I need to get good in math is 2 months

I need to get good in math is 2 months.

Best course of action ?

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What sort of math do you want to get good at?

Just do a lot of online IQ tests 'till you are 200.

Basically anything from the 10th grade and up, my last 3 lost years of no school.


The distance between city A and city B is 666.42 km. Your new red Ferrari travels at a constant speed, 84.2 km per hour, from city B to city A. In seconds, how long will you be travelling from B until you reach your destination A?

If you can't solve this trivial linear equation then you need to revisit primary school maths.

Do Khan Academy but if you need help with a subject watch PatrickJMT or ProfRobBob.

Khan's videos are kind of shit to be honest.

>my last 3 lost years of no school

Good idea! Go back to school.

28440. Seconds

> back to primary school it is

You're off by ~53 seconds. That's enough time for OJ to stab Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman dozens of times each.

This. Also another question you should solve without problems:

Suppose object δ travels with constant velocity v= Γ(7/2) at FL330 at 030 deg. Calculate the Reynolds-number. You may assume that the object has the simplified shape of a cone. Solve in spherical coordinates.

This one I can't :(


So do you know geometry, trigonometry or algebra?

Yeah, just the basics ( I think ) .

Yeah it was mumbo-jumbo anyways.
But be more specific. What are you preparing for? You can't just say that you need to get good at maths. Getting good may mean many things, depending on your requirements.

So in other words no. Go onto Khan Academy, make an account and follow this path.

pre-Algebra > Algebra I > Algebra II > Geometry > Trigonometry > Differential Calculus > Inegral Calculus.

So why do you need to get good at math all of a sudden?

> pic related

If you specifically need to prepare for this, it's quadratic equations, polynomial division, analysis, derivatives and perhaps a bit of integrals if needed.

Would going on khan academy help ?

Any other ways for maybe regaining all the lost years by studying alone ?

Is there no math book from the simplest to the most complex or even end of high school stuff ?

I'm really frustrated ..

yeah definitively you can just "cram study" three years of mathematics. this will work.

you're an idiot

Fuck me ..

Khan Academy is quite good and it does exactly what you're looking for. Start at
and work from top to bottom. Solving this trivial stuff first will get you on track and it goes all the way to HS graduate level. After you've finished everything on that site, you will have a feeling for what's going on and then you can decide what to learn for yourself.
Really don't worry about it being too hard, math is -at least until university- just a matter of practice. Focus on your attitude before you focus on your math skills. The former will automatically improve the latter. Please understand this last part. It is the key to it all.

Thank you, are there books that you recommend as well ?

I'm really eager to learn .

fug :DDD

One step at a time. Don't try to become an engineer in a month, you have to create a stable base first. And those free online courses like khanacademy are ideal for that.
Books wouldn't make much sense for these topics; you can worry about that when you begin to touch topics like limits or complex numbers etc. You worry too much about things you probably don't understand. Really, begin with khanacademy and forget the rest for the time being. It will all come to you as you get familiar with maths.

Thanks alot man, you got kik or snapchat for further help / inquiries?

Would really appreciate it !

Nah I don't have these things, sorry.
I will give you one final thing to keep, though.
Once you've thoroughly finished khanacademy, you might use this site for your next level:


It's a site that prepares you for engineering maths, complete with lectures and generated problems with solutions. And then, if you have finished this in some time with success, you might call yourself good in maths.

Good luck!

Thanks alot bro, I'll succeed!

top kek

Ain't it better to do MIT courseware instead of Khan?

what's the difference?

How do I get good at math olympiad stuff, except practising? Is there any recommended literature for problem solving/olympiad tricks?

Git gud

patrickJMT on youtube

What kind of math?

Loren c Larson problem solving through problems
G Polya how to solve it
Try searching for problems with solutions from the olympiad you intend to go to, and remember, the best prepared will have the best result.

Get some stuff from Andreescu T

Possible to relearn all my high school math ?

I'm actually a dropout and want to get good at math .





Yes, this is what I did.

Start by using khan academy.

khanacademy will get my math level to about that of a 12th grader ?

I'd recommend finding a tutor if you can afford it. Or inquire at university (if that's what you're doing in 2 months) about you best course of action, they should be more than happy to help you find what you need. It's more common than you think, for someone to have no maths starting a degree.

I hate your picture.


Not him, but that's a great suggestion there. I've been interested in honing my mathematical skills

Learn piano

How's that going to help ?
i used to play piano a few years ago tho.