I want to store my LINK through ledger/MEW, I know how but my question is if I come back in 2020 will my LINK tokens still be valid? Most coins like EOS/ICX etc. you have a timeframe where you must switch to mainnet tokens and the erc20(677 whatever link is) gets burned, is this the case with LINK?
Storing LINK
Just like the crypto world, the ChainLink fud gets created and moves at an interstellar speed
Yes the burn will happen when the main net launches. Each token will be replaced with a protocol token that’s scans your ether address and switches the coins
I spoke to Sergey after the Bitcoin SuperConference and he expressed pretty clearly that he doesn't want anyone holding the token who isn't a node operator so he's planning to email out conversion instructions to the people who signed up at smartcontract.com. The idea is for the instructions to only be valid for a short period of time. LINKs will be converted to the proper chainlink token that will be used by the network. Any remaining LINKs afterward will be burned. He told me that this is the rough idea but it's why he said "for now" the LINK token will be used to pay node operators. It's because he really only wants node operators to have link.
hey if ur the same guy from the other thread asking this question msg me, ive gone through this storing stuff b4
danielsabster@gmail com
nice subtle fud...it won't work
>only node operators have link
>nobody can pay them for oracle services
come on bro, at least make your fud believable
sometimes the switch doesn't happen though. You didn't update MEW or your ledger and the scan skips over you. Then you lose everything
Stick to bitcoin and XRP, OP
>stick to bitcoin and XRP
Both are centralized shitcoins one a little more centralized and little faster
Sounds.... familiar somehow....
Wish it was .. could use some solid info on the status of crypto things per AB.
Will Ledger support the protocol token automatically? If not where do we keep the tokens to make sure we're not accidentally "skipped" by a scan?
Nice so I guess we'll see like a 50M coin burn then?
ok 7gook
Not only that but Chainlink specifically requires you lock in the price using the Nano Ledger before the fork happens. Otherwise when you switch over to the mainnet the price will be reset to zero.
What price you are you guys going to lock in on your ledgers? I'm hitting the button at about $150.
There's no point in using a hardware wallet with link because you'd be locking the price in at what it is at the moment. If you're coming back in 2020 you don't want 60 cent link.
$1k or bust
tinfoil hat user here. what are the actual chances someone could hack into your nano address?
realistically about 30%
It's threads like this that make me determined link is gonna make it.
kek. glad i have shit spread out across my 4 nanos
30% * 4 nanos
120% chance your links will get stolen from your nanos
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH mommy no make the bad man stop
p a p e r
w a l l e t
>the absolute state of the anti-dyor
while i get most ppl here are trolling, I'm uncertain about the topic - is there actually going to be an own platform token? I can't see why there would be, aslong as the token on eths blockchain or whatever blockchain is properly paid out
Every one here is going to troll you. If you want a straight answer, ask on Slack.
We are reaching fud levels that shouldn't be possible