identity" is probably easier than trying to change the way the public thinks about the entire nature of mental health, I understand why they'd focus their efforts on the former.
So how come it's an offset double helix then?
this calms my soul
the thing that fucks me up about this is that, that backbone and those faux-h-bonds aren't trivial to make
someone went to a lot of effort to define and arrange those molecules
and they fucked everything up
the geometry of the bonds of the backbone define the curvature of the helix
Holy shit you're right. The pattern for the phosphate is also really, really intricate even though it doesn't have any actual significance.
>If you don't think the same as me you are retarded
Nice argumentation, return to /b/ where you belong
Gays can reproduce if they really want to. Or is celibacy a medical condition too?
Then why is sterility a condition EVEN IF a person doesn't want to have children?
>tfw my genetics textbook's cover also displays DNA in this way
It's a good book, but goddamn.
Is this a fucking joke?
Top kek
what it's h two oh
Holy fucking kek
the majority of the people think atoms are round, what's your point
if you need to convey an idea you have to do it in a simple manner, the vast majority of people aren't scientists
grow up, kid
But atoms ARE round.
Because it doesn't fit in with what our society considers as a healthy person. If you're not healthy, then you're sick to some degree.
Current definition of health by OMS:
>Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
As the definition implies, all is a social construct. (And I hate that shit, because for example people might wanna be fat just for personal preference, and then we would have to deal with a HUUUUUUUUGE amount of patients that makes us invest TONS of money from the government's budget for health on things that could have been prevented. Wasting tons of money that are needed for other stuff, like patients with cancer or other diseases that needs lots of money from the system. Oh, but wait, that's already happening!)
This is my personal REEEEEEEEE
which one's inside me
i hope it's the pretty one that looks like a snowflake on the right
I don't see what's triggering about this one.
I think it's the stereotypical "colored liquids = chemicals" thing.
>first semester quantum
>on a window
>"Smartest kid in the world"
>Writing on a fucking window
See you in the unemployment line, buddy.
>IQ >170+ immeasurable genius
>perfect photographic memory
>Post-doc quantum astrophysicist before 20
He is literally the definition of someone who is actually qualified to write on windows.
Oh right. Or that there is a bunch of unrelated chemistry scribbling on the blackboard to testify there is some science shit happening there.
This. If you were him you would even write on people's faces.
If you were to give atoms any shape, it'd be a sphere. Sure, a single p Orbital might not look spherical, but add all of them together and you have a sphere again. It's mainly spherical harmonics, after all, which is responsible for the distinctive looks of orbitals.
me thinks they are not wearing proper safety masks for the amount of diethylene glycol that's very clearly going to evaporate from that incredibly small boiling flask.
They probably fucked something up in the production too, that color's a bit wrong, makes me think any significant heat is going to catalyze a reaction there.
Say goodbye to your well conditioned hair, and your not-dissolving lungs.
..... no, the confounding aspect is that is one hell of a strange kitchen.
...cos muh dipole moment 'n shit
"I have determined a problem set wherein I have a boner and have yet found no solution for it yet."
If I were to design an apparatus that had to look chemical-y for the background of a photo or something, I'd just try to come up with the most ridiculous setup I can.
>which one's inside me
Mostly B-DNA.
>that is one hell of a strange kitchen.
>I don't see what's triggering about this one.
Insufficient racial diversity.
yup i'm triggered.
Atoms are spherical only from very far away, when you get close then, if you could see them, they will start looking like some weird 3d shape that is constantly warping and changing (this is because they're 4-dimensional objects).
Only real 90s kids will get this meme.
beyond trigger
> 11 dimensional manifold
> a bunch of disks intersecting toruses
Colors are good.
>, when you get close then, if you could see them, they will start looking like some weird 3d shape that is constantly warping and changing (this is because they're 4-dimensional objects).
literally what
the wavelength of light is too large for "seeing" to make sense at that scale
what are you spewing
String theories are compactified on Calabi-Yau 3-folds. Which are 6 (real) dimensional.
Z-DNA is left handed though.
Op's picture is right handed, meaning it is likely meant to represent typical B-DNA.
copenhagenists literally believe the cat is both dead and alive
what is the problem ? I don't get it
half of the thread is brainlets arguing about the shape of atoms, as if they know their model is the final and true model
from my freshman humanities textbook
what is that cringe picture of deterministic paths
its not just the cosmic calender... look at it.
>earth is 6 billion years old
>"remote ancestors of modern human beings" showed up 4 million years ago
>4 million years ago is in august on a 6 billion year timescale
>mfw I've seen someone deliver this in school
you mean 2/30000 of a year is less than 4 months? shit, you might be right about that
surreal trajectories