What do you think
I will link arguments from both sides
What do you think
I will link arguments from both sides
Other urls found in this thread:
>skin color is different
>height is different
>bone formation is different
>brains and IQ are the same
Which of these is not like the other?
This will quickly devolve into a /pol/ tier "blacks r dumb and need purging" discussion. Better keep these threads to /pol/, this board has enough problems as it is.
spotted the redditor
Blacks are dumb, but there's still use for them as long as they know their place.
I'm not saying it's wrong, but it's obviously circular logic.
>iq is predictor of success
>unsuccessful people have low iq
>...because they're unsuccessful
And don't forget, we're talking about averages.
What about smart black people?
Are you claiming they all do better in life than dumb blacks?
Or that they suffered less discrimination?
How's that work?
What about dumb white people?
This is the most disgusting thing I've read on Veeky Forums. Get out, you do not belong on a board for rational discussion.
Daily reminder that IQ tests are bullshit and don't even make any sense
>Veeky Forums
>rational discussion
Now compare white to chinese
It's very clear from the evidence (and has been for decades) that there are real and substantial racial differences in IQ, but there is essentially zero chance that this will be accepted by the public in the near future. It is too awkward a truth for it to be widely discussed. The mere mention of racial differences in intelligence leads to immediate screams of 'racism' and Nazi analogies. It simply isn't worth bringing it up at the moment. People aren't ready for it.
I strongly suspect there is a racial intelligence gap, and a good amount of evidence supports it. I just don't know what to do about it. I guess we can always try our best to get the racial make up of western countries as white as we can.
How do you explain that these differences don't appear in races living in the samw country such as America bit are always only country differences?
How do you explain west germans having higher IQ than East germans despite being genetically the same?
Why not as chinese as you can? The chinese have the highest IQ of all
Because there are plenty of Chinese in China, and I specifically said the western world. Though whites don't have the highest raw average IQ, they've still contributed a significant amount and it would be a shame to lose them.
Just let the chinese spread all over the world. Help to better humanity and spread chinese genes.
>not jewish
Socioeconomic status cheifly influences intellgence.
There's no debate since one side cannot talk for fear of social ostracism.
And since we also ban human genetic modification, current dysgenics will continue until the superchingchongs ( china and japan allow human genetic modification ) steamroll us all.
I guess it was inevitable, humanism is death on historical timescales and we embraced it fully.
> It is too awkward a truth for it to be widely discussed.
Except it's not because academic testing, education obtainment and schooling has been public record for a long time now.
The truth is IQ just doesn't matter in a post automation, post computer world. Outside health care there really isn't even enough jobs to satisfy those with high IQ/academics.
Until strong ai is here for maintaing technological civilisation singlehandedly, we kinda need high IQ individuals, you know.
Lowering the average by one to three standard deviations isn't exactly attractive.
>Socioeconomic status cheifly influences intellgence.
Still waiting to hear how that's not circular logic.
Plenty of people claim "IQ is a predictor of success", then claim "success is a predictor of IQ".
Which is it?
Can we even tell just based on statistics?
>we kinda need high IQ individuals
He's not saying we don't, just that our supply of bright minds outstrips the demand.
Just look at how many people here complain that there just aren't enough STEM jobs for all the qualified STEM people.
That's true you dumbfuck, hence the "cycle" in the term poverty cycle. Ask yourself now why blacks have been set back.
Yeah, because for now the average is 100.
But once the average reach 85 ( sandnigger ) or 65 ( niggers ) due to misgeneation and open borders, come back to me.
>Ask yourself now why blacks have been set back.
Well, given what we've discussed, I could claim that they are poor because they're dumb, OR that they're dumb because they're poor.
Either explanation works in light of correlation between IQ and success,
...but I'm the dumbass.
>But once the average reach 85 ( sandnigger ) or 65 ( niggers )
Re-read his post
>there really isn't even enough jobs to satisfy those with high IQ/academics.
He's not talking about averages.
The point is we need far less high IQ people than we have.
Oh, and the average will always (by definition) be 100. Semantics. Whatever.
Let's use g them, since IQ is semantics.
In the end we both know you're a disingenuous faggot anyway, so it's ok.
what does that article have to do with your assertion?
