Buying VEN was the worst decision of my life
Buying VEN was the worst decision of my life
i sold like a week before the rebrand and was regretting it until the rebrand actually happened
so glad i got out
it's the 2nd worst
the worst will be selling it at the absolute bottom
blockchain diapers
blockchain cereal
blockchain nose clippers
What do you expect dumbass
Sorry user, this is painful to watch
poorly shooping the logo was the 2nd
Suck my balls OP.
In OP's defence it's probably not easy shooping with a rope around your neck
Idiots, just give it awhile. They have a working product and a partnership with BMW. It’ll hit ATH in a month
Really makes me think why you make this and a myriad of other FUD posts using the exact same texts and images every single day
What could you gain from this?
Lmao I made this actually on my iphone. Never thought I'd see anyone else use it.
Poor me bought at $4 and sold at $8.41. That's what you get for being greedy ya schmuck....
Jesus, I just checked on this and I don't think I've seen something this bad since last September. It's gushing blood while everything's stabilized. Legit might pick some up on the dead cat bounce, cause this shit is either gonna correct hard to go back to 20c each.
Bought at $1,50 and became to greedy, I think I want to get out now. The problem is I don't know what to buy now. So many shitcoins. Ethereum seems like a safe bet now it's been relatively low for a while and might see some gains after bitcoins finishes it's little run. Thoughts?
you must be having a pretty boring and pathetic life soyboy redittard
how is ethereum relatively low? it's still above $500
no OP, buying VEN in 2018 was the worst decision
Is Ven a meme? Is this not going to go back up again? Does it have actual uses?
Ven will it stop?
i told you guys this was a Fucking piece of shit,. i made daily threads yet you didn't listen.
Fucking piece of shit.
Why is this dropping? What use does it have? Can we expect it to rise again?
Look at the bright side, at least you didn't buy DBC.
>Why is this dropping?
"sell le news" people dumped, many other people panicked at the falling price and dumped as well leading to a continuing chain reaction that is still ongoing.
Totally irrational but self fulfilling prophecy at work.
The chart is looking good, entering bull market again. I don't think it's going sub $800 unless Vitalik dies.
So much fud , comfy bought in at $2 not even worried. This gonna one of the biggest gainers of 2018
Almost the entire altcoin market was overhyped/overbought after the last bitcoin boom. Cryptonoobs who got into crypto after hearing about bitcoin in the news (most of you), decided that bitcoin was too expensive and bought altcoins instead.
Almost none of these altcoins deserved a 10x+ increases in price, and many barely even had a product. A correction was bound to occur.
Bought in at 1.20 sold at 8.40.
Put it all into walton. You can call me a salty Waltie I don't care I just think Walton will beat ven in the long run, just my opinion though.
it’s going to be THE biggest gainer of 2018 guaranteed
buy xmr and wait for market evaluation ~2 years very easy
go with your gut
ur second brain aka gut flora is unworthy
Saltie waltie