>one chance at life
>bad at maths
I just wanted an engineering degree...
>one chance at life
>bad at maths
I just wanted an engineering degree...
go for one of those engineering degrees that don't require you to do much math
>one chance at life
Please provide evidence for this assertion.
I will accept you killing yourself as a test case.
>engineering degree
Maths, as used in physics and engineering, is largely just a tool; a skill to be learned. All that you need to do is invest time in learning it.
no it's genetic
Maybe for the people that are like 15[math] \sigma [/math] geniuses, for the vast majority of us mathematical maturity is skill that has to be worked at.
Just do industrial.
I was good at English so my maths gene has turned off and I can not recover
>engineering degree
>not much math
What engineering degree doesnt have alot of maths??
What is a lot?
They mostly don't have more than about 4 math courses in four years, two introductory courses in the first semester each. And then sometimes some implementations of algorithms as part of other lectures.
Bioengineering. Become the meme.
No engineering degree has a lot of math. You're just a retard
ayy lmao
fat sperg detected
so what's the issue
I'm sorry that your brainletism is terminal.
>What engineering degree doesnt have alot of maths??
Can any of you people grow out of highschool and realize that math does not equal computations.
Engineering degrees have 0 math because you learn 0 axioms, 0 formal definitions and 0 theorems.
There is a reason they say 'Compute the integral'.
i've taken more math courses than any physics graduate i know. they never took any courses on logic/proofs or fuzzy logic/neural nets
>compute the integral
confirmed for never having been enrolled in an engineering program
I know that feel, user.
Together we can be failures at engineering and physics.
An embodiment of [spoiler]Space Engineers.
I think it is pretty obvious that physicists don't know any math either.
confirmed for never having been enrolled in an engineering program
confirmed for never having been enrolled in an engineering program
>confirmed for never having been enrolled in an engineering program
What do you mean by this? You literally compute integrals, what else do you do with them?
You could literally do all the proofs in the usual calculus book without even knowing a single integration technique, all you need to know is the formal definition of an integral for an arbitrary function.
>i've taken more math courses than any physics graduate
>I went to a university with a bad physics programme, therefore everyone had a bad programme.
I don't really know what your engineering programme was like, but where I was the whole mathematics curriculum was open for physicists to choose from. And yes lots of us took quite a few modules from there.
>bad at maths
Can someone explain this meme to me? Even a seemingly hopeless drug addict could get a PhD in Math if he practices.
It's when people aren't interested enough to put the time and actually learn maths, especially if they are innately slower than other people at solving problems.
>the whole mathematics curriculum was open for physicists to choose from
where can you not choose any course you want to take, besides maybe some esoteric law courses or something?
i'm just saying the whole engr has no math meme is dumb
>i'm just saying the whole engr has no math meme is dumb
I don't disagree with that at all, I wuz just sayin.
Lol, sorry that people on Veeky Forums are not retarded enough to consider calc iii and linear algebra for babby engineers as real math. Engineers are a joke
Real Math takes genius. Calculus and Diff Eq is like playing with blocks in preschool.
>Real math takes genius.
Clearly that excludes you, since you apparently can't follow a comment chain.
nobody working on lockheeds fusion development team is a mathematician. theyre all engineers and physicists. essentially everything important is done by engineers. you've clearly never done any research
>I study real, rigorous math so I can collect garbage and sleep under bridges
>essentially everything important is done by engineers.
This just means you define "important" as the things that engineers do. Empirically improving circuitry over year to build the new iPhone for Apple is "important" then, and cooking up mathematical frameworks that will not be used by engineers is "unimportant"
I hope you're seeing what you're doing with this line of argument.
PS: I'm not part of this conversation, please leave me out of this guys
>Hopefully I'll outplay my next men and become a manager after years in the engineering career so that with 45 I have enough money to buy sex with hotter women
but the framework put forth by mathematicians only becomes important when it's being utilized for important work, whereas the work being done by engineers is essentially always important. if you go apply for positions at national labs, theyre looking for more engineers than scientists, for R&D and basic scientific research positions, and even there "scientists" positions often ask for engineers in addition to physicists
>engineers dont get good starting salaries
ayy lmao
sanitational engineers
Holy shit, shut the fuck up, you fucking faggot. If you want to be a retarded engineer---that's fine, nobody cares. Stop acting like I should give a shit if you are one of the super special lockheed martin engineers!!!1!! Engineering is for dumb people, go be insecure about this somewhere else
>one chance at life
>short height and small penis
what do?
Work on virtual reality so you don't have to spend time in real life with your current body. Or man up and accept your limitations, and try as hard as you can for a proper relationship.
A lot of fun?
Both of you sound insecure.
>mfw mathfags too stupid for engineering or physics degrees aka people who can't understand how the world works even at a basic level are sperging the thread.
Engineering has a lots of applied maths in it. Not pure maths which seems to be the only kind of math Veeky Forums sperglords can understand. Certain mathematical skills are required so you can formulate physics/engineering problems mathematically and you can understand the limitations and the behavior of your mathematical model. If OP sucks cocks at even basic shit then he won't get an engineering degree, for that matter he probably won't even be a good engineer if he can't use math to model and solve problems.
At the usual bsc level indeed engineering math is a basic applied math course so you can start modeling eng./physics problems. However more advanced books are usually cited for further reference for students and deepening your math skills (broadening your understanding of available methods) is usually recommended so you can better understand the implications of a mathematical expression,method, etc..
Indeed results in math research will usually lead to applications which will lead to advancement in fields which using math where applicable. However the answers given in this thread from both sides are show only deliberate misunderstanding of the question.
Mathspergs on Veeky Forums can't understand the question and give shitty self-serving answers while engineers are baiting with shitty baits (or just simply stupid).
I don't understand what people mean when they say they are bad at math or that they cannot do it. Also what does it mean to be a "mathematically minded" person?
Am I led to believe that some people look at equations or mathematical principles and simply do not understand them? I struggle with math but I can work through spivak at a snails pace if I try really hard at it.
It's a related, less severe form of dyslexia where all the symbols are sort of dazzling and difficult to understand. It can affect people who aren't traditionally dyslexic with normal language because mathematical symbols are very grammatically terse and don't leave much context for interpreting their meaning.
Nice to see more talk of the national labs here. I bring them up from time to time
>once chance at life
>Born poor and a brainlet
>The only other person who posted this image in Veeky Forums is also stupid and poor
No, that's just you projecting
>overused buzzword #53