Dinner Time

What does Veeky Forums think of my dinner?
Constructive criticism welcome.

Spartan, but you've got all the main bases covered.

Will sustain you, but not necessarily provide optimal nutrition / 10

What does 'spartan' mean in this context?


I have a number of issues with this. First off, cut up hotdogs? Fucking really? Secondly, why have you smothered your fried potatoes in ketchup? Why have cucumber to accompany the rest of your dish? I could have thought of a million vegetables/side dishes that would better accompany your meal, but ultimately, I'd have to prescribe a simple runny shit smeared all over your plate, because that is the level of cooking you are operating on.

>why have you smothered your fried potatoes in ketchup?
Not OP, but fried potatoes are literally the only thing ketchup is good for

Something Master Chief would eat

Nah just kidding, use a fucking dictionary

>cut up hotdogs?
Vienna sausages
>why have you smothered your fried potatoes in ketchup?
See >Why have cucumber to accompany the rest of your dish?
I like cucumber and it was basically the only thing left in my fridge. If I had had lettuce, I would've made a salad.

I can assure you, this is not bait.

needs twice as many veggies, half the potatoes, and mustard instead of ketchup on the weenies

now that we have that out of the way, i would eat it

You absolutely know that this is a crappy meal that doesn't even deserve a photograph, a post, or even a goddamn thread.

put some broken up bacon and sour creme, butter, roll in sugar,salt, on those potatoes. and Vienna sausages, your on your on Not sure about the sugar, but they had it at the Chinese restaurant I think, and it was good. and don't know anything about Vienna sausages our cucumber?

Pretty acceptable dinner DESU. Not amazing and I wouldn't brag about it on facebook or anything, but definitely alright. At least you have some greens in there for fiber and nutrition.

Personally agree with this user , more greens and less potatoes makes it better balanced and I personally like mustard a lot more than ketchup.


Well... I mean, I guess you're eating something so that's good.

I dont like ketchup and i think you cant build a good diet on this kind of stuff but its ok once in a while, i like those childish dishes from time to time too

>five slices of cucumber

I don't eat like this very often. I felt like having something that didn't require too much effort so I made this.

Honestly, the only reason I posted it here is because I thought the amount of ketchup would trigger Veeky Forums. It seemed to have worked.

Six, actually. And I ate about four slices while I carried it to my desk.

I have no complaints. Looks good and simple.

Looks so Scandinavian it hurts



Close enough I guess

meat and potatoes, a true hordesman's meal