Migration index

Is there a index that would indicate how much country take immigrants in a year without suffering social welfare damage?

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first you need a model for the impact of immigrants on social welfare
to do that you first need to model the social welfare function
good luck with that

Im not looking specificly on social welfare, is there any index that would just indicate "This country can take this x of migrants in a year, because they can"

come on guys I need bring BA tomorrow, I need to know how to determine what number migrants can take.

Never heard of such a number and I have no idea how you'd even begin defining something like that. It seems like you'd have to somehow account for difficult-to-measure stuff like in pic related, but hell if I understand what the fuck you're talking about, OP.

Could you phrase the question differently maybe? I don't get what criteria you would use to decide where "social welfare damage" start weighing more than people's ability to move where they want.

usually immigration results in a net balance because immigrants are more prone to creating companies, some of them are more educated than the average local population, and those who aren't basically work jobs no one else wants to do anyway.

Don't let any shitskins in and accept only people from Nordic countries since they really want to work.

source to this?

Of course there is. Do you really think the government statistics department is going to release that info?"
Mr Mig gins arrives in-country and gets processed, generating work for immigration depth etc etc etc.
Like all governments, excess immigration stimulates growth (cough) what it REALLY does is depress wages making companies more profitable.

>earlier waves of American immigration

So the only proven working multicultural societies are when it's all white poeple? Try importing Turks and see how you enjoy 40% sucking the welfare teet their entire lives.

Not that I am aware op but it doesn't really matter much anymore honestly, increasing elderly population, unemployment, debt and sub $13hr jobs are going to be your major factors in social welfare damage (assuming you are talking about social services cost to the government).




Immigration at this point is moot. If you don't believe me check the links below.




It isn't going to be immigration that's going to damage their social welfare this is of course assuming that once again we are talking about social services.

>So the only proven working multicultural societies are when it's all white poeple?
No, we just retroactively label immigrants as white after a few generations.

Immigration - illegal or not grows GDP. Fuck off you ignorant cuckservatives. Don't @ me

all of racism comes from shitty thoughts

all left wing policies are better economically

right wingers do it just because they hate humans and wish to make up for their objective inferiornes

for example: it costs more to treat a homeless person than to buy him a house and give him a job

acuually, giving a homeless a job producess money

>how much country take immigrants in a year without suffering social welfare damage?

inmigrants increase total money

proof: all americasn are inmigrants

oibjectively literally destroyed arsehore foreverer

I know this is bait, but people don't tend to smile on indentured servitude.

buying a house for a poor person is cheaper than keeping him alive

but nobody does this, because people who are middle class think they got everything cause of their own effort and not because someone did this for them aghes ago

Bait? He's completely right. A lot of right wing opinions are based on morals rather than hard logic. this is why most scientists are actually liberals. Veeky Forums are not scientists they are just edgy students.

Some examples
Right wing moral based solution is harsher punishment. Stuff like death penalty has never been shown to reduce the murder rate but we must keep wasting money on this and murdering innocent people just because it "feels right". The liberal method of rehabilitation has been proven to lower recidivism.
As that guy said the obvious answer is to just house them and give them a job. But right wingers feel it's "right" that no-one gets a house for free. So we end up wasting money on crime and medical issues caused by the homeless.
Utter waste of money from any standpoint having to build two sets of bathrooms in every building etc. But it happened because right wingers just "felt good" away from blacks or transsexuals or whatever
Offering amnesties and treatment to people with child porn will bring them out of the woodwork. Harsh punishments and witch hunts just pushes them underground. paedophile =/=child abuser
>Free healthcare
The entire reason why the British started doing it was to increase worker productivity. It wasn't just being "soft" there was clear logic behind it.

>rehabilitation has been proven to lower recidivism.
Doxa, therefore citation needed.

>Conservatives are against housing
Doxa, therefore citation needed.

>Bathroom Segregation
Universal in all cultures, including ancient ones.
It exists for a practical reason.

>P =/= Child abuse
Yes, P does = Child abuse, and if you take part in the concept, then you are part of the abuse.

>The entire reason why the British started doing it was to increase worker productivity.
Doxa, therefore citation needed.

0, it's a question of how much damage you're ok with.

>it's a question of how much damage you're ok with.
yes for example
evil english people invade america: damage done to the environment: several millions

god tier working class mexicans are forced to go to the us and do the real hard work: damage done to us lazyies: all of it

depends on how much damage youre ok with

Look at all those arguments

My counter arguments are sound.
End of line.