Hi I wanted to know am I schrizophrenic?

Hi I wanted to know am I schrizophrenic?

I rarely, but see hallucinations like I might get noodles confused with intestines and get shocked, see things like flying snakes outside my house it but feels like a dream like its not real and happens for a split second, it doesn't bother me though.
However might 'feel' it like if I imagined if something was on my shoulder I'd kinda feel uncofortable.

My thoughts get muddled up and are constant they feel like a different me. Same with my body moving sometimes.

My speech is random and might spout gibberish while knowing I'm spouting gibberish

My perception of reality might change like I might see everything like a gut/entrail like substance (like inside your body) and start laughing like I'm enjoying it.

Sometimes when I'm sick or tired my thought go haywire and my thinking goes to a point I cannot well explain in english what I think, its like these thoughts cannot be explained or understood when I am sane.

Veeky Forums really shouldn't be the place for you to ask this, but this seems like symptoms of schrizophrenia user, you need medical care ASAP before things get worse.

I have been there but they called it excessive OCD, still thanks. I'll try a different doctor

DO NOT DO THIS. They give you pills that make you dumb and make your moth dry, and you have to tell your employers and such that you're a schizophrenic. It's much better just to keep it a secret.

>They give you pills that make you dumb and make your moth dry
If absolutely everything else fails. And you still choose if you take them.

>you have to tell your employers and such that you're a schizophrenic
I've never heard of any law like that. Where do you live?

>It's much better just to keep it a secret.
Leaving a medical condition that affects your ability to gauge consequences untreated is the exact opposite of a good idea.

Very true, the pills they give you will make you tired and will help your hallucinations, but they help by numbing all of your brains functions. It decreases your ability to think about things as well. It will be like you only have one track of thought available in your mind at any one time.

You will constantly forget what you are doing/saying/etc because you will be unable to store things off to the side in working memory as well.

Don't get treatment, it's just a trap to neutralize you. It doesn't help you it just makes you less of a nuisance for society.

They did give me some pills it makes me too sleepy and so I stopped taking them.

You might want to see a psychologist, they try and find the root of the problem, psychiatrists just give you the medications.

What's so bad about trying out medication? If it makes you sleepy or uncomfortable say fuck it you want to try a different kind you don't have to take them. But I would definitely recommend a psychotherapist to work through what's going ok with your mind. I went to one when I went through temporary drug induced psychosis and it helped me understand what was real and what wasn't when it was happening. Goodluck user

How do alcohol and coffee affect your symptoms?

I have worked in a psych hospital for 10 years. Schizophrenia usually presents in late adolescence to early adulthood... how old are you?
Is this significantly affecting your life and functioning? (are you about as independent as others your age? or much less so because of your symptoms?)
If your getting along ok, I'm not sure I'd do anything...
If your not, go to several psychiatrists, get multiple opinions, and follow up with the one you feel the best about. Try meds if you want. You will always have the ultimate power in whether you take them or not

Go to a doctor when you wake up tomorrow and have him refer you to a psychiatrist

If your insurance doesn't require referrals then make the appointment directly with the psychiatrist
If you describe what your symptoms are they will see you that day

Also, what about st johns wort?

I don't do alcohol and don't drink much coffee I'm not sure but sleep definitely makes these symptoms go a bit haywire and my thinking is kinda 'distorted'? I'm not sure how to put it but its like when I wake up I

22, I guess it affects work it might make me jump and move (kinda like a small fits or a large hiccup) and its kinda hard to focus. I might also say words like 'baby' and random stuff.
I also might feel the urge to growl when I have a bad thought and feel like repressing it. I don't know why.

I did kinda go they mentioned deep breathing and hyper ventilating it works well but they said its over-excessive OCD not schizophrenia.

How does st johns wort influence your symptoms?

Haven't tried it but have tried anti depressants as a kid but can't really remember what happened,?


