Does the stoned ape theory have any merit?
Does the stoned ape theory have any merit?
More than the aquatic ape.
I see it as a likely possibility based on personal experiences with marijuana, but, like aliens, I don't scientifically accept it sans evidence.
It has negative merit.
>I don't scientifically accept it sans evidence.
as if you have seen and studied the evidence for the current trendy theory
Do you have literal evidence that Cro Magnon man toked the herb?
Honestly seems like overkill to me.
Most other animals have their own languages, however simple they might be, and all without getting stoned, so there's no reason to expect apes to have to do anything different.
>I see it as a likely possibility based on personal experiences
A teeny, tiny bit.
Please feel free to point to one single species outside of ours that has anything resembling a written language with structure and rules.
literally the only reason this """theory""" is even discussed is because of potheads who share shitty iflscience articles on facebook can have their 2-minute "WE WUZ EVOLUTIONARY MILESTONE!!" moment
No. It isn't even plausible.
>written language =/= spoken language
Are you autistic?
Why isn't it plausible?
Being high promotes the following:
- Wandering
- Creativity
- Change in feelings of hopelessness
- Trying new things
It also stimulates the brain.
It is how we evolved?
Well, I personally think there has to be some explanation for creativity, and since we live on an planet covered in drugs, I don't see it's such an impossible view.
I mean the planet is just covered in teh stuff.
There seems to be some confusion in this thread as to what exactly is being asked about here. If my understanding is correct the stoned we are talking about is from magic mushrooms meaning mushrooms containing psilocybin(not aminita muscaria the red/white mushroom which has a different active chemical).
Humans could have come into contact with these mushrooms as they grow in cow shit. Experiments have been done that show that low doses of magic mushrooms increase visual acuity so if a population of humans accepted the mushrooms into their diet they would be more effective hunters and also able to see predators coming better than a human population who did not accept the mushroom into the diet.
At higher doses there is arousal which leads to sex which leads to more babies. So all other factors being equal the mushroom eating population would out breed the non mushroom eating population.
At again higher doses there is a mind expanding experience which promotes the use of language.
It is a plausible history but there is not evidence that shows this happened.
Because drugs are bad 4 u!
As a reason for the 'evolution' of religion? Sure. Most of today's religions have some basis in the psychedelic experience.
As a reason for the evolution of man? Almost definitely not.
Ancient Egyptians did. There's also cave paintings depicting mushroom-related psychedelia that wouldn't be out of place on a 60s acid rock album cover.
written language = evolved consciousness
Inconsistent unstructured grunts mostly accompanied by body language is not what people are talking about when discussing human language and stoned ape is talking about what separated human ancestors from other less evolved great apes.
has Veeky Forums gone too far?
No one even attempted to mock my post.
This board has good days and very bad days. Today was probably a good day.
>written language = evolved consciousness
Is this some kind of retarded backdoor "niggers aren't people" argument?
Who defines civilization, let alone consciousness, by the invention of writing?
>Ancient Egyptians did.
And were the ancient Egyptians also Cro Magnon?
This would be news to me.
It might also be news to present days Egyptians. Unless stoned.