Where does time go after we perceive it?
Where does time go after we perceive it?
Where is the past ?
I think it's always there but we can no longer perceive it.
Into the trash
Behind you.
I smoke weed too, and I also like the idea of treating time as a spatial dimension.
But you have to be careful about using time-related words to describe things.
OP, time exists whether we perceive it or not, which is handy because otherwise the universe would never have gotten old enough for us to come along.
If we treat time like a spatial dimension we need names for the two "new" directions.
Not up, down, north, south, east or west.
So the words I'm looking for would be "past" and "future".
>after we perceive it
It goes into our memory.
Right angles from every 3D point in a direction you can't point in.
We move through time like we move through space. We just move in one direction and we have no controle about it. It's not completely irrelevant.
into entropy. otherwise, it doesn't exist and is equally viable to the present
>We just move in one direction
Our memories record the past as moving in 1 direction and that's all we can observe but that doesn't mean it's true. What if the flow of time oscillates or meanders about randomly.
The parts that compose an old book don't go anywhere, they just become the present.
Dumb gorillaposter
>We move through time like we move through space.
>. It's not completely irrelevant.
I never said we don't move through it, just that everything does. There's nothing special about our perception.
And while it's fun to think of it it's like a spatial dimension, beware the use of "always", etc.
My mom likes to say that "all time is simultaneous".
Except that "simultaneous" means " at the same time", so if we're treating time like a spatial dimension, "simultaneous" would mean "located at the same point along the t axis".
Which obviously isn't what she means.
>Dumb gorillaposter
I'm pretty sure gorillaposter is a girl.
At least the original, authentic gorillaposter.
Time is a perceptible dimension, but not a physical dimension.
Did you run out of gorilla pictures?
>where does 1 inch go after I measure 3 inches?
Its always been
>. What if the flow of time oscillates
That word means "varies regularly over time".
Sorry, but you already used up the only temporal dimension earlier in the sentence.
The most practical answer I can give you is Veeky Forums
Where do the numbers go after you stopped counting? Space and time are abstractions without physical existence. They only exist as structural qualities of the information field.
Time doesn't exist. Fuck you.