C1 tomorrow lads

C1 tomorrow lads
>11 hours
Whats your routine? Ill wake up at half 6, roll out of bed at 7, be ready at half 7, do and mark last years paper then leave at 8:15

C1 is fucking easy m8, just don't forget to add C when integrating :^)

How did it go lads?

OCR C1 resitter here.
Was a nice, albeit unusual paper. Checked my answers on TSR and looks like I got everything right.
Couldn't have been a better start to A-levels famillio

>C1 resitter
got 100 first time and took it a year early. You must have a tremendously low iq.

>Bragging about passing a pre-calc exam

Got 80UMS on C1 last year and got 100 UMS on both C2 and M1. Just trying to bank more UMS chum.

Also why would you take it a year early? Literally what is the point?

Got 596/600 UMS just for reference
lost 4 ums on statistics and I study undergrad at the best uni in the country. Who are you again?

Any tips for M1 chum?

How do get into Cambridge lad? Applying this time


Fairly sure the only mark I lost was by stupidly thinking the sum to 100 evaluated to 5 rather than 500.

Edexcel btw.

Seems absolutely pointless if you're going for an A*, since with 90 in both C3 and C4 required regardless, the only thing it'll affect is how much you need in your 6th module.

>best uni
try the other one, pal

Shit m8 did you mean Oxford, my bad (///second/// best) but any tips for applying?

Maybe they meant Imperial? Either way they're wrong because Cambridge is the best.

Yeah, I'm applying this time, just hoping my great maths skills and poor single parent background will get me in kek

also put down you're a transgender on ucas. They'll never know and i'm certain it'll score you some extra brownie points

Ngl I am considering becoming a trap hahaha but no seriously help a poorfag get to Cambridge

How are you doing C1 at the age of 18?

Remember this helpful mneumonic to ease the trouble memorising the order of the fractionation of crude oil:
>Gay peado nans kill diseased fucking blacks

There was someone in my Further Maths class who actually did that this year.

eh, that'll probably only affect how big of a maintenance loan you can get. As far as bias goes, I know that if your school is bottom 40% in the country, you're more likely to get an offer. Pretty sure I read that you're also more likely to get lower entry requirements, but my school is bottom 40% and I got exactly the same offer grades as standard.

(I applied for Physics, got rejected from Oxford, now Warwick is my firm)

Morons doing retakes.

Lay out your working well as they randomly allocate method marks


This is the question that triggered everyone.

high school algebra?


I got -10/9

>havent done c1 in years
>cant solve this


lol same. It'll come to me but I can't think off of the top of my head.
Also lol @ all these online geniuses who just took the class calling anyone who doesn't know it an "idiot"

What the fuck is C1?

This is really pissing me off now

Why can I not do this shit

>Mfw may just scrape a grade C in c1
>grade B if generous marking person
>mfw need a puss during exam
>wanted to complete the questions more than I releasing piss
>had pain after exam
>probably affected my performance
>missed out questions that were ezpz because can't concentrate

Anyone know this feel?

I need 90 ums in c2 and m1 to be able to get a scrape A but I guess a grade B us good. Any advice on how to git gud


i got 27 wtf i smashed c1 last year


I got 27 too?

noice i guess everyone else are just brainlets xd

user pls I am starting a foundation year in september and I am 24 years old, being shaky with the maths I did years ago is eating at my confidence

well youre starting a course so your obviously good enough :^) tbhfam i was just spouting a shit meme , im brainlet tier myself

>positive constant

>being this bad at doing basic calc

with edexcel
pissed off because i only got 60 or so, because i had a short anxiety attack during the exam

Solution here,
answer is 27.

> mfw I thought the derivative of x^{-1} was ln|x|
gonna blame it on sleep deprivation

Fucking hell. You have to be 18 ( and over 90 iq ) to post here

>I need 90 ums in c2 and m1 to be able to get a scrape A but I guess a grade B us good. Any advice on how to git gud

And I thought I was the dumb one on sci

>can't post any advice
>anime pic

>pointless comment

>Kiss your sister

Go back to /b/ you incestuous faggot.


desu senpai unless your doing maths actively (and not high level abstract shit but calc) then you arent going to be able to do this easily. you'll be able to go "okay thats the solution i can see that now" but you wont be able to instinctively know what method to use, every single time, under exam stress and timed conditions.

you can get full UMS in a level maths/ further maths/ further additional maths by just doing practice papers until your eyes fall out. silly mistakes are the only thing that will stop you but as long as you have a decent grasp on the concepts, this wont drop you more than a couple UMS each paper.

tldr. your brain does not keep skills it does not a) practice regularly, b) would need to survive on the savannah

p.s. i better get of Veeky Forums and go revise my own a levels ;)

1. i meant t---b---h f---a----m,
does anyone know why it goes to desu senpai?
2. i dont go to university of greenwhich btw haha thats just the closest paper i had
3. if you want to brush up on pre-uni maths/ """"""babby maths""""""/ maths for STE, then edexcel modules are actually pretty good spec

>whats your routine
Nothing now first year uni student, finished my exams on Wednesday. Have a week to kill until mates finish their exams. During the last month or so though my routine was wake up at 8, go to library with a housemate until ~19:00, eat then play games for a few hours.

Calculus1 you goofy little goi

Why are high school threads allowed on Veeky Forums, what the fuck?

>the only thing it'll affect is how much you need in your 6th module
Precisely why I'm resitting C1, can't trust myself to git gud at probability for S1.

C1 = Core Maths 1, essentially a precalculus exam maths students take in the UK when they're 17 but a few people resat it this year.