What does ck think of this cheeseburger

What does ck think of this cheeseburger

Looks decent

That bun looks like it comes from those really cheap generic brand packs for like 6 for a $1

Anyway the burger looks poor/of low quality ingredients.

seasoned w just salt and pepper. cooked medium, one Kraft single no additional topping or condiment. minimalism is great sometimes

Needs a condiment on the bottom bun to stop this:

Like what? I'm going to make another when I get hungry again.

Looks like you didn't really try at all

>what a lonely burger

looks like a school lunch cheese burger, only slightly better

Add an egg and use some non shit cheese and it's good

Looks good op. Don't listen to the haters. Not every meal needs to be a masterpiece. As you said, simple is pretty damn good sometimes.

cheeseburger 2.0


this time seasoned w Lawry's, garlic powder, black pepper, and a secret blend. condiments are horseradish mustard and whataburger creamy pepper sauce, and pickles. cheese is sharp cheddar. overcooked because I was trying to make the cheese melt and it wouldn't.

desu the first burger was much better

Nice cheeseburgs m8, made a couple myself

I'd eat the shit out of it, user.

>horseradish mustard and whataburger creamy pepper sauce, and pickles
I like you
> I was trying to make the cheese melt and it wouldn't
shoulda used a kraft single ya goofball

Toast the bun, add pickles, onion and more ketchup and mustard

Why does everyone like pickles?

Because they're fag gots

Pickles are gay

Because they have tastebuds.


Because they add a tasty tang.

Shut up fag got

looking good budday. what is that cheese?

Not even close to being the superior burger.

>American sauce
>Seared salmon, buttered
>Banana peppers
>Sweet Baby Ray's
>Grey poupon
>Toothpick with olive
>Birthday candle if applicable

Makes for a great snack.

that sounds frightening tbqh. sometimes less is more.

Swiss cheeser. Not the champion burger cheeser but I have it so I use it.

kind of looks like a wendys burger so i'd try it

I find that pickles are good by themselves but not with meat

What's american sauce?

Why didn't you toast the bun..?.

Looks okay. That bun is much too big for the burger which takes away from the presentation. Also having a burger without condiments is just shameful. That's what little kids do. The patty looks well-cooked though.

Randy is that you


woop woop



That's because the sharper cheddar is the harder it is and harder it is to melt.

you fuck off bobandy

Fuck off! you burger plebs...I wasn't even trying...and do not hold your ortodox doctrine against Guacamole as an excuse to make shitty Burgars.

Looks just like how I always make them. You should fry the bun a little though.

Fucking manchild

Apply yourself.

Burger looks decent. Bun looks like pasty tasting wonder bread shit. I'd still eat it. When it comes to beef I like to keep it simple too. I'd rather taste the burger itself as opposed to a bunch of condiments. And fuck all you mayo on burger eating mother fuckers. :)

looks good. I'm fucking hungry.

It looks like shitty buns, shitty ground beef and shitty cheese. Congrats.