When does math stop being babby-tier?

when does math stop being babby-tier?

It doesn't.

Whole thing is an overhyped waste of time. Doesn't deserve to be a part of STE.

IRL: Analysis
Veeky Forums: Independent Topology Research


Don't post here again until you're doing triple teichmuller integrals in interuniversal banach space


Personally, DiffEq was the first time I felt like math was challenging since Precal in high school.

not at the undergrad level, that's still a whole load of piss

M stands for medicine

Any type of math becomes babby-tier as soon as you learn it.

>implying soft science goes past high school tier

>being this autistic

Honestly, Algebraic Topology is where it starts getting fun.

>What are you, 8? Tier
Engineer detected. You don't understand how hard these things are.

>Square root of -1
Doesn't exist you idiot.

>Matrix Algebra
You mean...like..algebra? Linear algebra?

>Engineering Major Tier
Lol why is Measure Theory here?
It's babby's first analysis course.

No it isn't

1st or 2nd semester sophomore year. Once you take the proofs class you transition from doing computation and calculus to doing actual math.

This is all over the place. Half the shit in soft sciences don't get done by soft sciences, everything in science and engineering doesn't get done in engineering, and half isn't done in physics until grad school.


he included number theory in the last tier. use your common sense and understand that factoring and prime was meant in its most basic form in the first tier

if you are not in grad school you are not in school

engineers dont do any of that shit

it should be pure math tier or something

engineers use basic trig literally thats it

i was talking to my meche roommate who says he has no idea about ODE's or PDE's past real basic shit. when will the engineers know math meme stop?

> muh annecdotes

>t. 1st year masters student

The chart is wrong and retarded, but obviously dynamical systems, probablity and functional analysis is done in engineering.

Mathematical finance is only done by engineering and sometimes math degrees. It should be a tier below topos and analysis though.


here's your problem. ChemE and EE or nothing.

here's your problem.

t. pure math PhD, 300k starting

Vector calculus and applied linear Algebra in high school? Maybe if you went to Phillips Exeter Academy otherwise, extremely unlikely.

I took a multivariable class in high school that covered vector calculus. It was also taught by a college professor and worth two semesters of credit at any state university.

I don't believe you.


highschool fag here tsking calc next year.

Do they just show you these rules or do they actually show the derivation process to prove why they're true?

Algebraic Topology is Soft Science tier? Why didn't anyone tell me this before? I would have taken Mathematical Finance instead instead of this wasting time studying homology and homotopy!

Derivatives and integrals are sorta inverse operations (though that's a theorem, and it might not be helpful to just see integration as the opposite of differentiation). All those rules are the reverse of rules of differentiation, which can be derived easily enough.

You only need the first four rows for high school anyway, so don't worry about it.

Probably almost none will be proved.

Maybe the power rule and chain rule.

post calc 3/linear algebra personally

>not post analysis

I'm EE grad student, and I have no idea about ODE and PDE (even basic shit).
I want to learn about that at least before I graduate though.

>all of combinatorics in one area


What branches of math can I apply my knowledge of trigonometry? I love simplifying things down to A*sin(jews).



>IQ of 140
>Studying IT-Engineering
>Niggas so good we above that chart

I did vector calculus in year 12 and linear algebra in year 11.
Not that strange desu. Obviously not as rigorously as you do it in first year but it covers most of the subject.

Anything below symplectic/contact manifold analysis and geometric quantization desu

Take your pedophile cartoons back to .

High school tier with bits and pieces from soft science maajor tier

t. MSc in Chemistry

Why are there people in Veeky Forums who do not watch anime?

Do you know what this fucking website stands for?

Do you know why it was created?

Do you know that the mascot is the main character from a popular manga called Yotsubato?

This is the same problem as Problem 5.9 in BBS.

pic related

multivariate calc is only worth a single semester's credit at any uni I've ever heard of, so why would it be worth two for a high school class? If you are going to make shit up, put a bit more effort into it.

Wow really? Only a single credit? At my CC it was 3 credit.

>not having "Qualuudes" at the very bottom along with leonardo dicaprios face just grinning at you.

>Communitive Algebra

t. Engineer