hopeful outlooks on $/thor in the long term? please i need some smart user's shill

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you thinking about selling?

strength node here
it's not looking good fellas, not gonna lie.

thundernode here
we'll earn bank later on. just maybe not this year.

anyone looking at the current price is thinking about it, but i fucking hate the thought of giving in to the whales artificially creating this. i need smart user's shill

if you're in vechain for thor just sell now lol

its literally designed to be cheap and they have said 1000000x they will adjust the price to keep it low and stable at will

if you're not a business, advisor, or paid shill, vechain is not for you

i was weak and I sold guys - almost no gains, but fuck it - not a loss

same. do we not have a math major here to shill some thor estimates?

anyone thinking thor will be priced anywhere over 50c is deluding themselves. 400,000 thor produced daily? thats fucked

I know what you are looking for. Stay strong buddy. Even the most bearish outlook looks good from here.

>They have said they will adjust the price to keep it low.



if eq thor price is $1 then vet is $3 according to the formula. kek brb kms
are whales buying large amount in order to manipulate price?
are fundamentals a joke?

Vechain holds an ICO. The point of an ICO is to be given ETH for funding of business development and technical development. Less than 9

months after the ICO, we have this:

Instead of just selling their ETH on the market, they sell VEN on the market. Around 30,000,000,000 VEN JUST in the past 3 months? What was

the ICO for?

Then they say that they have a special "pool" for partners to "acquire" (note, they carefully didn't use the word buy) VEN, increasing the

circulating supply even further.

Then they say they want to hire 100 more people by the end of the year, meaning more VEN dumps by the foundation

Is this serious? Why the fuck would anyone hold this? Lmao. I'm convinced VEN holders are incapable of reading between lines, this isn't

going anywhere any time soon.



nice try bagholder

Kek it broke support just a bit ago, and working on breaking more support now before it drops a lot
Looks like ppl are scrambling to get out not like a take profits sell

>they know something
I just bought some at the bottom but i think i'm gonna sell lmao

it's just one price point. better than none

you're more useless than thor right now you leaf reading fuck

you dumb cuck do you know how well ppl follow support levels and resistance
Basic TA can help a lot.... and others will look at those signs
Meaning loads will buy or sell at those areas. KYS you poor faggot

You're a brainlet. I now regret posting my spreadsheet.


the fuck you talking about i figured the formula out by the numbers and plugged in $1 instead of $2.75

>are whales buying large amount in order to manipulate price?
are fundamentals a joke?
Congrats on figuring out that THOR should be worth about 33% what VEN is. Good luck figuring out why THOR won't be $1


>Good luck figuring out why THOR won't be $1
ok maybe i am a brainlet relative to you. i'll have to think about it. thanks for sharing btw. it's something for me to work with

enjoy your daily $0.001

So you have over 10k right?
How did you afford that lmao
I fell for the VEN meme plenty of times, unlike you though i bought in low and sold tops almost every time. So i'm not even tripping, even if it was a Chinese scam i was able to ride the waves
But you, will be holding bags for
>muh passive income
Enjoy $5 a day, you are almost as bad as minefags
$50,000 down the drain
>$10/day passive income not including upkeep and electricity


i might be dumb but not that dumb

math or gtfo

question do you get paid to fud or you're just trying to accumulate? or both?

yeeh bro everyone wants to shake le weak hands XDDD le master holder race

you're on every VEN post linking your thread, you're not even trying to hide it by just uploading the image, just copy/pasting the thread

>ppl aren't paid to FUD or Shill coins
You may find the 1 out of 100,000 threads that was a paid shill but it's usually ppl hyping their own coins up
Or it is people spreading FUD because it is REAL or they just want to troll and make others uneasy
This... seems like genuine FUD with proof and back up

Don't need to hide shit. Go fuck yourself with your scamcoin bags

i wish i was smart enough to find major holes in it. thank you user. i probably don't deserve this

i'm a brainlet but i promise im not selling until ive a good reason

if you sell your masternode you are literally retarded. hahahahah 30% of all cigs in the world will be on vechain thor blockchain that is just 1 industry. Do you know how many fucking transactions that is. This fud is retarded all you brainlets dont know how business works. Literally every crypto sells their coins to fund the project. Only you stupid neets have never seen a quarterly report before so you react like scared little kids

>upkeep and electricity

all 3 economy nodes require neither, do some research pajeet

i made this thread to get a better grip on thor (thanks user still trying to find holes). im not dumb enough to fall for reddit fud

how many of these shitcoins needed for mn?

