Why don't girls like me? Am at least a 6/10 and I like to Focus on my own Company (which is a startup, No it's not failure) cryptocurrency and Elon Musk. Are you Girls Just looking for a 10/10 or what?
Why don't girls like me? Am at least a 6/10 and I like to Focus on my own Company (which is a startup...
probably not t b h
why do you want girls to like you ?
You're probably too beta. Become more alpha. Or you're just ugly and every single 4/10 girl can get 8/10 guys thanks to Tinder nowadays.
They only care about confidence, which is a proxy for test. Get your test up and stop worrying.
turtlecoin is for fags
Pretty much this. Girls want the top 15-20%
Even if you are 7/10, they will reject you because they get better lays online. The western female bubble is out of control. Only women in poor countries care about beta providers now.
No u
this can't be that true etiher...
i've had 2 GFs, 6.5/10 blonde girl in hs and 7/10 mixed race girl in 2017, and i'm definitely pretty low t. I was 6'2, 145, literal rail skinny lanklet at the time, pretty ugly face, not cool or confident or funny or whatever. i think a lot of the ideas online about "what girls want" are wrong. i don't know what they want but i don't fit any of the stereotypes and it's working fine so far.
you're tall
how many girls are you meeting/know
if the amount is disparate between the two of you i think you have your answer
Things have changed. Nowadays Tinder exists. Everything is instant gratification. Therefore girls have changed. When they can get a 10/10 with minimal effort, why would they start hanging out with a whiny douchebag like yourself?
fuck you and your turtl coin
just be the man, do your thing have fun enjoy life, and bitches want to join you, bitches like to have fun and enjoy life, so if they see you doing it, they will flock.
I have a pretty good social circle with 3 or 4 girls i know pretty well, and then they have their friends, which is how i meet these girls i've dated
You seem boring
turtle fags trying to subtly shill their bags
sorry, no one is touching your shit lol
You sound like a fucking pussy. Maybe you are gay bro.