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Bitcoin Private is gonna kill this shit coin so quick. The entire deep web is gonna switch to BTCP because BTCP has the same privacy tech monero has layered over zksnarks for extra privacy
It's pumping for the March air drop of MoneroV.
The funny thing is. When people claim their air drop moneroV, it destroys the privacy of both coins. let's you see which is a generated decoy and which is real because you can compare the two chains.
2nd time monero privacy has been broken and that's all it is good for. Lol
this is what delusional ZCL bagholders actually believe
My top 2 guesses for the identities of the user moneroV devs are the BTCP devs or the NSA
I would say Monroe is a shitcoin, but I do believe it’s days have been out numbered. With the rise in popularity in “Privacy” coins it’s fair to say Bitcoin Private could rule them all, with the name alone.
Wouldn’t ***
literally anything with the bitcoin name is a shitcoin
your privacy won't be broken as long as you're not dumb enough to use your Monero private keys on MoneroV
That is a shit privacy design if it's broken if someone claims an air drop. It also breaks other people's privacy too. Let's just nicely ask crypto speculators not to claim the air It's a shi design. Monero fucked up.
FBI is going to track monero back to the exchange people bought it on. Then they will simply issue a court order. If you are KYC on that exchange you are fucked.
Jesus Christ what are you people doing that you need so much privacy with your purchases? The FBI isn’t going to flag you for buying a few drugs in the side. The only real benefit I would see is the possibility to avoid taxes. Good luck selling them though.
do i srsly have to download the whole chain just to buy some weed
you can connect to a remote node
Btcp is a fork of zcash, no one is touching that backdoor shit
how do?
Just use something else. No one will care lol
is dream market the best? has tor been taken over by the feds? help me not get v& bros
I've already sent 1 XMR to it and i've got noway to check if it's arrived because pic related
ecs dee!..
connect to a remote node you dipshit
you can check and confirm transactions if you have the view key .... doy ou even monero?
think Zcoin has anything on this?
ok i've got a view key, where do i put it in?
here doens't work
none of these work for me unfortunately
How the fuck do I get my MoneroV?
I have my XMR in their GUI wallet. will it just be another wallet to download with the same priv key?
go to settings > manage daemon and enter for the addres and 18089 for the port and then click 'connect'
this.. i have an unknown amount of monero in the gui wallet, will I get this moneroV shit?
perfect, that worked, all good.
let's hope i don't get seppuku'd like i did with SR
then how are you gonna claim your moneroV?
>claiming an NSA honeypot coin
Well fuck. Anyone knowledgeable with a rebuttal to this?
>That is a shit privacy design
Not really because you should never share your private keys with anyone. There is no reason for MoneroV to be a chain split of Monero other than inflating the marketcap. Monero's network won't be compromised because very few people will be stupid enough to participate in this scam.
I'm 100% going to contribute to the attack I gain free money and I get to know the satisfaction of helping to knock those smug monerofags down a peg.
HAHAHA you actually think these retards will turn down "free money". Unless they actually make you hand over your private keys to your wallet then that's obviously a scam wtf?
Careful with those digits, schlomo.
Not exactly a rebuttal - this sort of Monero fork attack IS a legitimate issue - but it can be successfully mitigated by simply increasing transaction ring sizes, if it came down to it
You mean like sumo did from the start because this attack was well theorized for a long time? You mean the same sumo that uses ghost addresses on top of mixins so even if this attack found success you would only reveal fake passthrough wallets ?
If you go for MoneroV you literally deserve to lose all your money.
pretty glad i bought [AMOUNT_UNDEFINED] moonero a few weeks ago desu senpai
You're just talking about if you're buying drugs with it right? I just like privacy, but I don't see how they're going to do anything if you just own monero. Is monero illegal now?
Just enjoy the dip after MoneroV fork...
Whys sumo have the dumbest name/logo fucking sucks they fucked that up eh
You know the ledger hardware wallet is coming out end of this month, with the monero fork. This thing mite double in price.
It doesn't matter, because retards who participate in this scam will immediately sell their XMV anyway, so that's only 1 XMV transaction per person. It won't be enough to compromise the network.
They surely should make a rebrand. The logo is OK, but the name really sucks.
WE ARE THE NEXT BITCOIN, iota keeps announcing they drinking coffee with volkswagen(nazicars)
a challenger appears
how many xmr have you fags ben hodling? ive had 50
shit compared to zCoin, node sucks too. there is Monero and zCoin and the rest are flawed
right, that's why ZEN is working with IOHK
Hoskinson tie and it’s about zk
I run two nodes it’s buggy . just reporting actual user experience data.
by the way what the fuck has cardano ever done anyway?
Comfy coin. Back In the top 10.