Best guess is 20% of VET value.

If you have a node, you’ll be retired soon and can GTFO out of these greedy game and enjoy life.

10k minimum but roadmap gives sunny the option to revise (increase or decrease) node bonus after 2019, so anything's good

my bros, my fucking bizbros: i'm not worthy.

Guys, how this game works is it moons one day after your weak hands sell. Then you hate yourself. You either believe in this shit or you don’t. You’re going 30x this year minimum. The next run is going to be based on logic and fundamentals.

>this guy obviously has no idea what he's doing

..don’t sell and fight urge to KYS later bro. .. sharks want your VEN..

i didn't do enough homework and held literally on proof by authority (jim, partners). i feel better now still trying to find holes (thank you user).

If he's making money with it, it doesn't mean that you are.

nobody knows but it will be worth the market will decide. Trust they got Oxford on it they got phd economic professor in charge of the economic model they got pwc they spent 100s of hours going over it.

Literally in Breyer Capital's crypto portfolio. Literally stated he bought in at ~$5

..nobody made money on ETH because of Vitalik

What we know is happening is that the market is figuring out “HOLY SHIT VEN IS FOR REAL” and they want your coinz. Same shit with BTC when it was bear. This is your moment to shut your phone off and come back in a month and freak the fuck out when VEN is $12-15 and climbing.

Altho VEN may be real...
Anyone who has this argument is a brainlet
a Veeky Forums post would not TOUCH the price you fucking mong
The poorfags here selling would bring the price down 2 cents
YES we want to FUD for a 2 cent discount!!
Node holders probably wouldn't sell, so scratch that off your list
FUD on Veeky Forums is NOT to get cheaper bags. It would have to be such good FUD, such credible FUD. And repeated every day on every thread to affect this price
gladly..... kys

DNV GL CEO of business assurance said one week ago that they are excited to roll out VeChain to their clients on a massive scale, and that "we aren't doing pilot runs here."

It's going to be huge. It's already the world's leading blockchain-as-a-service.

You’d be surprised how effective Veeky Forums FUD and shilling is. This isn’t the only place it is happening. However, there are a lot of fucking weak hands here. Just my experience as an old fag. You’re just a fake fag. Stay dicky, fake fag.

Remember, the goal is not just to force weak boy hands to sell. It’s to force them to question and feel uncertainty. Then they don’t tell their friends to fucking buy. Then they don’t confidently post support anymore for fear they look dumb. Then they don’t research deeper into why Vechain is the best crypto since Ethereum. This is nearly effective at driving the price down or keeping it down as them selling.

I'm foaming at the mouth over the inevitable FOMO that will occur when this gains traction on a wide scale

Shilling a low market cap coin may be a tad beneficial as if they get lucky and loads of people on Veeky Forums get into the coin then shill it them selves
The price can pump a bit...
FUD on a high cap coin though.... not so much
It's mostly all for shits and gigs

In fact, this is funny. We know each other. We argue on other social sites, or at least, I argue with your talking fake head whalebro face while you spew full of shit Asian Whale Club bullshit like “governments are going to crush bitcoin” because you promised your loser sucker clients you would get them 3-5k bitcoin. Greedy little shit. You now realize what I had tried to tell you since December, that Vechain was THE next fucking Ethereum type of revolution, except its bigger. It makes any other crypto use case look like a Digital Ocean droplet. You can eat a giant Veeky Forums FUDDING dick and play with your own FUD pudding asshole.

lol they admitted Oxford thing was a scam, pwc is just them being part of a shitty incubator that never gave birth to a decent company, and the professor is some third rate deadbeat with no citations outside of Chinese circlejerk

you and people like op only hear what you want to hear

can't find the source but i trust u. sunny tweeted a similar price point

It will be like few single coin FOMO runs we have ever seen. Only two, actually.

