Eating schedule

Ok you fu/ck/s, let's talk about how much/how often we eat.

>when do you wake up
>how much do you eat for breakfast

>when do you eat lunch
>how much do you eat for lunch

>when do you eat dinner
>how much do you eat for dinner

>when do you wake up
>how much do you eat for breakfast

>list drinks and snacks eaten throughout the day

>be hungry
>eat until satisfied

Pretty simple stuff.

>eat until satisfied
>get fat

Pretty simple stuff.

OP here

>when do you wake up
>how much do you eat for breakfast
Usually a piece of fruit or two and a sip of milk. Much more makes my stomach uneasy

>when do you eat lunch
>how much do you eat for lunch
Usually a sandwich, potato chips and yogurt or some equally easy shit to make. Another few hundred calories. Maybe I'll get something shitty like a chicken sandwich or two from Mcdonalds.

>when do you eat dinner
>how much do you eat for dinner
I'll have some meat or pasta for the main dish, or some skillet meal and 2-3 sides (usually veggies and rice)

>list drinks and snacks eaten throughout the day
Milk and water. I might eat some tortilla chips with salsa, popcorn or a candy bar in between.

Not fat by any standard (5'11 165lbs) but the past few years I've just stuffed my face full of maybe 3-4k calories a day. I'm getting sick of feeling like I need to eat every 3 hours, so I've been trying to get back into a healthier eating pattern. Been on it for a few weeks and just curious about others on here.

you arent eating as much as you think you are if you were eating 3-4k calories a day you would weigh alot more than 165 ur eating around 2300-2600 cals a day which is fine you can just keep doing what you were doing it was fine.

Must suck having no self-control whatsoever.

Not everyone eats like shit.

I was able to wake up eat 2 poptarts, then kill a fried egg sandwich with cheese. Wait a few hours then kill a bowl of ramen with some ravioli. Wait a few hours and eat a whole frozen pizza or some shit, only to stare at the cabinet 2 hours later contemplating whether to eat the rest of the cookies and sweets. Add binge drinking every other or every third day and I think I'm well into 3-4k if not more territory

you aren't special you do not change the laws of thermodynamics you were not eating 3-4k calories a day period.

Yep this is my meal plan for the week
I am not happy with my self and my body is disgusting. But I won't stop. I love food. Green days are health day, baby blue is treat day

>when do you wake up
>how much do you eat for breakfast
3 or 4 cups of coffee
>when do you eat lunch
I don't
>how much do you eat for lunch
>when do you eat dinner
6pm to midnight
>how much do you eat for dinner
a bunch. like 3000 calories
>list drinks and snacks eaten throughout the day
around 10 cups of coffee and about a thousand calories of whatever I can eat raw the second I get home from work.

I love Creme Brulee. My schedule revolves around it entirely.

>when do you wake up
7am for work
>how much do you eat for breakfast
1 Creme Brulee (frozen) topped with crunchy cornflakes and oats

>when do you eat lunch
>how much do you eat for lunch
Pasta, with a creme brulee blended with jarred pasta sauce

>when do you eat dinner
>how much do you eat for dinner
Either a Lasagna, with creme brulee as the top layer, a creme brulee pizza, or 4 creme brulees topped with fried eggs

>list drinks and snacks eaten throughout the day
Usually 2-5 creme brulees. Often topped with berries and fruit to keep my in shape. I only drink water.

>when do you wake up
9-10am most days
>how much do you eat for breakfast
300-400 cal
Typically some fruit, nonfat yogurt, an egg, toast.

>when do you eat lunch
>how much do you eat for lunch
I don't really eat a proper lunch, more a midday snack. Don't like to feel full in the middle of the day.
50-100 cal
Contents carries wildly, whatever's on hand.
Occasionally I'll have a second snack around 4-5pm

>when do you eat dinner
>how much do you eat for dinner
400-500 cal
About 8 oz of protein, typically either chicken or fish, plus some greens and veggies.

And then:
>Late-night snack/meal
Around 11pm-12am
300-400 cal
Typically a sandwich or something easy to prepare. Whatever I still need to meet my daily 90g protein goal.

200-300 cal
Something indulgent like icecream or cooked fruit before bed.

Chew gum and drink water in between.

Accounting for changes in what I might eat instead of those specific things I mentioned and accounting for binge drinking, It's up there

>tins of soup garlic bread with garlic scraped off
>large pizza w/o crusts
jesus christ that's not a treat it's a punishment you don't love food and it's not your body that's disgusting it's your rotten soul

On a typical day.

>when do you wake up
3 AM

>how much do you eat for breakfast

400 calorie breakfast consisting of oats, apple or banana, ginger root, raisins, 120ml of almond milk, and 16g of peanut butter.

Go for a 90 minute cardio workout, come home, eat same thing.

>when do you eat lunch
>how much do you eat for lunch

Usually nothing, sometimes a light snack of a bit of apple and almond milk. Something to hold me over while I make my dinner.

>when do you eat dinner

2 or 3 PM.

>how much do you eat for dinner

Around 800 calories, usually fried rice and 150g of roast poultry.

