If you could only invest in one crypto

Based on the one with the coolest logo out of all cryptos in existence .

Who would you chose and why ?

Theory : coins with stronger logos win

So , who had the most badass logo?

***BONUS*** who has the shittiest logo ?

Best : Monero , Ethereum Classic

Worst : Link , Old Lisk

Fun thread

Invest in the proyect that will use all coins.

Pay with any currency anywhere to anyone.

ETH, STRAT, ARK. Everything else is pajeet tier

whats funniest about this theory is the coin that led to the comment that led to the meme that led to the theory is not actually in your image

Best: NEO, BAT
Worst: Stellar

I dig IOTA and XLM

good thread.


>He doesn't buy obscure promising coins like TRTL using awful exchanges like Tradeogre

You are not gonna make it nigga

I want to add that DRGN is undeniably the worst logo in crypto.

ACT best coin 2018

I think CPC takes that cake

LINK has a pretty cool logo, people seem to like that little box an awful lot.

One of my requirements for a logo is that someone should be able to draw it in less than 10 seconds after seeing it a few times. Iota is not one of those

VEN is shittiest logo by FAR. Off-center garbage font with a gradient on a white background. Jesus Christ.

Yikes, that is bad

Best: ZIL, VEN
Worst: XLM, ZCL, new WTC

>who had the most badass logo?

Walton is bad too, like compuserve or internet explorer logo done in MS paint. Why are IOT coins so bad at marketing and advertising?

>best ETH killer potential
>worst logo ever
It was doomed the moment LOOK tokens were introduced.. Literally LOOKed the other way on this one

Unironically chainlink

IOTA is kinda cool but I don't trust it

NEO looks like dog shit

I always liked the old Mooncoin logo and liked that the trade name is MOON
easy to say, everyone recognizes the moon and also applies to the logo
Veeky Forums shilled it hard in 2016, but the coin is too awesome for mere normies to hodl

Ripple looks like a fidget spinner, instant recognition for nocoiners who might think it would be a fun investment

Bitshares reminds me of a drum magazine. Also nice

Worst probably has to be Bitcoin Cash. Literally just rotated the original logo counterclockwise some

Shameless plug sorry guys didn’t know where else to post :p

I’m selling : btcfees.com

Have been offered between .2-5 btc anyone want it email me : [email protected]

look lateral , liveedu are likely duds

lifeID and the new bio one could achieve a decent amount of market dominance though

funny i was just thinking this today

best: Monero
worst: dragonchain

Monero is the most satisfying. Every other is a bit.. off. Or generic.


Coolest logo - zCoin
Shit logo - Walton

Dude Ripple is going $5 in 2018 don’t diss.

Never mind that the entire market will do the same but hey dumb Ripple investors will think they hit it big.

ark normal eth logo monero

Monero. And, if were looking at logos, Tether.

Lamden suite.