please please show me where they explicitly stated 'our Oxford partnership is a scam', cus what they tweeted was 'Oops sorry, Oxford usually like to post partnerships first'

well, that is part of it, entertainment, but not in the case where there is downtrend momentum, it only increases. However its true, only us rich fags benefit from the price dip, and we benefit at the expense of some newbs. I just say lets take it easy on the kids sometime. The rich fags are coming and they’re going to drive VEN to the moon, and some people who could really use life changing money are going to get fucked. Just my 2 Canadian cents.

how fucking deluded are you. can you not read between the pr lines? read the last line from my post again. you will never hear that exact quote lmaoo user just kys

honestly user this is waste of effort. best fud is pushing that sell wall down our throats

>at the expense of some newbs
the stronger the holders the better the foundations

kek i'm not even a FUDfag
I was just sharing how it was breaking support earlier
And i was gonna buy in, but decided not to. The FUD got to me too lmao
I agree , they need to go easy on others here. If they are doing hardcore FUD on people here to make them lose money, that is fucked.

kek you have no idea how universities work. You're actually autistic if you think they'd falsely name the world's top university as a partner to try and scam neets. Try harder faggot

VET fomo is going to be huge. They are literally partnered with BitOcean who will be selling VET at ATMs and making an ICO on the platform. Mainnet is launching with multiple DAPPs that will have government support. Announcement this weekend at the conference with DNV GL in Tokyo (I believe)

The FUD is so weak

We know it happens.

You should cost average in here tho. 37k-45k is gonna be money and the last chance.

There is serious money coming and serious news.

You Will See.

go to micro task worker. A ton of ads there are micro payments for shilling in reddit and Veeky Forums. 80% of the posts here are shilling.

And it's honestly hilarious when people try to FUD the RFID chips. First, it's literally made up FUD. Second, RFID is a very small part of VeChain. They are the world's leading blockchain-as-a-service. They are going to do everything.

No argument. However I know some of the scared newbs and it’s annoying herding them like cats. But you’re right, you can’t force a Shetland pony to drink.

I work for vechain. Not true. Oxford is an old institution that wants to announce first. Partnership is unaffected and still strong. PwC is a strategic partner as well as DnV GL and BitOcean. Our professor comes from the top University in China. Eat shit pajeet.

Can you shed light on relationship between Sunny and CPC’s Dr Long from their University days? Is that why VEN “ “ “ invested “ “ ” in CPC?

how do u have time to shitpost lol

I am a 3rd party developer. Everyone that works at Vechain literally works way past 8 hours a day every day never seen anything like it

Kek (4x)

I cannot discuss. However, yes you should follow the money and buy in.

who is the partner to be announced at the tokyo food show? or are you just another larping faggot?

oldfag if you don't like VEN, what do you like?

Vechain will outperform any coin in 2018.

It will be amazing.

People selling now will be rekt

>another larping faggot

Next announcement.....Heineken

VET will be worth 1k one day, regardless of the projected Thor price. Just hold and stay strong, man. The vast majority of these guys live in cocoon of sheltered shilling. I'm not a native Veeky Forums browser. I've only been here for a few days and am growing tired of the racism and method of communication - even of it's all a joke. Look at VET objectively. It's the most promising project in the entire cryptosphere. In time, the skeptics will get burned heavily and the holders will prevail through a storm of exclusive prosperity. Not many here seem to understand. All will be revealed in time. Godspeed.

i think you mean VEN

>VET will be worth 1k one day, regardless of the projected Thor price
can you expand on this? thank you

i think he means VET.


>Everyone that works at Vechain literally works way past 8 hours a day every day

you are so full of shit, you have obviously not worked a day in your life for any development company

(((I work for vechain))), bagholder btw

it've got VEN labeled as a P&D coin when i bought it

so i sold when news broke yesterday

they said they will try to regulate the price of thor not vet. And they never made any mention of the sort of price range it would be in either, so cant know if its gonna be low or not

vet is for investors, thor is for consumers. if they regulate the price of thor that would mean they would need to increase the supply so nodes will gen more thor so node owners still make the same if not more passive income leading to higher vet prices