>list drinks
Water, coffee, and almond milk.

>and snacks
Apple or banana, depends.

6:00 am
>Vodka w/ginger ale (drink while making breakfast)
>4 egg omelette with feta, onion and mushrooms
>Hash browns
>Toaster strudel
>8oz milk

12:00 pm
>Hummus w/pita chips

3:00 pm
>Snack food like nuts or chips

6:00 pm
>Caprese salad
>Plenty of bread and wine
>Tiramisu or cannoli

9:00 pm

> Wake up
0500. Vitamin pill, and something to drink.

> Breakfast
1000. After four hours of work. Not much, just a simple cooked breakfast; egg, sausage, and bread roll. Same thing every day because it's fucking breakfast.

> Lunch
1300-1500. When I get home from work. Usually a sandwich, maybe an omelette if there's leftovers around in the fridge. Occasionally, I'll calorie-load with a ready meal, or on a friday, finish off any takeaway leftovers I might have from thursday's takeaway.
Very rarely, I'll finish work ravenous and just eat lunch in the canteen before going home.

> Dinner
1900-1930. Hot cooked meal, usually something meaty with chips. I love me some deep-fried potato. Biggest meal of the day, plenty of calories.

> Snacks
Rarely. I prefer to eat at mealtimes.

> Hot drinks
I don't do hot drinks. I'll drink orange squash to hydrate at home, or just plain water at work that's been chilled down to nearly ice.

>when do you wake up
depends when my first class is, but usually at like 9
>how much do you eat for breakfast
not too much, usually a smoothie with banana and some other fruit and almond milk and/or greek yogurt

>when do you eat lunch
between classes, usually about 1
>how much do you eat for lunch
leftovers from the night before, usually in a 1 litre container so about that much, or a couple sandwiches. probably also fruit.

>when do you eat dinner
if i'm really hungry, as soon as i get home at like 5 but usually later, maybe 7
>how much do you eat for dinner
a standard amount i believe. i guess about a cup of some sort of grain (quinoa, brown rice etc) and maybe about a cup of the protein and/or vegetable element

>list drinks and snacks eaten throughout the day
after dinner, i'm likely to have some tea or hot chocolate, and maybe biscuits, while i study

>green thai curry with bran flakes
>4 bananas before breakfast
>large pizza w/o crusts
>bell pepper stuffed with nutella cubes

this has to be a fucking joke

>wake up
Usually bout 4:30am

>Breakfast 7:30
Usually a breakfast burrito ( 1 scrambled egg, and chopped potato, in a regular sized tortilla, salsa) or 1 scrambled egg, 1 toast with honey, glass of milk.

>lunch 12:30-1:00pm
Usually one of these three things: a cup of cottage cheese with some fruit, a regular turkey sandwich, or leftovers from the previous nights dinner. Lunch size depends on my activity level and what I have going on that day. Sometimes I will drink a beer as well.

>snack 3:00
Usually coffee

>dinner 5:30- 6pm
Usually consists of a grilled meat, or fish with vegetables, and a starch of some kind for the side, beer. Sometimes spaghetti. Idk. I cook breakfast, lunch, dinner almost every day. Water, tea, coffee, and beer are what I usually drink throughout the day. Usually 2-3 beers max because I gain weight if I drink too much.

>>when do you wake up
7.00 usually.
>>how much do you eat for breakfast
Bowl of porridge with Honey and Cinnamon. First cup of coffee with it (I drink coffee very often).
>>when do you eat lunch
Sometimes I skip it and eat a night meal instead before sleeping for scheduling or mood reasons. 4 eggs and some sourdough bread, a salad. Sometimes I have leftovers or substitute the eggs for beans.
>>when do you eat dinner
I organise dinner around my girlfriend's working hours. I follow a pretty solid protein/carbs/vegetables rule.
>>how much do you eat for dinner
A lot. I play a lot of sport and lift.
>>list drinks and snacks eaten throughout the day

Never soda. Copious amounts if coffee unless I'm sick (such as now). Peanut butter on my bread or a bowl of quark and muesli, sunflower seeds and chia seeds. I sometimes crave cereal so I eat puffed rice.

As an aside, anyone else totally lose their taste for coffee while sick?

Wake up at 10. Eat dinner for breakfast at 11 with two glasses of milk. Grab an Energidrink somtime after.

Eat dinner for dinner at 19:00. And grab a banana or apple two hours later.

Snacks include soda or ice tea. Or any other dranks.

hey i'm trying to lose a couple pounds and was thinking about going no carbs in the AM, maybe even skipping breakfast and then having a big lunch and a medium dinner. good idea?

No. Allways eat breakfast.
Walk to work or something. Just eat spinach or cellery every 3 days or just on sundays or something

Eat your carbs earlier in the day and stick with higher protein at lunch and dinner.

Lunch is my biggest meal of the day because that's what works for me. Everyone is different so just try to figure out what works best for you when it comes to eating. Just don't deprive yourself. You can eat anything as long as you can practice portion control.

This guy has to be joking

Why? looks fine to me