ITT: Veeky Forums humor
Veeky Forums humor thread
Other urls found in this thread:
i'll start dumping
Fuck off
>knowing where it came from
last for now
top kek
I uncontrollably laughed at this one.
>The closing bracket is superscripted
It's from the scene where smoke the grass Tyson made up bullshit about Bruno to force meme "hurr durr church be all hate science yo and I ain't like dat"
Not true. We are literally Jayden Smith's Twitter under a Yotsuba theme.
Could be get some classic 2013 quotes?
>including reactions
I find this absolutely repulsive, but I can't quite put my finger on why that is. Could someone explain it to me?
> numerologist
I can't stop laughing
what you thought would be funny actually gave you cancer
I actually agree.
reactions are newfag and reddit tier
Bump, cmon guys, only 2 posters
jesus christ...
is this from EncyclopediaDramatica ? This is gold.
the actual infinite monkey theorem is terribly cringeworthy, im glad you posted this rather than the actual thing
fresh content still on Veeky Forums
I can't believe how old that meme is...
>all thisat design consideration
>still no american game that can rival Germany's Unteralterbach.
omg this got me
This is where the fun starts, for those who didn't know about it.
thanks for the edit
I don't get it.
When will this guy team up with Stephan "not an argument" Molyneux to prosuce a 3-hour long Youtube video so stupid that it requires Von Neumann levels of intellect to refute?
Holy shit my comment made it in a YLYL thread. I'll be damned. That's me
I remember this thread.
It's a technique called western blotting. Staining gel electrophoresis samples with (I think) ethidium bromide. It's also a shit joke.
Jesus fucking Christ. What happened to that last Western
CS students not even once
You have been conditioned by others to hate the big bang theory, and laughtracks by association. You then interpret reactions in the pictures as "visible laughtracks", which disgusts you.
That's whats happening to me anyway. I used to think the reactions were hilarious.
Yeah it's a pretty recent one. I kind of had to edit the second reply back into the thread, since it was deleted by the time I wanted to screenshot it, that's why the first and second replies were seemingly posted at the same time.
>[math] :_) \; ) \; ^) [/math]
brave post
I made the husky reply
you gotta confirm, what were you saying what to?
>Knowing he's correct
Kys yourself
Oh fuck, I remember, in that thread, there are actually people who didn't realize that these were supposed to be ironic and keep defend/bashing them.
>Knowing he's correct
Kys yourself
(Veeky Forums really should have the option to post PDFs like Veeky Forums does so we could post papers directly)
I don't get it.
Looks like they re-discovered integrals
Just the trapezoid rule.
Well, the rectangle-with-a-triangle-on-top rule because they have yet to discover trapezoids.
>tfw the paper has hundreds of citations in their field