Drug your'e currently on and your biggest holdings

>Xan (not a regular thing just need a good nights sleep, stressful week)
>ETH/GVT/PRL/OMG/XMR in that order

Hows your night going Veeky Forums?

Marijuana + Nicotine. AMB/HPB. Same amount invested into each.

alcohol marijuana and nicotine


DMT is my drug of choice, though obviously I can't be on it and still be comprehensible on an anonymous lithuanian needle felting bbs. Might make a hyperspace visit later tonight though.


I am not on any drugs because I'm not a sick piece of shit atheist. If you let God in your life you will never have depression.

Coke, allin on FUN.

How often do you blast off?

And get married and have kids you idiots. I'm 28 and already have 2 kids and beautiful wife, life is great. I don't know why this board is obsessed with prostitutes and drugs. Do you want to live a good life or lead a degenerate lifestyle that will only make you more depressed? ffs.

I love God. I used to be an atheist until I took 4 grams of mushrooms.


Low quality bait....
And then you really turn it around, gj




Gabapentine (not addicted, taking for bipolar/anxiety and trying to miss sometimes)

Eth link jnt bto

You are going to make it.

Krokodil & vodka, sitting /comfy/ on bags of Lisk

just ate a 10 strip of LSD
all in on doge coin

almost hourly kush injections to my brain, biggest bag CPChain (in from private sale haven't sold anything)

We need some high performance memes, this shitty chinese marketing has a lot of meme potential.



No matter if you're larping or nor but I hate you.
I do believe in God (muslim) but some types of depression are pure genetics just like schizophrenia. Educate yourself.

OP do you find xans give you fucked up sleep paralysis? me and some of my mates have been getting it after consuming heaps of xans. Im having a break from benzos for awhile.

> Currently on a bump of speed for studying.

XeMR 100procec

Weed beer and kratom

ELA/PFR/NANO/NEO/TNC (highest to lowest % of my portfolio)

And nicotine I guess

Fuck Veeky Forums I'm gonna die early

Gapapentine itself is somewhat addictive but may be used to break the benzo addiction, I mean it eases withdrawal symptoms. I don't promote it but in case you or your friends have problems.

Bho extracted cannabis oil aka wax, btc(21+), link and cardano

>valium (for back pain)
>BTC, ETH, BAT, LINK, NANO (in that order)

kratom, bat, Tezos

No time or energy needs to be wasted on hate user. Le'ts wish him well instead.

Weed at home, coke when out. Holding OMG/NANO/GVT, life is pretty good lately.

5 -7 (lost count lol) Weed gummy bears legally purchased from a dispensary. 300 ETH, 20k COSS

Just caffeine. ICX/OST/LINK/ETH

I do wish him well, my "hate" just means that I do not tolerate his acting or smth like this.
I know many depressed/bipolar/schizo guys, some of them are teens with parents like this and it's hard for them to get medical help, moreover they're being bullied in their own families. Even those who literally has the hallucinations and delusions.

What mg user? Are you nodding out and drooling Joey Diaz style?

Tequila UFR

45 mg. I'm severely baked but i've been eating them every day for a week so i have a high tolerance now.

dexedrine, nicotine, lsd, weed jelly, sipping coffee


Valium bc lord knows I need it with VEN

meth, sold all my crypto in january

Couple times a month. Used to be way more often, but I feel I've reached a saturation point and the urge just doesn't come to me as often anymore. Seems to be a pretty common behavior pattern with psychedelics enthusiasts.

sold for more meth? Great investment!

Weed, Whiskey and Monero.

drug free, my biggest holding is technically btc, because I make my gains doing trading competitions, outside of that 700prl, everything I win I just dump for btc 2 keep winning.

you're gonna make it

Lavender Pax Pod and some Roxy
OMG and HPB going deep into COV (Covesting) while it’s still under the radar as well, should be GVT prices in a few months.



I have FUN, but dropped it off to minor holdings to use on their finished gambling product or gift it to a coworker who used to play backjack online back in the day until his virtual casino was shut down. Lost money attached to it.

Minining XMR and Sumo.

70 ETH

I'm going to dump them all and buy them again cheap. That's how it works, right? Let's do this, GDAX. YEAH.

how are you still conscious enough to post?

I just did coke for the first time about a half hour go.

BTC and LINK are my biggest holdings

The equivalent of Adderall/Ritalin.

Most of my portfolio is NANO - I like to go fast.

fentanyl and xanax
all in on link

>fent, xanax, link
Meme harder

Alcohol currently, LINK/BTC/XMR



Going places