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Fucking Autist...

>tfw you know good times are ahead when you see the "Altcoins..." threads

they keep going lower and I keep going deeper

either gonna be a broke faget like I've always been or gonna be retiring very early

You will die in 2025, when BTC hits 1,000,000 yellencoins and you lost all of it on shitcoins.


Pajeet make 100,000,000,000 coins. Pajeet sell 1 coin for $1 to hes brother Pansun Now we have $100,000,000,000 capitalisation. WOW!!!

Oh dear


you post this shit every day you huge faggot

why do you post this everyday faggot

i thought the exact same thing :)

>It's this faggot again.

Look, we all know you can't stand the thought of coins mooning 1000x a year like NEO, so you FUD everything, but can't you just be a little more chill about it? Actually, I take that back, I'd rather let the world see how stupid you are.


How fucking new are you?


this triggers the altcoiner

You're right!



i dont get the point of this cartoon


reddit said Veeky Forums gets good tips on crypto currencies before everyone else

Can someone explain why the fuck there's 1 coin transactions for 0.05$ coins? Is it bots? Manipulation? Wouldn't they lose out on fees?
