Who are the Einsteins of other scientific fields?
Who are the Einsteins of other scientific fields?
>Georg Cantor
Alan Turing
Linus Pauling
>being an einstein
Gregor Mendel
Francis Crick
Euler, Gauss, or Hilbert take your pick.
Is Jacob Barnett the Einstein of physics?
Not even Einstein is the Einstein of physics tbhfam.
So you mean someone who plagiarized all his theories, failed elementary school math and got cucked hundred years later by a child prodigy?
>being this misinformed
Darwin > Mendel
You mean, like a total fraud?
Yes, he is obviously.
Crick > Darwin
Darwin is the Einstein of biology
that's it really, no one cares about chemists
Quantum String Relativity - Barry McCockiner
I'll pick Cantor.
More like
>classical set theory
>Jacob Barnett
The contributions of Alan Turing are more important to humanity than Einstein's and have more impact in your life.
Also underestimating CS while using a complex computer system and network deserves a retarded adward
> filthy CS scum trying to justify its field of study
> thinking that it matters and that you or anyone else on this board will ever make any significant contribution to any field
>replying to newfag who thinks cs is a meme from all the shitposting
>your field
Like you can't study more one
yes I worked on CS
>Trying to justify
not, exactly the oposite, I started to study and research on cs because what I think. If you choose randomly what you learn and then make your opinions based on your field of study, present yourself to the next retarded adward because one isn't enought for you.
*more than one
>Watson and Crick
>Discoverers of DNA
Organic chemistry
Elijah J. Corey
EXPLAIN, please :)
>EXPLAIN, please :)
It's just a /pol/ meme. Not worth explaining.
Newton (fuck Einstein)
>Einstein is not the Einstein of physics
I think you misunderstood the question?
Computationally irreducibly undeniable that Wolfram is the GOAT
Why do you think I misunderstood the question?
No references in the electrodynamics of moving bodies, despite building on the works of numerous people, most notably Lorenz or Lorentz (I don't remember which; the dutch one in any case). He's also an incestuous jew.
0/10 - Not even trying! Step up your game dude.
>Computer science
Joan Clarke
Michael Faraday
John von Neumann
t. computer science undergrad
> I couldn't come up with five female scientists so I will just repeat one of them.
His ancestors killed Jesus.
Physics (Tom Cambell)
>falling for the Marie Curie was a genius meme
Yes. Thanks to the prestige of a Nobel Prize more than a few scientists have thrown all remnants of ethics and also pawned off their moral compasses to have a chance to win.
Wackypedia has a list but there are quite a few more, often known only within their research field.