I'll preface this with I DO NOT know Category theory. I am just starting to learn it. I don't really have many people to ask, so hope someone can help.
Here is an example I came across that I get the big idea of but still have some gaps.
First of all I understand Categories satisfy:
A collection of objects that obey,
Composition (associativity)
Identity element
"Arrows" or morphisms from one object to another.
Functors are morphisms between categories.
Let FinSet be the category whose objects are finite sets and arrows are functions.
x is in Ob(FinSe) and suppose x={a,b}
T: FinSet -> FinSet is the functor that takes a set to the set of list on it.
Tx ={(a,b,c),(a,b,b,b,b),...}
Now if you apply T to itself
You get
T(Tx)=T^2={a,b,c; a,a,b,b,b;, ....}
Which is a set of elements that contain a list of list of elements.
From there somehow the example does "Multiplication" to a set that contains just a list of elements {a,b,c, a,a,b,b,b,..}
I have soooo many questions around this. Nothing was properly defined so I have many gaps here.
First question:
1) Are objects categories? Here the object is finite sets and the category also seems to be the exact same collection of finite sets. I thought categories and there objects were distinct? I'm confused by what consist of purely a category and purely objects contained within them.
Second question:
2) What does a "Functor" do in my example? It seems like a function that applies "multiplcation" to itself and since FinSets are a category and since functors are arrows to categories then it satisfies the definition of a functor. But then why even call that a "functor" instead of a function? Seems confusing. This also goes back to my first question, what is the difference between a category and objects inside the category?
PART II next.