>le blacks are stupid, wild animals
>le whites are masters
epic thread, simply epic
East Germans are Slavic rape babies you idiot.
haha pc sjws btfo nao!
its funny how the shit eating mods here used to ban people for posting race and iq threads,,, and sometimes they would be irate from chocking on an abnormally large piece of feces and would global ban people... its good to know that these mods have killed themselves, even tho nobody noticed....
this article is very level headed and shows you have to be literally irrational to believe the differences are not genetic
to look at the data and say its not genetic is like watching a game of air hockey and concluding that the law of conservation of momentum is false.........................................................
its literally that glaring
Or they have been enslaved.
They dont make to ppl like you because iq tests measure intelligence
Burn xD
Even if your chart were true, it shows a 10-15 point difference between races of same SES, and a 25-30 point difference of the same race in differing SES. This chart would be proving that SES matters more than race. Yet people always want to focus on race....
Seriously why do you retards post threads like this everyday?
They really think they've figured out a problem that we're just now starting to scratch the surface of, with obscure "articles" and dubious "infographics" that usually originate from people with an agenda.
They can't accept that they were born too early for the answers to the problem of intelligence and genetics. And thus we get these abortion-tier "research questions" on Veeky Forums, whose methods for claiming a result is on par with sociology research, or worse, let alone scientific.
The fact of the matter is that blacks had a slow start compared to whites, in this country overall. That's not remotely up for debate.
The idea that this wouldn't have damning effects in the future is retarded.
>Now compare white to chinese
The IQ difference is as pronounced and when you approach the 90th percentile whites actually overtake Asians.
Of course there is a nurture component (Soviet countries and satellites used to have an advantage relative to the West when tested in mathematics and sciences, discrediting the "rape babies" meme). It alone is not sufficient to explain various differences that persist across socioeconomic strate, however. The hereditary component of intelligence is well-supported by science, and better education can't wholly make up for it. In the face of this evidence crisis the left had to invent unfalsifiable bogeymen like "white privilege" and "patriarchy" to explain away all persistent gaps.
Not him, but:
>The hereditary component of intelligence is well-supported by science
Nobody here doubts that. The problem is you attributing a difference in intelligence between races (if it exists, IQ =/= "intelligence") to genetics, without actual evidence.
>better education can't wholly make up for it
This is an unfalsifiable claim (at least for the time being) influenced by your own agenda. Same thing you accuse the "left" (or 3rd wave feminism/SJWs, which is what /pol/ really means when talking about "leftists") of.
If anything, the fact that there exist black people (I'm moving this argument to what you really want to talk about, white vs black) that have succeeded in their lives and are more intelligent than people of the same "race" as well as whites shows that education can more than make up for the perceived difference in intelligence.
Equating race and heredity 1:1 is a slippery slope. Red hair is highly hertable too, not as heritable as race, but not by an enormous factor.
>Red hair
Let's focus on genociding one thing at a time user.
Because they grew up around other blacks.
The only reason they even had a start is because they grew up in this country.
This is matter of factly not true about this thread.
Here's some great articles going over the evidence for a biological component to the gaps:
Before you make the breathtakingly dumb (and woefully ubiquitous) """"rebuttal"""" that "it's just some guys' website", they go over the actual studies in detail and have them sourced.
They also give an in-depth review of various posited environmental factors:
Well to be fair some racial groups like Europeans and Asians look different but have roughly similar IQs.
>Or they have been enslaved.
Name one.
I'm 51 and even my great grandparents were born after abolition.
Don't forget that many white people of the same era were severely impoverished because they had to compete with slaves for wages.
Originally, the GOP was the "free white working man's party", opposed to slavery because of the economic impact on whites.
>The fact of the matter is that blacks had a slow start compared to whites, in this country overall.
That's just not true.
Lots of immigrants, like my mother's family came to this country with nothing (but children) decades after abolition.
Any black people here with *anything* already had a head start.
*Maybe* blacks faced more discrimination than my eastern-European immigrant ancestors, but good luck quantifying that.
You won't convince anyone from the left with that. They've invented the whole concept of "racial privilege" so they can attribute stories like yours not to personal talent and effort, but to invisible power structures paving ways.
>bone formation is different
The fuck is this shit?
>brains and IQ are the same
And the fuck is this shitty implication?
