Other urls found in this thread:
"I got two kids that are under two years old, I'm sure that will play into it". Fucking kek. Also skip to 2:15
El goblino!
who is this jabroni and why should we care?
Damn he's fucked. Can see he's literally shaking. Trying to play it down. Kinda feel bad for him
>I have two kids so I am innocent
I didn't make people go to the bank and take money out, so I'm innocent. I don't know what securities are, so I'm innocent.
Yeah I do too for some reason
>I don't know anything, I still don't know what a security is
>I wasn't selling securities
Holy hell. There are people that actually bought into what this retard was selling.
They should make a public statement about finding every single person that was duped by this guy, round them up on the pretense of suing him, and drop them off a cliff to remove them from the gene pool.
see that fucking chunk of dandruff fall off his hair @0.05s?
Gross, hope he rots. Didn't watch the rest.
No wonder they think the law is racist, they don't even know what it is.
2 days or less and he offs himself for $100 any takers?
They aren't really aware that what they're doing is wrong so they think they're getting picked on
why do nigs have hair like that?
pretty sure he braided it or something
$10000 says he gets off scot free
I hope he does without a lawyer so he can get BTFO
>They aren't really aware that what they're doing is wrong so they think they're getting picked on
That's why we can't live with them, I mean when someone(s) thinks like him on a base level makes living together impossible.
fucking kek just because your not aware of the law doesn't mean it doesn't apply bahahahhahahaahhqhahahahahaha my fucking sides this guy is fucked
HAHHAAHHA ew so gross
>im not worried
>im not worried
>im not worried man
>im good man
fucking scared insecure cuck
Isn't this just one of the lawsuits? pretty sure he's gonna spend the next years of his life in and out of court and eventually in jail
What's really gonna fuck him is the lawyers fee's kek
not looking too good for this faggot. he also posted publicly his blockfolio so watch him get taken for all he has.
>It’s like a sunrise in reverse
All I needed to hear
In this video around 13 minutes in he talks about how it's because he's black.
This dude is lashing out in some videos and in complete denial in others. I think he knows he is truly fucked and just trying to wrap his mind around the reality of his situation.
yep, pretty much in denial phase, but judging by how dumb he seems to be, he'll stay at this phase forever, even in jail
>In this video around 13 minutes in he talks about how it's because he's black.
I mean, it kind of is. But not because of secret racism or planning, it's just that he was never designed to live like white people live and follow our rules and codes.
lmao the best part is the other black guy, craig, pretty much just admitted on film that both he, and trevon were in touch with the higher ups at Bitconnect.
They can't even argue they were just "unknowingly promoting a ponzi" (still illegal) they admitted to being complicit to said ponzi.
Dudes are straiiiiight fuuuucked. All that bitconnect money? gone. They might even have to pay restitution to everyone they scammed.
Shit's been entertaining as hell man.
>lmao the best part is the other black guy, craig, pretty much just admitted on film that both he, and trevon were in touch with the higher ups at Bitconnect.
God they are so dumb, why don't they have any self-awareness and understanding that their are consequences outside of themselves for the things they do and say.
Pitiful. He is admitting guilt by saying he knows he deserves the hate. Anybody with a brain would know to STFU and get a lawyer asap. But then again hes the same retard that thinks black people created white people.
This nigger was bragging about having 2 million dollars right?
How much of that will be taken from him?
Hopefully all of it.
>asking these questions while black
He seems like an alright guy, just a bit of an asshole willing to scam you for a buck. But I know a lot of alright guys like that.
I'd smoke a blunt with him. He could probably use it right now.
"I don't really think I need a good lawyer" ....yeah.... good luck.
>nice guy, scams me by trying to get close to me but still nice
You're a born sucker
the government is pussys bro
Lol they will make an example out of this nigga
Probably the best part of that video i was talking about.
this nigga about to get GASSED
Low IQ negroid.
>is like da sunrise in reberse
Where is his house? Is that the ocean I hear in the background?
>that's the thing like, i'm just upset about the 2 hour drive
yes u jelly?
COMPASSION AND UNDERSTANDING he says. Kek, yeah the SEC is gonna give a green light to scammers
What about crypto Nick? Is he going down too? I feel kinda bad, the guy was only like 17 or something
One hour 1/2 long?
I'm not watching this shit.
>I'm not worried, it's just entertainment, I didn't tell anyone to take money out of the bank and put it into BitConnect
>starts comparing it to a parking ticket
Did he put any disclaimers in his videos? This is the first video of his I watched.
I doubt he's as dumb as this nog so maybe, I heard he fled the country, it's what I would do.
I tried to link the exact time. I'm not sure if it worked on here. It definitely works in a new tab if you c/p the link.
