NCASH for retards?

Watch this video and tell me this doesnt look like ultra fedora neckbeard level cringe. I mean can you imagine some normie seeing this shit video and thinking to themselves, "damn NCASH look like that?" and acting as if it wasn't some fucking 9 dollar budget on squarespace. There are people actually shilling for this coin on Veeky Forums, did they hire pajeets to shill NCASH or is it some grand conspiracy to pump and get retards to buy so they can dump all over them. You tell me Veeky Forums

Thanks just bought 10k more.

Watch the video faggots!

>ultra fedora neckbeard level cringe

i would eat her butthole for hours

Leftist utopia video, weak low T nice guy, a wise hip black guy who knows the style, an ugly asian as the best that guy supposed to do, etc.

>Leftist utopia video, weak low T nice guy, a wise hip black guy who knows the style, an ugly asian as the best that guy supposed to do, etc.

You smell that?
it's MONEY

> I invest into music videos, wtf is this concept and working product with patented cellphone recognition.

We can't help you.

>1:1 hip to waist ratio

shit taste m8


>oyy gooy big data is good , here's 0.000000000000000000000000000001 shekels , Good Goy


I smell soy.

connect the unconnected nigga

>patented cellphone recognition

>that ugly gook at the end

Most likely directed by some jew whom'st is in film school or just graduated. Hits all of the typical diversity social justice tropes.

you know you would too

Ah yes, continuing the WMAF narrative. I love a good bleaching.

I would pay him in electroneum to smell then describe the smell in haiku digital form, I would then create my own coin called, "sniff coin" with a 100 million market cap, making it extremely exclusive. I would then hire 2 pajeets to make a shitty website and my cousin to shill sniff coin on facebook and instagram, making sure he takes lots of pictures with the sniff coin logo next to wax model celebritites, wait 2 years then dump all plebs and retire with 100 million dollars.


Did someone say fridge?

that ad was genuinely warm and fuzzy and made me feel happy inside.

she better ride cock better than she dances

She doesn't interact with non whites so nothing to concern yourself with pajeet.

Very good sirs, I buy NCASH and link chains for big bags money.

I’d buy sniff coin if you know what I mean

can't believe this actually happened i want to kill myself out of embarrassment

>Nigger cash

This is basically any anime con, and there’s literally dozens every weekend someone where in the United States.

I like the way you think user, your going to go places.