So after some reading I've found that apparently aspirin and clycine help to reduce positive symptoms of schizophrenia (hallucinations and whatnot)
You could talk to a doctor or psych and get them to confirm and set an appropriate dose schedule or just buy some and see if it works.

Meant to write glycine*

But you're no experiencing any negative symptoms or mood changes while are present in schizophrenia.

It sounds like you're having brief psychosis for some reason and these reasons can be vast and far apart from vitamin deficiency to certain illnesses. This of it not as a disorder but as a kind of fever indicating something is wrong.

But since I'm not there to see you or ask you questions I wouldn't be able to tell you why.

I have OCD and what you're describing is definitely not OCD.

My god at all the misspells. But my point remains, what you're experiencing could be a symptom of something else and not an illness in and of itself. Go to a doctor and inquire about this. I'd try a neurologist first then a psychiatrist if that gets you nowhere. A behavioral neurologist would be perfect but they're hard to find.

these sounds like symptoms of schizophrenia but could be due to an active imagination

as someone else has said earlier, let us know if it is affecting your life and day to day functions

has there been a recent event that has caused the onset of your symptoms?

Yea, personally, I too would rather suffer diving deeper into insanity that have a dry moth

Are you still eating gluten?

I do experience mood changes for split seconds I think I forgot to mention that like I might get angry and scared at something for no reason. Like doorbells I might get creeped out or freaked out.

I might feel like growling things like growling at myself and stuff its odd and hard to explain

Like the rainbow fish is a book and fucking hate it I don't know why I just really hate it and feel like growling and stuff.

It affects me physically and not just visually like my emotions and such

*rainbow fish its a book and I fucking hate it

Also yeah it does affect me a lot I sometime don't know my thoughts people might notice me as I kinda jump or have little fits. Its hard to function daily, I also constantly have thoughts its really too much.

OP, question: Are you using drugs, or self medicating in any way? If you are, then you probably should stop. Because it could hypothetically worsen your issues.

I took some for anxiety when this became a bit too much. It calms me down quite a bit

Took what?

if you have concerns about schizophrenia you should talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

usually schizophrenia starts in adolescence and then the simptoms get progressively worse. This is a problem because in late stage its more difficult to treat and might even require specialistic help.

its probably a good idea to figure out for real weither you have something like schizophrenia.



whoops not that one
its another one but forgot the name

Where'd you get it from?

dear friend.

this medication does this because:

schizo's have verry unstructured thinking.
to the point of incoherrent thinking.
poems written by schizo's usualy go like this:
thread soup given alone to do look more like wool look have ever and spin severe boob and booob boob alone feel niggers

even if you can think in only one direction, it is better than thinking in no direction.

Doctor's, I got it when these kinda first started I told them and they mentioned it was probably anexity from exams (To be honest these symptoms were not that bad then).
This was ages ago back in school and recently I got another one because it was useful for calming me down

That;s the kind of poem /b/ writes. Except with more niggers. Are you saying /b/ is schizo?

Well I don't know, but it doesn't sound like the kind of drugs that could theoretically exacerbate your hypothetical condition.

That's kinda like what my thinking goes like when these issues escalate but strangely it feels like it makes sense to me when it happens.

ADD next

I'm not sure but since you are asking it here you are kind of stupid. People here like to mess with eachother and if there is this person who thinks he/she is a schizo they will probably try to feed the symptoms. Schizo or not, you should seek out professional help because of this.
It doesn't really matter if you spout gibberish or picture things. These are insignificant occurences. With schizofrenia you will have a lot of inopportune occurences that will get in the way of you living a normal life.

What all has your doctor done to diagnose you so far?

>the pills they give you will make you tired and will help your hallucinations
>the pills
woah dude
that's so awfully specific
you a doctor or something?

>degenerative mental disorder
>brain literally begins to degrade over years
>medicine exists to slow/stop progression of the disease
>"dont take the pills its a big kike conspiracy :^)"

Never go to Veeky Forums for any practical advice, kids.