That dude is so fucked
nigs don't seppuku because they don't even understand consequences nor do they understand responsibilities
Wait you actually watched all that shit?
This nigs give white people shit for offing themselves (and to be fair they can be right sometimes) but they mostly don't understand the full scope and reason why they do it. The kind of shit you have to be in to kill yourself is no joke.
4:40 "probably gonna get a lawyer. no please dont
Jelly as fuk. Not jelly about going to jail though. Or I guess it's actually federal prison. Guess he lives in South Carolina.
I could totally see this nog getting up their start asking if he's being detained kek
He seriously thinks he did nothing wrong, and he's going to get off. Because he wasn't "in a suit telling people to go take money out of the bank".
And because he has kids, they're going to let him off.
Holy shit. I can't wait to see the aftermath, I can't lie.
He’s like some crazy Dave Chappell character
Of course. I've been following this shit since the BITCONNNNECCCCCTTTTT memes started appearing.
Shits crazy entertaining.
It is illegal to profit from a Ponzi scheme, so he’s dunzo
Clown getting what he deserved anyone feeling sorry for him is a complete mark
>ITT: nogs who got scammed by ponzicoin and want to see another nog get crucified for it
fuck all of you dumbfucks, making the cryptospace look bad. just let bitconnect die
also pushing upload on the video where he states "idk what securities are and i dont care to know"....ciao bud that was his noose. no judge will let his kids not become another fatherless pair
>just let bitconnect die
What the fuck are you talking about? It's fucking dead -- this is the aftermath. If you profited from BCC, you also committed a crime, and I hope you also go to jail.
Fuck you
Him being put in jail for scamming will only help us, it will show normies that there are consequences for their actions.
I feel a little bad for him. Seems like a really dumb guy that picked the wrong shitcoin to shill. How much money did he make off this shit? He probably sold a bunch before it tanked right? If so I don't feel bad at all.
Fucccccccck, why are we able to breed with these people? I refuse to believe we are the same speices with a thought process this simple and and unself-aware
>What about crypto Nick? Is he going down too? I feel kinda bad, the guy was only like 17 or something
You're a cuck lmao
He lives in hotels.
Ah. Fuck him. Prison can be his next hotel.
It'll be interesting to see what happens after they find him guilty.. whether they can take his crypto away forcibly. Without the keys they can't his crypto. He will also say he got hacked or lost his keys...I wonder what will happen.
>never designed to live like white people
What did he mean by this?
SEC is gonna make an example out of him.
Is this the one that got "hacked" and lost 100 bitcoins or whatever?
Pretty much this. Dude is in for a rude awakening. They're not going to buy his bullshit, as much as he tries to convince himself otherwise.
Blacks function at their best in the societies they created, which means jungles because they never created any kek
>I'm not going to jail because I have kids
oh jesus
2 hour drive from there. lets pinpoint it
There's already people on top of it.
Either way this guy is screwed,
"People say my credibility is gone"
What fucking credibility did he start with? I can't wait for this guy to either get sentenced or delete his youtube
on my way to contribute
This DESU but what do you expect there's a shitton of kids on this board.
I've been around blacks in jail and they all truly believe they are innocent and that there is a conspiracy against them. The first black I came across in jail had been at a club and he was taking women's cellphones and purses from their tables when they would go up to dance. He said he didn't do anything wrong because they were leaving the stuff unattended and that meant they were up for grabs to anyone who wanted them. He honestly believed that from the bottom of his heart. I was shocked when I met more of them and learned that they all thought like this.
lol its just fun to try and track him down
They are children with adult bodies, segregation was around for a reason.
People love revenge and retribution.
Craig and Trevon are pieces of shit though and they knowingly duped others into a ponzi. They deserve everything they have coming to them.
They don't have any, because white liberals have been racing to nigger's defense for decades, making excuses for them, when they break the law. They rob a store, and it's "They were raised in poverty, so they had no choice but to rob the 7-11, instead of getting a job", and carefully picked juries let them get away with it.
Blacks know this. They know the media will race to defend them, because of their skin color and they've taken full advantage of it. They will never admit it to a white person, but they know.
That's why this nigger is playing every liberal card he can, to excuse the fact that he got caught red handed. And he'll go to his grave convinced he got done wrong by society for holding him to the same standards as everyone else, and not getting a pass because he's black.
Liberals created these people. They're called niggers, because they act like niggers, and are rewarded by white liberals for acting like niggers, as long as they vote for white liberals.
Look at his 3rd post, is he still at the same Hotel?
Either way it's still by the beach in South Carolina
He will get a year or two in jail. He'll still have a couple million when he gets out. He will be heralded as a god among men at jail, and he will leave with a bigger ego
Nice find user. So I was right he is by the ocean.