It's well established that there are differences. There are also well established non-genetic causes that can explain the difference, such as culture, economics, and especially nutrition at a young age. Also, differential exposure to lead as children probably has a huge effect on modern populations. Related:
Yes, there are racial differences, but they are not as important as how we are alike. Now get back in your box and stay there!
Doesn't even mention "lead", judging by a quick text search. It has a throwaway line to "nutrition" as well, when that's actually hugely important and widely studied. Your link is shit.
I'm not taking part in these pseudoscientific circlejerks anymore but I'll repeat one more time that in the UK on average blacks do better than whites in GCSES because the poorest areas in Britain are white, the UK areas with the most welfare recipients are the white ones and that parts of the Caribbean have higher GDPs per capita than most of Eastern Europe. If whites were smarter than blacks then a black country could never be more developed than a white one.
Every time I post this information it just gets ignored in in favour of some unsourced excel graph so enjoy your circlejerk guys
>If whites were smarter than blacks then a black country could never be more developed than a white one.
Unless the wealthiest of whites were investing heavily in the smaller black countries, like they are in the Caribbean.
I don't think that proportions of alleles that are relevant for cognition are evenly distributed across the globe. That said there are intelligent and stupid people of every race and people should be treated as individuals. But we shouldn't be surprised when controlling for the environment we find the stats aren't the same for each group. Let alone do something as dumb as treating them by their skin color to even out the numbers.
Judge people by the content of their character (of which plenty is genetic) but not by the color of their skin.
>stormweenies losing their shit over a 10% difference
>stormweenies can't into basic cause and effect
>stormweenies don't know what a bell curve is
Stop playing the victim card. The reason why it isn't taken seriously is because genes are at best a small factor in intelligence. And here intelligence is a bunch of tests designed by psychologists who's only proof that it means anything is another correlation to success.
Even assuming all this stuff to be true, the only reason people talk about "race" is so they have something to feel proud about. Genetic variance in population means you will find smart people in all races, and the logical eugneicist would use individual testing.
The whole point of this thread is just to bring up this same lame shit. Over and over and over.
>genes are at best a small factor in intelligence.
wrong, users.loni.usc.edu
>the logical eugneicist would use individual testing.
absolutely correct
Post evidence that westerners invest more in Trinidad than Poland. And if that were true Jamaica would be good seeing as it's the most popular tourist destination.
>13,883 in inward flow millions (2014)
pop 38.5 million
360 / person
Trinidad and Tobago
pop 1.3 million
1864 / person
Leave the red heads alone, you mother fucker
>>bone formation is different
>The fuck is this shit?
If you have zero knowledge on a subject, you probably shouldn't post
Based on my experience I'm inclined to agree.
>IQ measures intelligence
Mr. Whitey sure likes to find patterns, but can he find why no one but his friends take him seriously?
>>>bone formation is different
>>The fuck is this shit?
>If you have zero knowledge on a subject, you probably shouldn't post
I think you two are confusing formation (morphology) with formation (ossification).
This is something even creationists would find sound. Why does it end up like this where the liberals are resisting evolution in a more subversive manner than creationists.
Because we base it on facts, not on unsubstantiated prejudice.
Feynman once said that science is about not being fooled, and the easiest person to fool is yourself. Racial biases like this are just part of a superiority complex, aka fooling yourself.
>racial bias exists, therefore any noted racial differences must be an illusion attributable to bias
You're the one shoehorning this straw man narrative and refuse to kill that context.
the only people who come to the UK are the highest of the bellcurve blacks
>intelligence is anything but pattern recognition
>east asians have higher IQ averages than european whites
>european whites still out perform east asians in the production science, math and economics
>northern indigenous populations of the americas have higher IQ averages than blacks (both american/ sub sahara)
>blacks (both american/ sub sahara) still out perform northern indigenous populations of the americas in the production of science, math and economics
That's why user, even when the biology on paper makes it seem like it's "clear cut", in action things turn out differently.
According to those who believe in some "racial hierarchy" the Inuits for example should be producing more than blacks and middle easterners yet the opposite is true despite science showing Inuits have bigger skulls, bigger brains and higher IQs.
>blacks don't beleive in evolution
>whites do beleive in evolution
that alone should tell you white people are retarded
>white people think the earth is spinning on it's axis while orbiting the sun, while flying through the milky way while retreating from the big bang at riduculous speeds
>black people don't concern themselves with such nonsensical fairy tales
>Anons post shitty b8
nice download